Crosier, Adrienne
Cheetah Biologist
Understanding basic and comparative wildlife reproductive physiology and implementation of assisted reproductive technologies.
Background And Education
Education And Training
Awards And Honors
- Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Award, conferred by Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Awards, 2020
Public Biography
My current research focuses are: 1) developing and utilizing assisted reproductive technologies for improved carnivore reproduction; 2) understanding management-based causes of infertility in captive-held carnivores; 3) improving management and health for more efficient reproduction, and 4) evaluating the comparative reproduction, genomics and health of ex situ and wild cheetahs.
We are currently conducting numerous research projects on cheetahs and black-footed ferrets including investigation into gastrointestinal microbiomes; assisted reproduction including artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization/embryo transfer; short-term reproductive suppression; and investigation of poor fertility due to abnormal reproductive microbiomes. In addition to managing six keeper staff, I work with and train graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and interns, while pursuing my own research interests in ovarian function, pregnancy and assisted reproduction.
I have been the SSP Program Leader for cheetahs since 2014, guiding the management of the 350+ cheetahs in the SSP. In 2012, I was instrumental in the formation of the Breeding Centers Coalition Group (BCC). The BCC works to increase husbandry knowledge and expertise, as well as cub production, by sharing information and improving collaboration across the 10 breeding centers. The group regularly discusses high priority management, husbandry, and breeding challenges and has worked together to generate a larger number of cubs produced annually to increase effective population size, and stability and growth in the overall cheetah population.
Research And Grants
Co-principal Investigator On
Investigator On
Selected Publications
- Bovell, Rhasaan T. M., Comizzoli, Pierre, Nagashima, Jennifer B., Santiestevan, Jenny, Crosier, Adrienne E., and Place, Ned J. 2025. "Anti-Müllerian Hormone Concentration Measured Before Gonadotropin Stimulation is Associated with Quality of Subsequent Ovarian Response in the Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and Domestic Cat (Felis catus)." Biology of reproduction, 2025
- Bornbusch, Sally L., Bamford, Alexandra, Thacher, Piper, Crosier, Adrienne, Marinari, Paul, Bortner, Robyn, Garelle, Della, Livieri, Travis, Santymire, Rachel, Comizzoli, Pierre, Maslanka, Michael, Maldonado, Jesús E., Koepfli, Klaus-Peter, Muletz-Wolz, Carly, and DeCandia, Alexandra L. 2024. "Author Correction: Markers of fertility in reproductive microbiomes of male and female endangered black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes)." Communications Biology, 7, (1). 2024
- Tennenbaum, Stavi R., Bortner, Robyn, Lynch, Colleen, Santymire, Rachel, Crosier, Adrienne, Santiestevan, Jenny, Marinari, Paul, Pukazhenthi, Budhan S., Comizzoli, Pierre, Hawkins, Melissa T. R., Maldonado, Jesús E., Koepfli, Klaus-Peter, VonHoldt, Bridgett M., and DeCandia, Alexandra L. 2024. "Epigenetic changes to gene pathways linked to male fertility in ex situ black-footed ferrets." Evolutionary Applications, 17, (1). 2024
- Bornbusch, Sally L., Crosier, Adrienne, Gentry, Lindsey, Delaski, Kristina M., Maslanka, Michael, and Muletz-Wolz, Carly. 2024. "Fecal microbiota transplants facilitate post-antibiotic recovery of gut microbiota in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)." Communications Biology, 7, (1). 2024
- Bornbusch, Sally L., Bamford, Alexandra, Thacher, Piper, Crosier, Adrienne, Marinari, Paul, Bortner, Robyn, Garelle, Della, Livieri, Travis, Santymire, Rachel, Comizzoli, Pierre, Maslanka, Michael, Maldonado, Jesús E., Koepfli, Klaus-Peter, Muletz-Wolz, Carly, and DeCandia, Alexandra L. 2024. "Markers of fertility in reproductive microbiomes of male and female endangered black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes)." Communications Biology, 7, (1) 224. 2024
