DiMichele, William
Research Geologist and Curator of Paleobotany
Paleoecology, morphology, and systematics of late Paleozoic plants (240-350 million years old), particularly the structure of late Paleozoic ecosystems and the relationship between long-term ecological and evolutionary patterns
Geographic Focus
- Central Appalachian Basin Geographic Region
- Illinois Basin Geographic Region
- New Mexico State or Province
- North-Central Texas Geographic Region
Background And Education
Education And Training
- Ph.D., University of Illinois 1979
- M.S., University of Illinois 1976
- B.A., Drexel University 1974
Awards And Honors
Research And Grants
Investigator On
Selected Publications
- DiMichele, William A., Lucas, Spencer G., Eble, Cortland F., Kerp, Hans, Reynolds, Stephen J., May, Paul, and Pigg, Kathleen B. 2024. "A detailed stratigraphic and taphonomic reassessment of the late Paleozoic fossil flora from Promontory Butte, Arizona." Review of palaeobotany and palynology, 320. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2023.105004. 2024
- DiMichele, William A., Hotton, Carol L., Labandeira, Conrad C., and Sues, Hans-Dieter. 2023. "A paleontological perspective on ecosystem assembly rules in the Paleozoic terrestrial realm." Evolving Earth, 1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eve.2023.100020. 2023
- Lucas, Spencer G., DiMichele, William A., Opluštil, Stanislav, and Wang, Xiangdong. 2023. "An introduction to ice ages, climate dynamics and biotic events: the Late Pennsylvanian world." Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 535, (1) 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1144/SP535-2022-334. 2023
- Calder, John H., Nelson, W. John, Bashforth, Arden R., Wittry, Jack, Elrick, Scott D., and DiMichele, William A. 2023. "Fossil Vegetational Transect from Below the Colchester Coal to the Roof of the Cardiff (Survant) Coal (Desmoinesian, Upper Middle Pennsylvanian), Illinois Basin." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 94 107–135. 2023
- DiMichele, William A., Eble, Cortland F., Pfefferkorn, Hermann W., Elrick, Scott D., Nelson, W. J., and Lucas, Spencer G. 2023. "Kasimovian floristic change in tropical wetlands and the Middle–Late Pennsylvanian Boundary Event." Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 535, (1) 293–335. https://doi.org/10.1144/SP535-2022-228. 2023
- DiMichele, William A., Eble, Cortland F., Nelson, W. John, Pfefferkorn, Hermann W., and Elrick, Scott D. 2023. "Paleobotany of the Corinth Coal Bed, Upper Pennsylvanian, Southern Illinois." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 94 171–203. 2023
- Cecil, C. Blaine, DiMichele, William A., Rahl, Jeffrey M., Dulong, Frank T., Michel, Lauren, and Elrick, Scott D. 2023. "Paleoclimate and the origin of two 1000 km Lower Mississippian facies tracts in southeastern Laurentia (USA): Cool-humid Famennian and Kinderhookian - warm-arid Osagean." Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 618 111521. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111521. 2023
- Lucas, Spencer G., DiMichele, William A., Harris, Susan K., May, Paul T., and Kerp, Hans. 2023. "Paleoecological Significance of Trace Fossils and Fossil Plants from a New Locality in the Upper Part of the Abo Formation (Lower Permian), Socorro County, New Mexico." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 94 411–421. 2023
- DiMichele, William A., Lucas, Spencer G., Kerp, Hans, and May, Paul T. 2023. "Two Early Permian Fossil Floras from the Arroyo De Alamillo Formation of the Yeso Group, Socorro County, New Mexico." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 94 155–169. 2023
- Lucas, Spencer G., DiMichele, William A., and Karnes, Joseph M. 2023. "Unusual Sandstone Cylinders from the Lower Permian Glorieta Sandstone, Northern New Mexico." New Mexico Geology, 44, (3) 63–75. https://doi.org/10.58799/NMG-v44n3.63. 2023
- Schachat, Sandra, Baresch, Andrés, Bui, Thu, Falcon-Lang, Howard, Chaney, Dan S., Nelson, W. J., Elrick, Scott D., Kerp, Hans, Lucas, Spencer G., and DiMichele, William A. 2023. "Vegetational change during the Middle–Late Pennsylvanian transition in western Pangaea." Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 535, (1) 337–359. https://doi.org/10.1144/SP535-2022-281. 2023
- DiMichele, William A., Bateman, Richard M., Rothwell, Gar W., Duijnstee, Ivo A. P., Elrick, Scott D., and Looy, Cynthia V. 2022. "Stigmaria: A Review of the Anatomy, Development, and Functional Morphology of the Rootstock of the Arboreous Lycopsids." International journal of plant sciences, 183, (6) 493–534. https://doi.org/10.1086/720641. 2022
- DiMichele, William A., Kerp, Hans, Lucas, Spencer G., and Chaney, Dan S. 2022. "A taxonomic revision of the late Paleozoic lyginopterid Sphenopteridium germanicum and description of its globose-stem growth habit." Review of palaeobotany and palynology, 298. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104591. 2022
- Nelson, W. John, DiMichele, William A., Wilson, Bob, Wilson, Doug, Lakeram, Scott R., and Elrick, Scott D. 2022. "Pennsylvanian-Age Cordaitalean Wood from Knoxville, Iowa." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 90 309–319. 2022
- Marchetti, Lorenzo, Forte, Giuseppa, Kustatscher, Evelyn, DiMichele, William A., Lucas, Spencer G., Roghi, Guido, Juncal, Manuel A., Hartkopf-Fröder, Christoph, Krainer, Karl, Morelli, Corrado, and Ronchi, Ausonio. 2022. "The Artinskian Warming Event: an Euramerican change in climate and the terrestrial biota during the early Permian." Earth-Science Reviews, 226. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.103922. 2022
- Lucas, Spencer G., DiMichele, William A., and Schneider, Joerg W. 2022. "The Kinney Brick Quarry Lagerstätte, Late Pennsylvanian of New Mexico, USA." Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 36 17–21. 2022
