Irwin, Rossman
Curator and Chair, Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, NASM
fluvial and arid zone geomorphology, paleohydrology, planetary resurfacing.
- Chair, Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, National Air & Space Museum 2019 -
Background And Education
Education And Training
Awards And Honors
Research And Grants
Investigator On
- Timing and spatial variability of post-Noachian fluvial erosion on Mars awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Shared Services Center 2021 -
- Development of Intercrater Plains in the Martian Highlands awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Goddard Space Flight Center
- Exposed Stratigraphy on the Floors of Noachian Impact Craters on Mars awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Shared Services Center
- Extent, timing, and causes of late fluvial erosion on Mars awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- Extent, timing, and causes of late fluvial erosion on Mars awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- Geomorphology of Theater Headed Valleys awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Shared Services Center
- Landscape Evolution Modeling in the Noachian Highlands of Mars awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Shared Services Center
- Noachian Denudation of the Martian Highlands awarded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Shared Services Center
Selected Publications
- Williams, Rebecca M. E., Irwin,Rossman P., III, Dobrea, Eldar Z. Noe, Howard, Alan D., Dietrich, William E., and Cawley, J. C. 2021. "Inverted Channel Variations Identified on a Distal Portion of a Bajada in the Central Atacama Desert, Chile." Geomorphology, 393. 2021
- Matsubara, Yo, Howard, Alan D., and Irwin, Rossman P., III. 2018. "Constraints on the Noachian paleoclimate of the martian highlands from landscape evolution modeling." Journal of Geophysical Research. E. Planets, 123, (11) 2958–2979. 2018
- Cawley, Jon C. and Irwin, Rossman P., III. 2018. "Evolution of escarpments, pediments, and plains in the Noachian highlands of Mars." Journal of Geophysical Research. E. Planets, 123, (12) 3167–3187. 2018
- Cawley, Jon C. and Irwin, Rossman P., III. 2018. "Subsurface Erosion, Scarp Retreat, and Sedimentation at Mountain Lake, Virginia, USA: Groundwater Geomorphology in a Flow-Through Lake with Subsurface Drainage." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43, (8) 1663–1676. 2018
- Irwin, Rossman P., III, Wray, James J., Mest, Scott C., and Maxwell, Ted A. 2018. "Wind-eroded crater floors and intercrater plains, Terra Sabaea, Mars." Journal of Geophysical Research. E. Planets, 123, (2) 445–467. 2018
- Irwin, Rossman P., III, Lewis, Kevin W., Howard, Alan D., and Grant, John A. 2015. "Paleohydrology of Eberswalde Crater, Mars." Geomorphology, 240 83–101. 2015
- Irwin, Rossman P., III, Tooth, Stephen, Craddock, Robert A., Howard, Alan D., and de Latour, Ana Baptista. 2014. "Origin and Development of Theater-Headed Valleys in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile: Morphological Analogs to Martian Valley Networks." Icarus, 243 296–310. 2014
- Irwin, Rossman P., III, Tanaka, Kenneth L., and Robbins, Stuart J. 2013. "Distribution of Early, Middle, and Late Noachian cratered surfaces in the Martian highlands: Implications for resurfacing events and processes." Journal of Geophysical Research. E. Planets, 118, (2) 278–291. 2013
- Burr, Devon M., Perron, J. T., Lamb, Michael P., Irwin, Rossman P., III, Collins, Geoffrey C., Howard, Alan D., Sklar, Leonard S., Moore, Jeffrey M., Adamkovics, