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Kristina M. Delaski, DVM, DACZM
Associate Veterinarian
Professional Biography
Kristi Delaski is a veterinarian with NZCBI’s Department of Conservation Medicine (DCM) at the Front Royal campus. DCM functions to optimize the health and well-being of the animal collection housed at Front Royal, provide veterinary expertise and support for SCBI-based research programs, and advance the health and welfare of zoo animals and wildlife. Dr. Delaski coordinates preventive medicine for the collection animals, manages the veterinary student education program, and conducts clinical research to better understand and care for captive wildlife. In addition to caring for the collection animals, Dr. Delaski also serves as a Veterinary Advisor for the Red Panda Species Survival Plan through the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. She is an active member of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians and the Wildlife Disease Association. She has worked as a clinical veterinarian at the Lincoln Park Zoo and the University of Illinois Zoo Medicine Service. Dr. Delaski received her bachelors in Pre-Veterinary Medicine from the University of Findlay in 2003, and her DVM from the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in 2007. After spending time in private practice, she completed a clinical veterinary internship at Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden. Dr. Delaski became certified by the American College of Zoological Medicine in 2018.
Selected Publications
Bornbusch, Sally L., Crosier, Adrienne, Gentry, Lindsey, Delaski, Kristina M., Maslanka, Michael, and Muletz-Wolz, Carly. 2024. "Fecal microbiota transplants facilitate post-antibiotic recovery of gut microbiota in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) ." Communications Biology , 7, (1). .
Greiner, Ellis C., Zimmerman, Dawn M., Delaski, Kristina M., Dronen, Norman O., Hammond, Elizabeth E., Stacy, Brian, Grillo, Jim, MacLean, Robert, Maurer, Joan, Okimoto, Ben, Douglass, Michael, Yu, Jennifer, and Reavill, Drury R. 2023. "Air Sac Trematodes (Cyclocoelidae Stossich, 1902) Infecting Birds in Zoological Institutions in the United States ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 54, (2) 379–386. .
Flanders,John A., Jr., Gehring, Ronette, Delaski, Kristina, Wulf, Larry, Coetzee, Johann, and Gamble, Kathryn C. 2023. "Pharmacokinetics of Oral Flunixin Meglumine, Meloxicam, Or Gabapentin in Three Black Rhinoceros (Diceros Bicornis ) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 54, (2) 336–344. .
Leimgruber, Peter, Songsasen, Nucharin, Stabach, Jared A., Horning, Megan, Reed, Dolores, Buk, Tara, Harwood, Arielle, Layman, Lawrence, Mathews, Christopher, Vance, Morgan, Marinari, Paul, Helmick, Kelly E., Delaski, Kristina M., Ware, Lisa H., Jones, Julia C., Silva, Jose L. P., Laske, Timothy G., and Moraes, Rosana Nogueira. 2023. "Providing baseline data for conservation–Heart rate monitoring in captive scimitar-horned oryx ." Frontiers in Physiology , 14. .
Moraes, Rosana N., Laske, Timothy G., Leimgruber, Peter, Stabach, Jared A., Marinari, Paul E., Horning, Megan M., Laske, Noelle R., Rodriguez, Juan V., Eye, Ginger N., Kordell, Jessica E., Gonzalez, Marissa, Eyring, Tom, Lemons, Christopher, Helmick, Kelly E., Delaski, Kristina M., Ware, Lisa H., Jones, Julia C., and Songsasen, Nucharin. 2021. "Inside out: heart rate monitoring to advance the welfare and conservation of maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus ) ." Conservation Physiology , 9, (1). .
Ashley, Anthony L., Delaski, Kristina M., and Watson, Allison M. 2020. "Clinicopathological Features of Toxoplasmosis in Four Red Pandas (Ailurus Fulgens ) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 51, (1) 188–195. .
Delaski, Kristina M., Gehring, Ronette, Heffron, Brendan T., Negrusz, Adam, and Gamble, Kathryn C. 2017. "Plasma Concentrations of Fentanyl Achieved With Transdermal Application in Chickens ." Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery , 31, (1) 6–15. .
Delaski, Kristina M., Nelson, Sudona, Dronen, Norman O., Craig, Thomas M., Pond, Joel, and Gamble, Kathryn C. 2015. "Detection and Management of Air Sac Trematodes ( Szidatitrema Species) in Captive Multispecies Avian Exhibits ." Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery , 29, (4) 345–353. .
Delaski, Kristina M. and Gamble, Kathryn C. 2015. "Evaluation of Thyroid Hormones and as Influenced by Treatment with Deslorelin in Pallas' Cats (Otocolobus (Felis ) Manul ) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 46, (4) 675–681. .
Delaski, Kristina M., Ramsay, Edward, and Gamble, Kathryn C. 2015. "Retrospective Analysis of Mortality in The North American Captive Red Panda (Ailurus Fulgens ) Population, 1992–2012 ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 46, (4) 779–788. .
Delaski, Kristina M., Gamble, Kathryn C., Bernier, Dave, Mulkerin, Diane, Heinzman, Marc, and Strickland, Jeramie T. 2014. "Shell Mineral Composition of Artificially and Naturally Incubated Eggs of Ornate Box Turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata) ." Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery , 24, (3-4) 101. .
Sosa, Mariana, Gamble, Kathryn C., Delaski, Kristina, and Righton, Alison. 2013. "Clinical Challenge: Systemic Rhizopus Microsporus Infection with Renal Cavitation in a Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus ) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 44, (4) 1134–1138. .
Sosa, Mariana, Gamble, Kathryn C., Delaski, Kristina, and Righton, Alison. 2013. "Clinical Challenge: Systemic Rhizopus Microsporus Infection with Renal Cavitation in a Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus ) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 44, (4) 1134–1138. .
Professional Service Activities