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Hirsch, Mark

Fellowship Advisor Inactive National Museum of the American Indian staff

19th and 20th century social and cultural history; U.S. Indian policy; Native American perceptions of time, work, and leisure.

Background And Education

Education And Training


Selected Publications

  • Book

    • Rubenstein, Harry R., Bunch, Lonnie G., III, Crew, Spencer, and Hirsch, Mark. 2009. The American Presidency: A Glorious Burden. Smithsonian Institution Press. 2009
  • Chapter

    • Hirsch, Mark. 2009. "Race, Citizenship, and Sovereignty in the Cherokee Nation." In IndiVisible: African-Native American Lives in the Americas. Tayac, Gabrielle, editor. 117–121. Washington, D.C.: National Museum of the American Indian. 2009
