Holst, Irene
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute staff
Selected Publications
Piperno, Dolores R., Holst, Irene, Moreno, Jorge Enrique, and Winter, Klaus. 2019. "Experimenting with domestication: Understanding macro- and micro-phenotypes and developmental plasticity in teosinte in its ancestral pleistocene and early holocene environments ." Journal of Archaeological Science , 108 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2019.05.006 .
Lorant, Anne, Perdersen, Sarah, Holst, Irene, Hufford, Matthew B., Winter, Klaus, Piperno, Dolores R., and Ross-Ibarra, Jeffrey. 2017. "The Potential Role of Genetic Assimilation during Maize Domestication ." PLoS One , 12, (9) e0184202. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0184202 .
Cooke, Richard G., Wake, Thomas, Martinez-Polanco, Maria, Jimenez-Acosta, Maximo, Bustamante, Fernando, Holst, Irene, Lara-Kraudy, Alexandra, Martin, Juan Guillermo, and Redwood, Stewart. 2016. "Exploitation of dolphins (Cetacea: Delphinidae) at a 6000 yr old Preceramic site in the Pearl Island archipelago, Panama ." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports , 6 733–756. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.12.001 .
Martin, Juan Guillermo, Cooke, Richard G., Bustamante, Fernando, Holst, Irene, Lara, Alexandra, and Redwood, Stewart D. 2016. "Ocupaciones prehispanicas en Isla Pedro Gonzalez, Archipielago de las Perlas, Panama: Aproximacion a una cronologia con comentarios sobre las conexiones externas ." Latin American Antiquity , 27, (3) 378–396. https://doi.org/10.7183/1045-6635.27.3.378 .
Piperno, Dolores R., Holst, Irene, Winter, Klaus, and McMillan, William Owen. 2015. "Teosinte before domestication: Experimental study of growth and phenotypic variability in Late Pleistocene and early Holocene environments ." Quaternary International , 363 65–77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2013.12.049 .
Dickau, Ruth, Bruno, Maria C., Iriarte, José, Prümers, Heiko, Betancourt, Carla, Holst, Irene, and Mayle, Francis E. 2012. "Diversity of cultivars and other plant resources used at habitation sites in the Llanos de Mojos, Beni, Bolivia: Evidence from macrobotanical remains, starch grains, and phytoliths ." Journal of Archaeological Science , 39, (2) 357–370. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2011.09.021 .
Nadel, Dani, Piperno, Dolores R., Holst, Irene, Snir, Ainit, and Weiss, Ehud. 2012. "New evidence for the processing of wild cereal grains at Ohalo II, a 23 000-year-old campsite on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel ." Antiquity , 86, (334) 990–1003.
Grobman, Alexander, Bonavia, Duccio, Dillehay, Tom D., Piperno, Dolores R., Iriarte, José, and Holst, Irene. 2012. "Preceramic maize from Paredones and Huaca Prieta, Peru ." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 109, (5) 1755–1759. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1120270109 .
McKey, Doyle, Rostain, Stephen, Iriarte, Jose, Glaser, Bruno, Birk, Jago Jonathan, Holst, Irene, and Renard, Delphine. 2010. "Pre-Columbian agricultural landscapes, ecosystem engineers, and self-organized patchiness in Amazonia ." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 107, (17) 7823–7828. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0908925107 .
Piperno, Dolores R., Ranere, Anthony J., Holst, Irene, Iriarte, Jose, and Dickau, Ruth. 2009. "Starch grain and phytolith evidence for early ninth millennium B.P. maize from the Central Balsas River Valley, Mexico ." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 106, (13) 5019–5024. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0812525106 .
Ranere, Anthony J., Piperno, Dolores R., Holst, Irene, Dickau, Ruth, and Iriarte, José. 2009. "The cultural and chronological context of early Holocene maize and squash domestication in the Central Balsas River Valley, Mexico ." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 106, (13) 5014–5018. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0812590106 .
Holst, Irene, Moreno, Enrique, and Piperno, Dolores R. 2007. "Identification of teosinte, maize, and Tripsacum in Mesoamerica by using pollen, starch grains, and phytoliths ." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 104, (45) 17608–17613. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0708736104 .
Piperno, Dolores R., Moreno, Jorge Enrique, Iriarte, Jose, Holst, Irene, Lachniet, Matthew S., Jones, John G., Ranere, Anthony J., and Castanzo, R. 2007. "Late Pleistocene and Holocene environmental history of the Iguala Valley, Central Balsas Watershed of Mexico ." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 104, (29) 11874–11881. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0703442104 .
Perry, Linda, Dickau, Ruth, Zarrillo, Sonia, Holst, Irene, Pearsall, Deborah M., Piperno, Dolores R., Berman, Mary Jane, Cooke, Richard G., Rademaker, Kurt, Ranere, Anthony J., Raymond, J. Scott, Sandweiss, Daniel H., Scaramelli, Franz, Tarble, Kay, and Zeidler, James A. 2007. "Starch fossils and the domestication and dispersal of chili peppers (Capsicum spp. L.) in the Americas ." Science , 315, (5814) 986–988. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1136914 .
Piperno, Dolores R., Messner, T., and Holst, I. 2017. "Starch Grains." In In Where the Land Meets the Sea: Fourteen Millennia of Human Behavior at Huaca Prieta, Peru . Dillehay, T. D., editor. 683–688. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Guzmán, Héctor M. and Holst, Irene. 2007. "Efectos de la contaminación crónica por petróleo crudo en la reproducción del coral Siderastrea siderea en el Caribe." In Ecología y evolución en los trópicos . Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Herre, Edward Allen, Jackson, Jeremy B. C., and Santos-Granero, Fernando, editors. 645–653. Panama: Editora Nova Art.
Piperno, Dolores R., Ranere, Anthony J., Holst, Irene, and Hansell, Patricia. 2007. "Granos de almidón revelan una agricultura primitiva de raíces en un bosque húmedo tropical de Panamá." In Ecología y evolución en los trópicos . Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Herre, Edward Allen, Jackson, Jeremy B. C., and Santos-Granero, Fernando, editors. 594–600. Panama: Editora Nova Art.