Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
Publication Venue For
- 10 years of Elsevier/JQSRT awards. 200:A1-A2. 2017
- HITRAN Application Programming Interface (HAPI): A comprehensive approach to working with spectroscopic data. 177:15-30. 2016
- HITRANonline: An online interface and the flexible representation of spectroscopic data in the HITRAN database. 177:4-14. 2016
- The implementation of non-Voigt line profiles in the HITRAN database: H2 case study. 177:75-91. 2016
- Special issue honoring three great contributors and mentors in high-resolution molecular spectroscopy: Jean-Marie Flaud, Claude Camy-Peyret, and Alain Barbe. 113:821-824. 2012
- 50 years of JQSRT: Milestone papers. 111:1455-1458. 2010
- A note on a pioneering work in quantitative spectroscopy: UV bands of the hydroxyl radical. 111:1514-1515. 2010
- A story of a seminal line-shape paper. 111:1461-1462. 2010
- The evolution and impact of the HITRAN molecular spectroscopic database. 111:1565-1567. 2010
- Virtual atomic and molecular data centre. 111:2151-2159. 2010
- Special issue on planetary atmospheres. 109:881. 2008
International Standard Serial Number (issn)
- 0022-4073