- Donovan, Michael P., DiMichele, William A., Lucas, Spencer G., and Schneider, Joerg W. 2021. "Atlas of Selected Kinney Quarry Plant Fossils, Late Pennsylvanian, Central New Mexico." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 84 153–183. 2021
- Koll, Rebecca A. and DiMichele, William A. 2021. "Dominance-diversity architecture of a mixed hygromorphic-to-xeromorphic flora from a botanically rich locality in western equatorial Pangea (lower Permian Emily Irish site, Texas, USA." Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 563 110132–110132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110132. 2021
- Bateman, Richard M. and DiMichele, William A. 2021. "Escaping the voluntary constraints of "tyre-track" taxonomy." Taxon, https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.12540. 2021
- Matthaeus, William J., Macarewich, Sophia, I., Richey, Jon D., Wilson, Jonathan P., McElwain, Jennifer C., Montanez, Isabel P., DiMichele, William A., Hren, Michael T., Poulsen, Christopher J., and White, Joseph D. 2021. "Freeze tolerance influenced forest cover and hydrology During the Pennsylvanian." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118, (42). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2025227118. 2021
- Richey, Jon D., Montanez, Isabel P., White, Joseph D., DiMichele, William A., Matthaeus, William J., Poulsen, Christopher J., Macarewich, Sophia, I., and Looy, Cindy, V. 2021. "Modeled physiological mechanisms for observed changes in the late Paleozoic plant fossil record." Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 562 110056–110056. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110056. 2021
- DiMichele, William A., Donovan, Michael P., Schachat, Sandra R., Schneider, Joerg W., and Lucas, Spencer G. 2021. "Plant-Fossil Taphonomy, Late Pennsylvanian Kinney Quarry, New Mexico, USA." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 84 125–151. 2021
- Lucas, Spencer G. and DiMichele, William A. 2021. "The Kinney Brick Quarry Lagerstätte, Late Pennsylvanian of New Mexico, USA: Introduction and Overview." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 84 1–16. 2021
- Bashforth, Arden R., DiMichele, William A., Eble, Cortland F., Falcon-Lang, Howard J., Looy, Cindy, V., and Lucas, Spencer G. 2021. "The environmental implications of upper Paleozoic plant-fossil assemblages with mixtures of wetland and drought-tolerant taxa in tropical Pangea." Geobios, 68 1–45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geobios.2021.04.002. 2021
- White, Joseph D., Montanez, Isabel P., Wilson, Jonathan P., Poulsen, Christopher J., McElwain, Jennifer C., DiMichele, William A., Hren, Michael T., Macarewich, Sophia, Richey, Jon D., and Matthaeus, William J. 2020. "A Process-Based Ecosystem Model (Paleo-Bgc) to Simulate the Dynamic Response of Late Carboniferous Plants to Elevated O-2 and Aridification." American Journal of Science, 320, (7) 547–598. https://doi.org/10.2475/09.2020.01. 2020
- DiMichele, William A. and Bateman, Richard M. 2020. "Better together: Joint consideration of anatomy and morphology illuminates the architecture and life history of the Carboniferous arborescent lycopsid Paralycopodites." Journal of Systematics and Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.12662. 2020
- Wilson, Jonathan P., White, Joseph D., Montañez, Isabel P., DiMichele, William A., McElwain, Jennifer C., Poulsen, Christopher J., and Hren, Michael T. 2020. "Carboniferous plant physiology breaks the mold." New Phytologist, 227, (3) 667–679. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.16460. 2020
- Nelson, W. John, Elrick, Scott D., DiMichele, William A., and Ames, Philip R. 2020. "Evolution of a PeatContemporaneous Channel: The Galatia Channel, Middle Pennsylvanian, of the Illinois Basin." Illinois State Geological Survey Circular, 605 1–85. 2020
- Kvale, Erik P., Bowie, Christopher M., Flenthrope, Chris, Mace, Christopher, Parrish, Jessica M., Price, Buddy, Anderson, Sloan, and DiMichele, William A. 2020. "Facies variability within a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic sea-floor fan (upper Wolfcamp Formation, Permian, Delaware Basin, New Mexico)." AAPG Bulletin, 104, (3) 525–563. https://doi.org/10.1306/06121917225. 2020
- Richey, Jon D., Montanez, Isabel P., Godderis, Yves, Looy, Cindy, V., Griffis, Neil P., and DiMichele, William A. 2020. "Influence of temporally varying weatherability on CO2-climate coupling and ecosystem change in the late Paleozoic." Climate of the Past, 16, (5) 1759–1775. https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-16-1759-2020. 2020
- DiMichele, William A., Bashforth, Arden R., Falcon-Lang, Howard J., and Lucas, Spencer G. 2020. "Uplands, lowlands, and climate: Taphonomic megabiases and the apparent rise of a xeromorphic, drought-tolerant flora during the Pennsylvanian-Permian transition." Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 559 109965–109965. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109965. 2020
- DiMichele, William A., Hotton, Carol L., Looy, Cindy V., and Hook, Robert W. 2019. "Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental interpretation of three successive macrofloras and palynofloras from the Kola Switch locality, lower Permian (Archer City Formation, Bowie Group) of Clay County, Texas, USA." Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 93, (3) 423–451. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12542-019-00485-8. 2019
- Hetherington, Alexander J., DiMichele, William A., Lucas, Spencer G., and Voigt, Sebastian. 2019. "Tiny Rhizomorphic Rooting Systems from the Early Permian Abo Formation of New Mexico, USA." International journal of plant sciences, 180, (6) 504–512. https://doi.org/10.1086/702759. 2019