- DeCandia, Alexandra L., Adeduro, Laura, Thacher, Piper, Crosier, Adrienne, Marinari, Paul, Bortner, Robyn, Garelle, Della, Livieri, Travis, Santymire, Rachel, Comizzoli, Pierre, Maslanka, Michael, Maldonado, Jesús E., Koepfli, Klaus-Peter, Muletz-Wolz, Carly, and Bornbusch, Sally L. 2023. "Gut bacterial composition shows sex-specific shifts during breeding season in ex situ managed black-footed ferrets." Journal of Heredity, 2023
- Koester, Diana C., Maly, Morgan A., Putman, Sarah, Edwards, Katie L., Meeks, Karen, and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2022. "An Investigation of Ovarian and Adrenal Hormone Activity in Post-Ovulatory Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)." Animals, 12, (7). 2022
- Crosier, Adrienne E., Byron, M. J., and Comizzoli, Pierre. 2022. "Connecting the spots: Understanding cheetah reproduction to improve assisted breeding and population management." Theriogenology, 185 70–77. 2022
- Maly, Morgan A., Edwards, Katie L., Farin, Charlotte E., Koester, Diana C., and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2021. "Assessing puberty in female cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) via faecal hormone metabolites and body weight." Reproduction Fertility and Development, 2021
- Yu, Jennifer H., Papich, Mark G., Torres, Rodrigo Garces, Emerson, Jessica, Kinney, Matthew E., Helmick, Kelly, Crosier, Adrienne, Sanchez, Carlos R., and Murray, Suzan. 2021. "Cefovecin pharmacokinetics after single-dose intramuscular administration in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)." Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics, 2021
- Pukazhenthi, Budhan, Songsasen, Nucharin, Brown, Janine, Comizzoli, Pierre, Crosier, Adrienne, Hagedorn, Mary, Gratwicke, Brian, Pitt, William, and Monfort, Steven. 2020. "David E. Wildt-An Inspiring Leader in the Conservation of Wild Species." Journal of Heredity, 111, (4) 414–416. 2020
- Crosier, Adrienne E., Lamy, Julie, Bapodra, Priya, Rapp, Suzi, Maly, Morgan, Junge, Randy, Haefele, Holly, Ahistus, Jason, Santiestevan, Jenny, and Comizzoli, Pierre. 2020. "First Birth of Cheetah Cubs from In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer." Animals, 10, (10). 2020
- Byron, Michael J., Koester, Diana C., Edwards, Katie L., Mozdziak, Paul E., Farin, Charlotte E., and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2020. "Immunoglobulin J chain as a non-invasive indicator of pregnancy in the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)." PloS One, 15, (2) Article e0225354. 2020
- Ferraz,Marcia de Almeida Monteiro Melo, Nagashima, Jennifer Beth, Noonan, Michael James, Crosier, Adrienne E., and Songsasen, Nucharin. 2020. "Oviductal Extracellular Vesicles Improve Post-Thaw Sperm Function in Red Wolves and Cheetahs." International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, (10). 2020
- Weiner, Halli S., Crosier, Adrienne E., and Keefer, Carol L. 2019. "Analysis of metabolic flux in felid spermatozoa using metabolomics and 13C-based fluxomics." Biology of reproduction, 100, (5) 1261–1274. 2019
- Thuwanut, Paweena, Brown, Janine L., Comizzoli, Pierre, and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2019. "Responsiveness of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) ovary to exogenous gonadotropins after preemptive oral progestin treatment." Theriogenology, 138 39–46. 2019
- Maly, Morgan A., Edwards, Katie L., Farin, Charlotte E., Koester, Diana C., and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2018. "Assessing puberty in ex situ male cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) via fecal hormone metabolites and body weights." General and comparative endocrinology, 268 22–33. 2018
