Derrickson, Scott R.
National Zoological Park staffAvian behavioral ecology and mating systems; avian communication; captive breeding and reintroduction
- Emeritus Research Scientist, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
Background And Education
Education And Training
- B.A., Gettysburg College
- M.S., University of Minnesota
- Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Selected Publications
- Sorenson, Michael D., Hauber, Mark E., and Derrickson, Scott R. 2010. "Sexual imprinting misguides species recognition in a facultative interspecific brood parasite." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277 3079–3085. 2010
- Walters, Jeffrey R., Derrickson, Scott R., Fry, Michael D., Haig, Susan M., Marzluff, John M., and Wunderle, Joseph M. 2010. "Status of the California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) and Efforts to Achieve Its Recovery." The Auk, 127, (4) 969–1001. 2010