- Blomenkemper, Patrick, Kerp, Hans, Abu Hamad, Abdalla, DiMichele, William A., and Bomfleur, Benjamin. 2018. "A hidden cradle of plant evolution in Permian tropical lowlands." Science, 362, (6421) 1414–1416. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aau4061. 2018
- Simon, Sharane S. T., Gibling, Martin R., DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., and Koll, Rebecca. 2018. "An exhumed fine‐grained meandering channel in the lower Permian Clear Fork Formation, north‐central Texas: Processes of mud accumulation and the role of vegetation in channel dynamics." International Association of Sedimentologists, Special Publication, 48 149–172. 2018
- DiMichele, William A., Lucas, Spencer G., Chaney, Dan S., Donovan, Michael P., Kerp, Hans, Koll, Rebecca A., and Looy, Cindy V. 2018. "Early Permian Flora, Doña Ana Mountains, Southern New Mexico, with Special Consideration of Taxonomic Issues and Arthropod Damage." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 79 165–205. 2018
- Boyce, C. Kevin and DiMichele, William A. 2018. "Fast or slow for the arborescent lycopsids? Response to Thomas & Cleal (2017) 'Arborescent lycophyte growth in the late Carboniferous coal swamps'." New Phytologist, 218, (3 (Special Issue)) 891–893. (Featured papers on 'Plant proteases') https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.15059. 2018
- Falcon-Lang, Howard, John Nelson, W., Heckel, Philip H., DiMichele, William A., and Elrick, Scott D. 2018. "New insights on the stepwise collapse of the Carboniferous Coal Forests: Evidence from cyclothems and coniferopsid tree-stumps near the Desmoinesian-Missourian boundary in Peoria County, Illinois, USA." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 490 375–392. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.11.015. 2018
- Lucas, Spencer G., Krainer, Karl, Allen, Bruce D., and DiMichele, William A. 2017. "Carboniferous-Permian Transition in Socorro County, New Mexico, USA: An Overview." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 77 1–16. 2017
- Wilson, Jonathan P., Montañez, Isabel P., White, Joseph D., DiMichele, William A., McElwain, Jennifer C., Poulsen, Christopher J., and Hren, Michael T. 2017. "Dynamic Carboniferous tropical forests: new views of plant function and potential for physiological forcing of climate." New Phytologist, 215, (4) 1333–1353. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.14700. 2017
- Elrick, Scott D., Nelson, W. J., Ames, Philip R., and DiMichele, William A. 2017. "Floras characteristic of Late Pennsylvanian peat swamps arose in the late Middle Pennsylvanian." Stratigraphy, 14, (1-4) 123–141. https://doi.org/10.29041/strat.14.1-4.123-141. 2017
- Pfefferkorn, Hermann W., Gastaldo, Robert A., and DiMichele, William A. 2017. "Impact of an icehouse climate interval on tropical vegetation and plant evolution." Stratigraphy, 14, (1-4) 365–376. https://doi.org/10.29041/strat.14.1-4.365-376. 2017
- DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., Lucas, Spencer G., Nelson, W. J., Elrick, Scott D., Falcon-Lang, Howard, and Kerp, Hans. 2017. "Middle and Late Pennsylvanian Fossil Floras from Socorro County, New Mexico, U.S.A." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 77 25–99. 2017
- Koll, Rebecca A., DiMichele, William A., and Manchester, Steven R. 2017. "Reevaluation and taxonomic clarification of Gigantopteridium and Cathaysiopteris of western equatorial Pangea and their biogeographical significance." Journal of Paleontology, 91, (5) 859–870. https://doi.org/10.1017/jpa.2017.25. 2017
- DiMichele, William A. and Lucas, Spencer G. 2017. "The First Specimen of Annularia spinulosa Sternberg from the Lower Permian Abo Formation, New Mexico, and Implications for Rarity in the Plant Fossil Record." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 77 17–23. 2017
- DiMichele, William A., Elrick, Scott D., and Nelson, W. John. 2017. "Vegetational zonation in a swamp forest, Middle Pennsylvanian, Illinois Basin, U.S.A., indicates niche differentiation in a wetland plant community." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 487 71–92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.08.020. 2017
- DiMichele, William A., Bashforth, Arden R., Eble, Cortland F., and Nelson, W. J. 2016. "A Middle Pennsylvanian (early Asturian) tropical dry forest, Atokan-Desmoinesian boundary, Illinois Basin, USA." Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 31, (1) 41–84. https://doi.org/10.7203/sjp.31.1.17139. 2016
- Bashforth, Arden R., DiMichele, William A., Eble, Cortland F., and Nelson, W. J. 2016. "A Middle Pennsylvanian macrofloral assemblage from wetland deposits in Indiana (Illinois Basin): a taxonomic contribution with biostratigraphic, paleobiogeographic, and paleoecologic implications." Journal of Paleontology, 90, (04) 589–631. https://doi.org/10.1017/jpa.2015.69. 2016
- Simon, Sharane S. T., Gibling, Martin R., DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., Looy, Cindy V., and Tabor, Neil J. 2016. "An Abandoned-Channel Fill With Exquisitely Preserved Plants In Redbeds of the clear Fork Formation, Texas, USA: An Early Permian Water-Dependent Habitat On the Arid Plains of Pangea." Journal of Sedimentary Research, 86, (8) 944–964. https://doi.org/10.2110/jsr.2016.60. 2016
- Baumgardner, Robert W., DiMichele, William A., and de, Siqueira Vieira. 2016. "An early Permian coastal flora dominated by Germaropteris martinsii from basinal sediments in the Midland Basin, West Texas." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 459 409–422. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.07.024. 2016
- Boyce, C. K. and DiMichele, William A. 2016. "Arborescent lycopsid productivity and lifespan: Constraining the possibilities." Review of palaeobotany and palynology, 227 97–110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2015.10.007. 2016