- Alves, Sara, Joyner, Priscilla, Aitken-Palmer, Copper, Crosier, Adrienne, and Ware, Lisa. 2018. "Full-term Pregnancy with Vaginal Birth Following Dystocia and Caesarean Section in Two Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)." Veterinary Record Case Reports, 6, (2). 2018
- Place, Ned J., Crosier, Adrienne E., Comizzoli, Pierre, Nagashima, Jennifer B., Haefele, Holly, Schmidt-Küntzel, Anne, and Marker, Laurie L. 2017. "Age-associated and deslorelin-induced declines in serum anti-Müllerian hormone concentrations in female cheetahs, Acinonyx jubatus." General and comparative endocrinology, 250 54–57. 2017
- Crosier, Adrienne E., Comizzoli, Pierre, Koester, Diana C., and Wildt, David E. 2017. "Circumventing the natural, frequent oestrogen waves of the female cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) using oral progestin (Altrenogest)." Reproduction Fertility and Development, 29, (8) 1486–1498. 2017
- Koester, Diana C., Freeman, Elizabeth W., Wildt, David E., Terrell, Kimberly A., Franklin, Ashley D., Meeks, Karen, and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2017. "Group management influences reproductive function of the male cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)." Reproduction, fertility, and development, 29, (3) 496–508. 2017
- Koester, Diana C., Wildt, David E., Maly, Morgan, Comizzoli, Pierre, and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2017. "Non-invasive identification of protein biomarkers for early pregnancy diagnosis in the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)." PloS One, 12, (12) 1–21. 2017
- Koester, Diana C., Wildt, David E., Brown, Janine L., Meeks, Karen, and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2017. "Public Exposure and Number of Conspecifics have no Influence on Ovarian and Adrenal Activity in the Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)." General and comparative endocrinology, 243 120–129. 2017
- Terrell, Kimberly A., Crosier, Adrienne E., Wildt, David E., O'Brien, Stephen J., Anthony, Nicola M., Marker, Laurie, and Johnson, Warren E. 2016. "Continued decline in genetic diversity among wild cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) without further loss of semen quality." Biological Conservation, 200 192–199. 2016
- Franklin, Ashley D., Schmidt-Küntzel, Anne, Terio, Karen A., Marker, Laurie L., and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2016. "Serum Amyloid A Protein Concentration in Blood is Influenced by Genetic Differences in the Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)." The Journal of Heredity, 107, (2) 115–121. 2016
- Franklin, Ashley D., Crosier, Adrienne E., Vansandt, Lindsey M., Mattson, Elliot, and Xiao, Zhengguo. 2015. "Induction of Cytokine Production in Cheetah (Acinonyx Jubatus) Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and Validation of Feline-Specific Cytokine Assays for Analysis of Cheetah Serum." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 46, (2) 306–313. 2015
- Koester, Diana C., Freeman, Elizabeth W., Brown, Janine L., Wildt, David E., Terrell, Kimberly A., Franklin, Ashley D., and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2015. "Motile Sperm Output by Male Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) Managed Ex Situ Is Influenced by Public Exposure and Number of Care-Givers." PloS One, 10, (9) 1–21. 2015
- Stewart, Rosemary A., Crosier, Adrienne E., Pelican, Katharine M., Pukazhenthi, Budhan S., Sitzmann, Brandon D., Porter, Tom E., Wildt, David E., Ottinger, Mary Ann, and Howard, JoGayle. 2015. "Progestin priming before gonadotrophin stimulation and AI improves embryo development and normalises luteal function in the cat." Reproduction Fertility and Development, 27, (2) 360–371. 2015
- Brown, M. E., Converse, S. J., Chandler, J. N., Crosier, A. L., Lynch, Warren E., Wildt, David E., Keefer, C. L., and Songsasen, Nucharin. 2015. "Time within reproductive season, but not age or inbreeding coefficient, affects seminal and sperm quality in the whooping crane (Grus americana)." Reproduction Fertility and Development, 29, (2) 294–306. 2015
