Carney, Jenny
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center staff
Selected Publications
Drake, Lisa A., Bailey, Sarah A., Brydges, Torben, Carney, Katharine J., Ruiz, Gregory M., Bayly-Stark, Jason, Drillet, Guillaume, and Everett, Richard A. 2021. "Design and installation of ballast water sample ports: Current status and implications for assessing compliance with discharge standards ." Marine pollution bulletin , 167. .
Soler-Figueroa, Brenda M., Fontaine, Diana N., Carney, Katharine J., Ruiz, Gregory M., and Tamburri, Mario N. 2020. "Characteristics of global port phytoplankton and implications for current ballast water regulations ." Marine pollution bulletin , 155 Article 111165. .
Darling, John A., Martinson, John, Pagenkopp Lohan, Katrina M., Carney, Katharine J., Pilgrim, Erik, Banerji, Aabir, Holzer, Kimberly K., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2020. "Metabarcoding quantifies differences in accumulation of ballast water borne biodiversity among three port systems in the United States ." Science of The Total Environment , 749 Article 141456. .
Rey, Anais, Carney, Katharine J., Quinones, Luz E., Lohan, Katrina M. Pagenkopp, Ruiz, Gregory M., Basurko, Oihane C., and Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara. 2019. "Environmental DNA Metabarcoding: A Promising Tool for Ballast Water Monitoring." Environmental science & technology , 53, (20) 11849–11859. .
First, Matthew R., Drake, Lisa A., Molina, Vanessa, Moser, Cameron S., Robbins-Wamsley, Stephanie H., Riley, Scott C., Buckley, Earle N., Cangelosi, Allegra A., Carney, Katharine J., Johengen, Thomas H., Purcell, Heidi, Reavie, Euan D., Smith, G. Jason, and Tamburri, Mario N. 2018. "A test of the framework designed to evaluate compliance monitoring devices for ballast water discharge ." Management of Biological Invasions , 9, (4) 505–513. .
Darling, John A., Martinson, John, Gong, Yunguo, Okum, Sara, Pilgrim, Erik, Lohan, Katrina M. Pagenkopp, Carney, Katharine J., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2018. "Ballast Water Exchange and Invasion Risk Posed by Intracoastal Vessel Traffic: An Evaluation Using High Throughput Sequencing ." Environmental Science & Technology , 52, (17) 9926–9936. .
Batista, William R., Fernandes, Flavio C., Neves, Maria H. C. B., Nascimento, Thiana S., Lopes, Rosangela S. C., Lopes, Claudio C., Ziegler, Gregory P., Soler-Figueroa, Brenda, Sparks, Darrick, Fontaine, Diana N., Carney, Katharine J., Quiñones-Oquendo, Luz E., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2018. "Synthetic lipids as a biocide candidate for disinfection of ballast water ." Marine pollution bulletin , 137 702–710. .
Carney, Katharine J., Minton, Mark S., Holzer, Kimberly K., Miller, A. W., McCann, Linda D., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2017. "Evaluating the combined effects of ballast water management and trade dynamics on transfers of marine organisms by ships ." PloS One , 12, (3) 1–20. .
Pagenkopp Lohan, Katrina M., Fleischer, Robert C., Carney, Katharine J., Holzer, Kimberly K., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2017. "Molecular characterisation of protistan species and communities in ships’ ballast water across three U.S. coasts ." Diversity and Distributions , 23, (6) 680–691. .
Davidson, Ian C., Minton, Mark S., Carney, Katharine J., Miller, A. W., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2017. "Pioneering patterns of ballast treatment in the emerging era of marine vector management ." Marine Policy , 78 158–162. .
Holzer, Kimberly K., Muirhead, Jim R., Minton, Mark S., Carney, Katharine J., Miller, A. W., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2017. "Potential effects of LNG trade shift on transfer of ballast water and biota by ships ." Science of The Total Environment , 580 1470–1474. .
Pagenkopp Lohan, K. M., Fleischer, Robert C., Carney, K. J., Holzer, Kimberly K., and Ruiz, Gregory M. 2016. "Amplicon-Based Pyrosequencing Reveals High Diversity of Protistan Parasites in Ships' Ballast Water: Implications for Biogeography and Infectious Diseases." Microbial ecology , 71, (3) 530–542. .
Carney, Katharine J., Basurko, Oihane C., Pazouki, Kayvan, Marsham, Sara, Delany, Jane E., Desai, D. V., Anil, A. C., and Mesbahi, Ehsan. 2013. "Difficulties in obtaining representative samples for compliance with the Ballast Water Management Convention ." Marine Pollution Bulletin , 68, (1/2) 99–105. .