- Montañez, Isabel P., McElwain, Jennifer C., Poulsen, Christopher J., White, Joseph D., DiMichele, William A., Wilson, Jonathan P., Griggs, Galen, and Hren, Michael T. 2016. "Climate, pCO2 and terrestrial carbon cycle linkages during late Palaeozoic glacial-interglacial cycles." Nature Geoscience, 9, (11) 824–828. https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2822. 2016
- Nelsen, Matthew P., DiMichele, William A., Peters, Shanan E., and Boyce, C. K. 2016. "Delayed fungal evolution did not cause the Paleozoic peak in coal production." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113, (9) 2442–2447. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1517943113. 2016
- Bashforth, Arden R., DiMichele, William A., Eble, Cortland F., and Nelson, W. J. 2016. "Dryland vegetation from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Indiana (Illinois Basin): the dryland biome in glacioeustatic, paleobiogeographic, and paleoecologic context." Journal of Paleontology, 90, (05) 785–814. https://doi.org/10.1017/jpa.2016.25. 2016
- Lyons, S. Kathleen, Amatangelo, Kathryn L., Behrensmeyer, Anna K., Bercovici, Antoine, Blois, Jessica L., Davis, Matt, DiMichele, William A., Du, Andrew, Eronen, Jussi T., Faith, J. Tyler, Graves, Gary R., Jud, Nathan, Labandeira, Conrad C., Looy, Cindy V., McGill, Brian, Miller, Joshua H., Patterson, David, Pineda-Munoz, Silvia, Potts, Richard, Riddle, Brett, Terry, Rebecca, Tóth, Anikó, Ulrich, Werner, Villaseñor, Amelia, Wing, Scott L. et al. 2016. "Holocene shifts in the assembly of plant and animal communities implicate human impacts." Nature, (529) 80–83. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature16447. 2016
- Lyons, S. Kathleen, Miller, Joshua H., Amatange, Kathryn L., Behrensmeyer, Anna K., Bercovici, Antoine, Blois, Jessica L., Davis, Matt, DiMichele, William A., Du, Andrew, Eronen, Jussi T., Faith, J. T., Graves, Gary R., Jud, Nathan, Labandeira, Conrad C., Looy, Cindy V., McGill, Brian, Patterson, David, Pineda-Munoz, Silvia, Potts, Richard, Riddle, Brett, Terry, Rebecca, Tóth, Anikó, Ulrich, Werner, Villaseñor, Amelia, Wing, Scott L. et al. 2016. "Lyons et al. reply." Nature, 538, (7626) E3–E4. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature20097. 2016
- DiMichele, William A., Schneider, Joerg W., Lucas, Spencer G., Eble, Cortland F., Falcon-Lang, Howard, Looy, Cindy V., Nelson, W. J., Elrick, Scott D., and Chaney, Dan S. 2016. "Megaflora and palynoflora associated with a Late Pennsylvanian coal bed (Bursum Formation, Carrizo Arroyo, New Mexico, U.S.A.) and paleoenvironmental significance." New Mexico Geological Society Field Conference Guidebook, 67 351–368. https://doi.org/10.56577/FFC-.351. 2016
- Lyons, S. Kathleen, Miller, Joshua H., Tóth, Anikó, Amatangelo, Kathryn L., Behrensmeyer, Anna K., Bercovici, Antoine, Blois, Jessica L., Davis, Matt, DiMichele, William A., Du, Andrew, Eronen, Jussi T., Faith, J. T., Graves, Gary R., Jud, Nathan, Labandeira, Conrad C., Looy, Cindy V., McGill, Brian, Patterson, David, Pineda-Munoz, Silvia, Potts, Richard, Riddle, Brett, Terry, Rebecca, Ulrich, Werner, Villaseñor, Amelia, Wing, Scott L. et al. 2016. "Questioning Holocene community shifts Reply." Nature, 537, (7618) E5–E6. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature19111. 2016
- DiMichele, William A. 2015. "A compositionally unique voltzian conifer-callipterid flora from a carbonate-filled channel, Lower Permian, Robledo Mountains, New Mexico, and its broader significance." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 65 123–128. 2015
- Lucas, Spencer G. and DiMichele, William A. 2015. "Carboniferous-Permian Transition in the Robledo Mountains, Southern New Mexico: An Overview." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 65 1–8. 2015
- Falcon-Lang, Howard, Lucas, Spencer G., Kerp, Hans, Krainer, Karl, Montañez, Isabel P., Vachard, Daniel, Chaney, Dan S., Elrick, Scott D., Contreras, Dori L., Kurzawe, Francine, DiMichele, William A., and Looy, Cindy V. 2015. "Early Permian (Asselian) vegetation from a seasonally dry coast in western equatorial Pangea: Paleoecology and evolutionary significance." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 433 158–173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.05.010. 2015
- DiMichele, William A., Lucas, Spencer G., Looy, Cindy V., Chaney, Dan S., and Voigt, Sebastian. 2015. "Early Permian Fossil Floras from the Red Beds of Prehistoric Trackways National Monument, Southern New Mexico." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 65 129–140. 2015
- Rinehart, Larry F., Lucas, Spencer G., Tanner, Lawrence, John Nelson, W., Elrick, Scott D., Chaney, Dan S., and DiMichele, William A. 2015. "Plant architecture and spatial structure of an early Permian woodland buried by flood waters, Sangre de Cristo Formation, New Mexico." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 424 91–110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.02.018. 2015
- Lucas, Spencer G., Krainer, Karl, Vachard, Daniel, Voigt, Sebastian, DiMichele, William A., Berman, David S., Henrici, Amy C., Schneider, Joerg W., and Barrick, James E. 2015. "Progress Report on Correlation of Nonmarine and Marine Lower Permian Strata, New Mexico, USA." Permophiles, (61) 10–17. 2015
- Wilson, Jonathan P., White, Joseph D., DiMichele, William A., Hren, Michael T., Poulsen, Christopher J., McElwain, Jennifer C., and Montañez, Isabel P. 2015. "Reconstructing extinct plant water use for understanding vegetation-climate feedbacks: methods, synthesis and a case study using the Paleozoic era medullosan seed ferns." Paleontological Society Papers, 21 167–195. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1089332600003004. 2015