- Brickner, Katrina M., Grenier, Martin B., Crosier, Adrienne E., and Pauli, Jonathan N. 2014. "Foraging plasticity in a highly specialized carnivore, the endangered black-footed ferret." Biological Conservation, 169 1–5. 2014
- Terrell, Kimberly A., Wildt, David E., Anthony, Nicola M., Bavister, Barry D., Leibo, S. P., Penfold, Linda M., Marker, Laurie L., and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2012. "Different patterns of metabolic cryo-damage in domestic cat (Felis catus) and cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) spermatozoa." Cryobiology, 64, (2) 110–117. 2012
- Stewart, Rosemary A., Pelican, Katharine M., Crosier, Adrienne E., Pukazhenthi, Budhan S., Wildt, David E., Ottinger, Mary Ann, and Howard, JoGayle. 2012. "Oral Progestin Priming Increases Ovarian Sensitivity to Gonadotropin Stimulation and Improves Luteal Function in the Cat." Biology of reproduction, 87, (6) 137. 2012
- Dehnhard, M., Finkenwirth, C., Crosier, Adrienne E., Penfold, Linda M., Ringleb, J., and Jewgenow, K. 2012. "Using PGFM (13, 14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2a) as a non-invasive pregnancy marker for felids." Theriogenology, 77, (6) 1088–1099. 2012
- Terrell, Kimberly A., Wildt, David E., Anthony, Nicola M., Bavister, Barry D., Leibo, Stanley P., Penfold, Linda M., Marker, Laurie L., and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2011. "Glycolytic Enzyme Activity Is Essential for Domestic Cat (Felis catus) and Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Sperm Motility and Viability in a Sugar-Free Medium." Biology of reproduction, 84, (6) 1198–1206. 2011
- Crosier, Adrienne E., Comizzoli, Pierre, Baker, Tomas, Davidson, Autumn, Munson, Linda, Howard, JoGayle, Marker, Laurie L., and Wildt, David E. 2011. "Increasing Age Influences Uterine Integrity, but Not Ovarian Function or Oocyte Quality in the Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)." Biology of reproduction, 85, (2) 243–253. 2011
- Terrell, Kimberly A., Wildt, David E., Anthony, Nicola M., Bavister, Barry D., Leibo, Stanley P., Penfold, Linda M., Marker, Laurie L., and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2011. "Oxidative Phosphorylation Is Essential for Felid Sperm Function, but Is Substantially Lower in Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Compared to Domestic Cat (Felis catus) Ejaculate." Biology of reproduction, 85, (3) 473–481. 2011
- Terrell, Kimberly A., Wildt, David E., Anthony, N., Bavister, B. D., Leibo, S. P., Penfold, Linda M., Marker, L. L., and Crosier, Adrienne E. 2010. "Evidence for Compromised Metabolic Function and Limited Glucose Uptake in Spermatozoa from the Teratospermic Domestic Cat (Felis catus) and Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)." Biology of Reproduction, 83, (5) 833–841. 2010
- Comizzoli, Pierre, Crosier, Adrienne E., Songsasen, Nucharin, Szykman, Micaela, Howard, JoGayle, and Wildt, David E. 2009. "Advances in reproductive science for wild carnivore conservation." Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44 47–52. 2009
- Crosier, Adrienne E., Henghali, Josephine N., Howard, JoGayle, Pukazhenthi, Budhan S., Terrell, Kimberly A., Marker, Laurie L., and Wildt, David E. 2008. "Improved Quality of Cryopreserved Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Spermatozoa after Centrifugation Through Accudenz." Journal of Andrology, 30, (3) 298. 2008
- Pukazhenthi, Budhan S., Santymire, Rachel, Crosier, Adrienne E., Howard, JoGayle, and Wildt, David E. 2007. "Challenges in cryopreserving endangered mammal spermatozoa: morphology and the value of acrosomal integrity as markers of cryo-survival." Society for Reproduction and Fertility (Supplement), 65 433–446. 2007
- Crosier, Adrienne E., Marker, Laurie, Howard, JoGayle, Pukazhenthi, Budhan S., Henghali, Josephine N., and Wildt, David E. 2007. "Ejaculate traits in the Namibian cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus): influence of age, season, and captivity." Reproduction, Fertility, and Development, 19 370–382. 2007