Ackerson, Michael
Research Geologist
Selected Publications
Trail, Dustin, Chowdhury, Wriju, Tailby, Nicholas D., and Ackerson, Michael R. 2024. "Ce and Eu anomalies in zircon as indicators of oxygen fugacity in subsolidus systems ." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 369 93–110. .
Schoonover, Erik J., Ackerson, Michael R., Garber, Joshua M., Smye, Andrew J., Kylander-Clark, Andrew R., and Reimink, Jesse R. 2024. "Snapshots of magmatic evolution revealed by zircon depth profiling ." Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 647. .
Troch, Juliana, Huber, Christian, Kueter, Nico, Guillong, Marcel, Ackerson, Mike, Ulmer, Peter, and Bachmann, Olivier. 2024. "The effect of water on alkali trace element diffusion (Li, Rb, Cs) in silicic melts ." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 365 101–113. .
Ague, Jay J., Keller, Duncan S., Ackerson, Michael R., and Holycross, Megan. 2024. "Titanium Substitutions in Garnet at Magmatic, Granulite Facies, and High-Pressure Granulite Facies Conditions ." American Mineralogist , .
Brückel, Karoline, Lundstrom, Craig Campbell, Ackerson, Michael R., and Campe, Christopher. 2023. "Testing the Limits of Ti-in-Quartz Thermometry and Diffusion Modelling to Determine the Thermal History of the Fish Canyon Tuff ." Journal of Petrology , 64, (12). .
Guice, George L., Miocevich, Sophie R., Huges, Hannah S. R., McDonald, Iain, Goodenough, Kathryn M., Ackerson, Michael R., MacDonald, John M., and Faithfull, John W. 2022. "Origin of ultramafic-mafic bodies on the Isles of Lewis and Harris (Scotland, UK): Constraints on the Archean-Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Lewisian Gneiss Complex, North Atlantic Craton ." Precambrian Research , 369. .
Guice, George L., Magalhaes, Joana Reis, Piacentini Pinheiro, Marco Aurelio, Ramos Ferreira, Raianny Carolini, Meira, Vinicius Tieppo, Melo-Silva, Paola, and Ackerson, Michael R. 2022. "Spinel-group minerals as a record of magmatic and metamorphic processes: evidence from the highly altered Morro do Onca ultramafic suite, Sao Francisco Craton (Brazil)." Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology , 177, (3). .
Ayers, John C., Flanagan, Daniel, Miller, Calvin, Watson, E. B., Ryerson, F. J., Wallrich, Blake, and Ackerson, Michael. 2022. "The solubility of titanite in silicate melt determined from growth and dissolution experiments." Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology , 177, (3). .
Ackerson, Michael R., Trail, D., and Buettner, J. 2021. "Emergence of peraluminous crustal magmas and implications for the early Earth ." Geochemical Perspectives Letters , 17 50–54. .
Capriolo, Manfredo, Marzoli, Andrea, Aradi, Laszlo E., Ackerson, Michael R., Bartoli, Omar, Callegaro, Sara, Dal Corso, Jacopo, Ernesto, Marcia, Vasconcellos, Eleonora M. Gouvea, De Min, Angelo, Newton, Robert J., and Szabo, Csaba. 2021. "Massive methane fluxing from magma-sediment interaction in the end-Triassic Central Atlantic Magmatic Province ." Nature Communications , 12, (1). .
Guice, George L., Ackerson, Michael R., Holder, Robert M., George, Freya R., Browning-Hanson, Joseph F., Burgess, Jerry L., Foustoukos, Dionysis I., Becker, Naomi A., Nelson, Wendy R., and Viete, Daniel R. 2021. "Suprasubduction zone ophiolite fragments in the central Appalachian orogen: Evidence for mantle and Moho in the Baltimore Mafic Complex (Maryland, USA) ." Geosphere , 17, (2) 561–581. .
Farfan, Gabriela A., Rakovan, John, Ackerson, Michael R., Andrews, Benjamin J., and Post, Jeffrey E. 2021. "The origin of trapiche-like inclusion patterns in quartz from Inner Mongolia, China." American Mineralogist , 106, (11) 1797–1808. .
Davies, J. H. F. L., Marzoli, A., Bertrand, H., Youbi, N., Ernesto, M., Greber, N. D., Ackerson, Michael, Simpson, G., Bouvier, A-S, Baumgartner, L., Pettke, T., Farina, F., Ahrenstedt, H. V., and Schaltegger, U. 2021. "Zircon petrochronology in large igneous provinces reveals upper crustal contamination processes: new U-Pb ages, Hf and O isotopes, and trace elements from the Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP) ." Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology , 176, (1) 9. .
Ackerson, Michael R., Cody, George D., and Mysen, Bjorn O. 2020. "29 Si solid state NMR and Ti K -edge XAFS pre-edge spectroscopy reveal complex behavior of Ti in silicate melts ." Progress in Earth and Planetary Science , 7, (1) Article 14. .
Ackerson, Michael R. and Mysen, Bjorn O. 2020. "Experimental observations of TiO2 activity in rutile-undersaturated melts ." American Mineralogist , 105, (10) 1547–1555. .
Cody, George D., Ackerson, Michael, Beaumont, Carolyn, Foustoukos, Dionysis, Le Losq, Charles, and Mysen, Bjorn O. 2020. "Revisiting water speciation in hydrous alumino-silicate glasses: A discrepancy between solid-state 1 H NMR and NIR spectroscopy in the determination of X-OH and H2 O ." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 285 150–174. .