- Lucas, Spencer G., Krainer, Karl, DiMichele, William A., Voigt, Sebastian, Berman, David, Henrici, Amy C., Tanner, Lawrence H., Chaney, Dan S., Elrick, Scott D., Nelson, W. J., and Rinehart, Larry F. 2015. "The Upper Paleozoic Sangre de Cristo Formation, Southwestern San Miguel County, New Mexico: Stratigraphy, Age and Sedimentology." New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting, 37. 2015
- Cecil, C. Blaine, DiMichele, William A., and Elrick, Scott D. 2014. "Middle and Late Pennsylvanian cyclothems, American Midcontinent: Ice-age environmental changes and terrestrial biotic dynamics." Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 346, (7-8) 159–168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crte.2014.03.008. 2014
- Gibling, M. R., Davies, N. S., Falcon-Lang, H., Bashforth, Arden R., DiMichele, William A., Rygel, M. C., and Ielpi, A. 2014. "Palaeozoic co-evolution of rivers and vegetation: a synthesis of current knowledge." Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125, (5-6) 524–533. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pgeola.2013.12.003. 2014
- Moore, Lillien C., Wittry, Jack, and DiMichele, William A. 2014. "The Okmulgee, Oklahoma fossil flora, a Mazon Creek equivalent: Spatial conservatism in the composition of Middle Pennsylvanian wetland vegetation over 1100 km." Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 200 24–52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2013.08.002. 2014
- Looy, Cindy V., Kerp, Hans, Duijnstee, Ivo A. P., and DiMichele, William A. 2014. "The late Paleozoic ecological-evolutionary laboratory, a land-plant fossil record perspective." The Sedimentary Record, 12, (4) 4–10. 2014
- DiMichele, William A. 2014. "Wetland-Dryland Vegetational Dynamics in the Pennsylvanian Ice Age Tropics." International Journal of Plant Sciences, 175, (2) 123–164. https://doi.org/10.1086/675235. 2014
- DiMichele, William A., Wagner, Robert H., Bashforth, Arden R., and Álvarez-Vázquez, Carmen. 2013. "An update on the flora of the Kinney Quarry of Central New Mexico (Upper Pennsylvanian), its preservational and environmental significance." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 59 289–325. 2013
- DiMichele, William A., Kerp, Hans, Sirmons, Roberta, Fedorko, Nick, Skema, Viktoras, Blake, Bascombe M., Jr., and Cecil, C. B. 2013. "Callipterid peltasperms of the Dunkard Group, Central Appalachian Basin." International Journal of Coal Geology, 119 56–78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2013.07.025. 2013
- Tabor, Neil J., Romanchock, Charles M., Looy, Cynthia V., Hotton, Carol L., DiMichele, William A., and Chaney, Dan S. 2013. "Conservatism of Late Pennsylvanian vegetational patterns during short-term cyclic and long-term directional environmental change, western equatorial Pangea." Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 376 201–234. https://doi.org/10.1144/SP376.14. 2013
- Lucas, Spencer G., Nelson, W. J., DiMichele, William A., Krainer, Karl, Barrick, James E., Voigt, Sebastian, Chaney, Dan S., Elrick, Scott, and Spielmann, Justin A. 2013. "Field guide to the Carboniferous-Permian transition in the Cerros de Amado and vicinity, Socorro County, Central New Mexico." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 59 39–76. 2013
- DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., Lucas, Spencer G., Kerp, Hans, and Voigt, Sebastian. 2013. "Flora of the Lower Permian Abo Formation redbeds, western equatorial Pangea, New Mexico." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 59 265–288. 2013
- DiMichele, William A., Elrick, Scott D., and Bateman, Richard M. 2013. "Growth habit of the late Paleozoic rhizomorphic tree-lycopsid family Diaphorodendraceae: Phylogenetic, evolutionary, and paleoecological significance." American Journal of Botany, 100, (8) 1604–1625. https://doi.org/10.3732/ajb.1200623. 2013
- Tabor, Neil J., DiMichele, William A., Montañez, Isabel P., and Chaney, Dan S. 2013. "Late Paleozoic continental warming of a cold tropical basin and floristic change in western Pangea." International Journal of Coal Geology, 119 177–186. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2013.07.009. 2013
- O'Keefe, Jennifer M. K., Bechtel, Achim, Christanis, Kimon, Dai, Shifeng, DiMichele, William A., Eble, Cortland F., Esterle, Joan S., Mastalerz, Maria, Raymond, Anne L., Valentim, Bruno V., Wagner, Nicola J., Ward, Colin R., and Hower, James C. 2013. "On the fundamental difference between coal rank and coal type." International Journal of Coal Geology, 118 58–87. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2013.08.007. 2013
- Lucas, Spencer G., Krainer, Karl, Chaney, Dan S., DiMichele, William A., Voigt, Sebastian, Berman, David S., and Henrici, Amy C. 2013. "The Lower Permian Abo Formation in Central New Mexico." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 59 161–180. 2013
- Stull, Gregory W., Labandeira, Conrad C., DiMichele, William A., and Chaney, Dan S. 2013. "The “Seeds” on Padgettia readi are Insect Galls: Reassignment of the Plant to Odontopteris, the Gall to Ovofoligallites N. Gen., and the Evolutionary Implications Thereof." Journal of Paleontology, 87, (2) 217–231. https://doi.org/10.1666/12-063R.1. 2013
- DiMichele, William A. and Falcon-Lang, Howard. 2012. "Calamitalean "pith casts" reconsidered." Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2012.01.011. 2012
- Horton, Daniel E., Poulsen, Christopher J., Montañez, Isabel P., and DiMichele, William A. 2012. "Eccentricity-paced late Paleozoic climate change." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 331-332 150–161. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.03.014. 2012
