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Collins, Martin

Former Curator

History of post-World War II science and technology; history and culture of communications satellites; globalization; oral history and archives.

Background And Education

Education And Training

International Audience Summary Of Expertise

  • Martin Collins is a curator of civilian application satellites at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, where he curates the civil applications satellites collection, which includes weather, remote sensing, and communications satellites and related technology. His recent work has explored the use of new media for exhibitions and other museum presentations. Martin is also the head of the division’s Oral History Project.

    In 2012, a fortuitous trip to the Palestinian Territories led Martin to partnering with non-profit Al-Nayzak to create STEP, the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program, that brings STEM education and outreach to Palestinian high school students.

    After receiving his B.A. from the University of Michigan, Martin earned an M.A., M.L.S., and Ph.D. in History of Science and Technology from the University of Maryland. Read more . . .


Selected Publications

Collection Or Series Editor For

Editor Of