- Lucas, Spencer G., Harris, Susan K., Spielmann, Justin A., Berman, David S., Henrici, Amy C., Krainer, Karl, Rinehart, Larry F., DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., and Kerp, Hans. 2012. "Lithostratigraphy, Paleontology, Biostratigraphy, and Age of the Upper Paleozoic Abo Formation Near Jemez Springs, Northern New Mexico, Usa." Annals of Carnegie Museum, 80, (4) 323–350. https://doi.org/10.2992/007.080.0403. 2012
- Stull, Gregory W., DiMichele, William A., Falcon-Lang, Howard, Nelson, W. John, and Elrick, Scott. 2012. "Palaeoecology of Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri, and its implications for resolving the paradox of 'xeromorphic' plants in Pennsylvanian wetlands." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 331-332 162–176. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.03.019. 2012
- Bashforth, Arden R. and DiMichele, William A. 2012. "Permian Coal Forest Offers a Glimpse of Late Paleozoic Ecology." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, (13) 4717–4718. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1203261109. 2012
- DiMichele, William A., Lucas, Spencer G., and Krainer, Karl. 2012. "Vertebrate Trackways Among a Stand of Supaia White Plants on An Early Permian Floodplain, New Mexico." Journal of Paleontology, 86, (4) 584–594. https://doi.org/10.1666/11-137R.1. 2012
- DiMichele, William A., Looy, Cindy V., and Chaney, Dan S. 2011. "A New Genus of Gigantopterid from the Middle Permian of the United States and China and its Relevance to the Gigantopterid Concept." International Journal of Plant Sciences, 172, (1) 107–119. https://doi.org/10.1086/657276. 2011
- Green, Walton A., Hunt, Gene, Wing, Scott L., and DiMichele, William A. 2011. "Does extinction wield an axe or pruning shears? How interactions between phylogeny and ecology affect patterns of extinction." Paleobiology, 37, (1) 72–91. https://doi.org/10.1666/09078.1. 2011
- Falcon-Lang, Howard J., Heckel, Philip H., DiMichele, William A., Blake, Bascombe M., Easterday, Cary R., Eble, Cortland F., Elrick, Scott, Gastaldo, Robert A., Greb, Stephen F., Martino, Ronald L., Nelson, W. John, Pfefferkorn, Hermann W., Phillips, Tom L., and Rosscoe, Steven J. 2011. "No Major Stratigraphic Gap Exists Near the Middle-Upper Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian-Missourian) Boundary in North America." Palaios, 26, (3) 125–139. https://doi.org/10.2110/palo.2010.p10-049r. 2011
- DiMichele, William A. and Falcon-Lang, Howard J. 2011. "Pennsylvanian 'fossil forests' in growth position (T0 assemblages): origin, taphonomic bias and palaeoecological insights." Journal of the Geological Society, 168, (2) 585–605. https://doi.org/10.1144/0016-76492010-103. 2011
- Falcon-Lang, Howard J., Jud, Nathan A., Nelson, W. John, DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., and Lucas, Spencer G. 2011. "Pennsylvanian coniferopsid forests in sabkha facies reveal the nature of seasonal tropical biome." Geology, 39, (4) 371–374. https://doi.org/10.1130/G31764.1. 2011
- Lucas, Spencer G., Allen, Bruce D., Krainer, Karl, Barrick, James, Vachard, Daniel, Schneider, Joerg W., DiMichele, William A., and Bashforth, Arden R. 2011. "Precise age and biostratigraphic significance of the Kinney Brick Quarry Lagerstatte, Pennsylvanian of New Mexico, USA." Stratigraphy, 8, (1) 7–27. 2011
- Falcon-Lang, Howard J., Heckel, Philip H., DiMichele, William A., Blake, Bascombe M., Easterday, Cary R., Eble, Cortland F., Elrick, Scott, Gastaldo, Robert A., Greb, Stephen F., Martino, Ronald L., Nelson, W. John, Pfefferkorn, Hermann W., Phillips, Tom L., and Rosscoe, Steven J. 2011. "Reply: no major stratigraphic gap exists near the middle–upper Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian-Missourian) boundary in North America: Palaios, v. 26, no. 3, p. 125–139, 2011." Palaios, 26, (10) 671–671. https://doi.org/10.2110/Palo.2011.P11-055r. 2011
- DiMichele, William A., Cecil, C. Blaine, Montañez, Isabel P., and Falcon-Lang, Howard J. 2010. "Cyclic changes in Pennsylvanian paleoclimate and effects on floristic dynamics in tropical Pangaea." International Journal of Coal Geology, 83, (2-3) 329–344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2010.01.007. 2010
- DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., Kerp, Hans, and Lucas, Spencer G. 2010. "Late Pennsylvanian floras in Western Equatorial Pangea, Cañon del Cobre, New Mexico." New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 49 75–113. 2010
- Falcon-Lang, Howard J. and DiMichele, William A. 2010. "What happened to the coal forests during pennsylvanian glacial phases?" Palaios, 25, (9) 611–617. https://doi.org/10.2110/palo.2009.p09-162r. 2010
- Chaney, Dan S., Mamay, Serguis H., DiMichele, William A., and Kerp, Hans. 2009. "Auritifolia gen. nov., Probable Seed Plant Foliage with Comioid Affinities from the Early Permian of Texas, U.S.A." International Journal of Plant Sciences, 170, (2) 247–266. https://doi.org/10.1086/595293. 2009
- Mamay, Serguis H., Chaney, Dan S., and DiMichele, William A. 2009. "Comia, a seed plant possibly of peltaspermous affinity: a brief review of the genus and description of two new species from the Early Permian (Artinskian) of Texas, C. greggii sp. nov. and C. craddockii sp. nov." International Journal of Plant Sciences, 170, (2) 267–282. https://doi.org/10.1086/595294. 2009
- DiMichele, William A., Nelson, W. John, Elrick, Scott, and Ames, Philip R. 2009. "Catastrophically Buried Middle Pennsylvanian Sigillaria and Calamitean Sphenopsids from Indiana, Usa: what Kind of Vegetation was This?" Palaios, 24, (3) 159–166. https://doi.org/10.2110/palo.2008.p08-051r. 2009
- DiMichele, William A., Montañez, I. P., Poulsen, C. J., and Tabor, Neil J. 2009. "Climate and vegetational regime shifts in the late Paleozoic ice age earth." Geobiology, 7, (2) 200–226. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1472-4669.2009.00192.x. 2009
- Bennington, J. Bret, DiMichele, William A., Badgley, Catherine, Bambach, Richard K., Barrett, Paul M., Behrensmeyer, Anna K., Bobe, Rene, Burnham, Robyn J., Daeschler, Edward B., Van Dam, Jan, Eronen, Jussi T., Erwin, Douglas H., Finnegan, Seth, Holland, Steven M., Hunt, Gene, Jablonski, David, Jackson, Stephen T., Jacobs, Bonnie E., Kidwell, Susan M., Koch, Paul L., Kowalewski, Michal J., Labandeira, Conrad C., Looy, Cindy V., Lyons, Sara K., Novack-Gottshall, Philip M. et al. 2009. "Critical Issues of Scale in Paleoecology." Palaios, 24, (1-2) 1–4. https://doi.org/10.2110/palo.2009.S01. 2009
- Falcon-Lang, H., DiMichele, William A., Elrick, S., and Nelson, W. J. 2009. "Going underground: in search of Carboniferous coal forests." Geology Today, 25 181–184. 2009
- Falcon-Lang, Howard J., Nelson, W. John, Elrick, Scott, Looy, Cindy V., Ames, Philip R., and DiMichele, William A. 2009. "Incised channel fills containing conifers indicate that seasonally dry vegetation dominated Pennsylvanian tropical lowlands." Geology, 37, (10) 923–926. https://doi.org/10.1130/G30117A.1. 2009
- Pfefferkorn, H. W., Gastaldo, Robert A., DiMichele, William A., and Philips, T. L. 2008. "Pennsylvanian tropical floras of the United States as a record of changing climate." Special Papers / Geological Society of America, 441 305–316. 2008
- DiMichele, William A. and Gastaldo, Robert A. 2008. "Plant paleoecology in deep time." Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 95 144–198. 2008
- DiMichele, William A. 2008. "Plants as a force of nature." Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 23, (2) 60–61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2007.09.015. 2008
- DiMichele, William A., Kerp, Hans, Tabor, Neil J., and Looy, Cynthia V. 2008. "The so-called "Paleophytic-Mesophytic" transition in equatorial Pangea: Multiple Biomes and Vegetational Tracking of Climate Change through Geological Time." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 268, (3-4) 152–163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.06.006. 2008
- DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., Nelson, W. J., Lucas, Spencer G., Looy, C. V., Quick, K., and Jun, Wang. 2007. "A low diversity, seasonal tropical landscape dominated by conifers and peltasperms: Early Permian Abo Formation, New Mexico." Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 145 249–273. 2007
- Montañez, I. P., Tabor, N. J., Niemeier, D., DiMichele, William A., Frank, T. D., Fielding, C. R., and Isbell, J. L. 2007. "CO2-forced climate and vegetation instability during Late Paleozoic deglaciation." Science, 315 87–91. 2007
- DiMichele, William A., Falcon-Lang, H. J., Nelson, W. J., Elrick, S. D., and Ames, P. R. 2007. "Ecological gradients within a Pennsylvanian mire forest." Geology, 35, (5) 415–418. https://doi.org/10.1130/G23472A.1. 2007
- Chaney, Dan S. and DiMichele, William A. 2007. "Paleobotany of the classic redbeds (Clear Fork Group - Early Permian) of north central Texas." Proceedings of the XVth International Congress on Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy, 1 357–366. 2007
- Willard, D. A., Philips, T. L., Lesnikowska, W. A., and DiMichele, William A. 2007. "Paleoecology of the Late Pennsylvanian-Age Calhoun coal bed and implications for long-term dynamics of wetland ecosystems." International Journal of Coal Geology, 69 21–54. 2007
- Lucas, Spencer G., DiMichele, William A., Krainer, Karl, Barrick, James E., Vachard, Daniel, Donovan, Michael P., Looy, Cindy, Kerp, Hans, and Chaney, Dan S. 2022. The Pennsylvanian System in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, USA: Stratigraphy, Petrography, Depositional Systems, Paleontology, Biostratigraphy and Geologic History. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, 104. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.14079809. 2022
- DiMichele, William A., Lucas, Spencer G., Looy, Cindy V., Kerp, Hans, and Chaney, Dan S. 2017. Plant Fossils from the Pennsylvanian–Permian Transition in Western Pangea, Abo Pass, New Mexico. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. In Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, 99. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.1943-6688.99. 2017
- Greb, Stephen F., DiMichele, William A., Gastaldo, Robert W., Eble, Cortland F., and Wing, Scott L. 2022. "Prehistoric Wetlands." In Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. 2nd ed. Junk, Wolfgang and Wittman, Florian, editors. 23–32. Elsevier. In Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819166-8.00066-9. 2022
- Gastaldo, R. A., Bamford, M., Calder, J., DiMichele, William A., Ianuzzi, R., Jasper, A., Kerp, H., McLoughlin, S., Opluštil, S., Pfefferkorn, H. W., Roessler, R., and Wang, J. 2020. "The Coal Farms of the Late Paleozoic." In Nature Through Time. Martinetto, E., Tschopp, E., and Gastaldo, R. A., editors. 317–343. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-35058-1_13. 2020
- Gastaldo, R. A., Bamford, M., Calder, J., DiMichele, William A., Ianuzzi, R., Jasper, A., Kerp, H., McLoughlin, S., Opluštil, S., Pfefferkorn, H. W., Roessler, R., and Wang, J. 2020. "The non-analog vegetation of the Late Paleozoic icehouse–hothouse and their coal-forming forested environments." In Nature Through Time. Martinetto, E., Tschopp, E., and Gastaldo, R. A., editors. 291–316. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-35058-1_12. 2020
- DiMichele, William A., Hook, Robert W., Kerp, Hans, Hotton, Carol L., Looy, Cindy V., and Chaney, Dan S. 2018. "Lower Permian flora of the Sanzenbacher Ranch, Clay County, Texas." In Transformative Paleobotany: Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor. 95–126. Elsevier. (https://doi.org/10.1016/C2016-0-03920-7), https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-813012-4.00006-1. 2018
- Archer, Allen W., Elrick, Scott, Nelson, W. J., and DiMichele, William A. 2016. "Cataclysmic burial of Pennsylvanian Period coal swamps in the Illinois Basin." In Contributions to Modern and Ancient Tidal Sedimentology. Tessier, Bernadette and Reynaud, Jean-Yves, editors. 217–231. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119218395.ch12. 2016
- Lucas, Spencer G., Krainer, Karl, DiMichele, William A., Voigt, Sebastian, Berman, David S., Henrici, Amy C., Tanner, Lawrence H., Chaney, Dan S., Elrick, Scott D., Nelson, W. John, and Rinehart, Larry F. 2015. "Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Upper Paleozoic Sangre De Cristo Formation, southwestern San Miguel County, New Mexico." In New Mexico Geological Society, 66th Annual Field Conference, 2015. Lindline, Jennifer, Petronis, Michael, and Zebrowski, Joseph P., editors. 211–228. Socorro, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society. In Annual Fall Field Conference Guidebook, 66. 2015
- DiMichele, William A., Cecil, C. B., Chaney, Dan S., Elrick, S. D., and Nelson, W. J. 2014. "Fossil floras from the Pennsylvanian-Permian Cutler Group of southeastern Utah." In Geology of Utah's Far South. 491–504. In Utah Geological Association Publication (43). 2014
- Lucas, Spencer G., Lerner, Allan J., DiMichele, William A., Cantrell, Amanda K., Suazo, Thomas L., and Chaney, Dan S. 2014. "Xiphosurid fossils from the Pennsylvanian Beeman formation, Otero County, New Mexico." In New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 65th Field Conference, Geology of the Sacramento Mountains Region. 311–314. Socorro, NM: New Mexico Geological Society, Inc.. 2014
- Lucas, S. G., Krainer, K., Chaney, Dan S., DiMichele, William A., Voigt, S., Berman, D. S., and Henrici, A. C. 2012. "The Lower Permian Abo Formation in the Fra Cristobal and Caballo Mountains, Sierra County, New Mexico." In Geology of the Warm Springs Region: New Mexico Geological Society 63rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook. Lucas, S. G., McLemore, V. T., Lueth, V. W., Spielmann, J. A., and Krainer, K., editors. 345–376. Socorro, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society. 2012
- Cecil, C. B., DiMichele, William A., Fedorko, Nick, and Skema, Viktoras. 2011. "Autocyclic and allocyclic controls on the origin of the Dunkard Group." In Geology of the Pennsylvanian-Permian in the Dunkard Basin. Guidebook for the 76th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Harper, John A., editor. 26–45. Middletown, PA: Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Inc. 2011
- DiMichele, William A., Blake, Bascomb M., Cecil, C. B., Fedorko, Nick, Kerp, Hans, and Skema, Viktoras. 2011. "Callipterids of the Dunkard Group of the Appalachian Basin: Their identity and paleoenvironmental significance." In Geology of the Pennsylvanian-Permian in the Dunkard Basin. Guidebook for the 76th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Harper, John A., editor. 144–167. Middletown, PA: Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Inc.. 2011
- DiMichele, William A., Cecil, C. B., Chaney, Dan S., Elrick, Scott D., Lucas, Spencer G., Lupia, Richard, Nelson, W. J., and Tabor, Neil J. 2011. "Pennsylvanian-Permian vegetational changes in tropical Euramerica." In Geology of the Pennsylvanian-Permian in the Dunkard Basin. Guidebook for the 76th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Harper, John A., editor. 60–102. Middletown, PA: Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Inc.. 2011
- DiMichele, William A., Skema, Vik, and Harper, John A. 2011. "Pleasant Hill Gap." In Geology of the Pennsylvanian-Permian in the Dunkard basin. Guidebook, 76th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Harper, John A., editor. 168–173. Middletown, PA: Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Inc. 2011
Conference Paper
- May, Paul, Lucas, Spencer G., Kerp, Hans, DiMichele, William A., and Rogers, John B. 2022. "An early Permian fossil flora from the Arroyo de Alamillo Formation of the Yeso Group, Socorro County, NM." in 2022 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting & Ft.Stanton Cave Conference. 2787. https://doi.org/10.56577/SM-2022.2787. 2022
- Sirmons, Roberta L., Dodge, Clifford H., Henderson, Geoffrey, and DiMichele, William A. 2021. "A Geologist's Journey: David White's Field Trip to Ohiopyle, Summer 1900." from 85th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. 121–152. 2021
- Lucas, Spencer G., DiMichele, William A., Krainer, K., Chaney, Dan S., and Spielmann, J. A. 2009. "A coal-measure forest near Socorro, New Mexico." from New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 60th Field Conference, Geology of the Chupadera Mesa Region. 235–242. New Mexico Geological Society Field Conference Guidebook 60 2009
- Lerner, A. J., Lucas, Spencer G., Spielmann, J. A., Krainer, K., DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., Schneider, J. W., Nelson, W. John, and Ivanov, Anton B. 2009. "The biota and paleoecology of the Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian) Tinajas Locality, Socorro County, New Mexico." from New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 60th Field Conference, Geology of the Chupadera Mesa Region. 267–280. 2009
- Matthaeus, William J., Macarewich, Sophia I., Richey, Jon D., Wilson, Jonathan P., McElwin, Jennifer C., Montañez, Isabel P., DiMichele, William A., Hren, Michael T., Poulsen, Christopher J., and White, Joseph D. 2021. [Dataset] Data for: Freeze tolerance influenced forest cover and hydrology during the Pennsylvanian. Distributed by Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/DRYAD.QNK98SFGJ. 2021
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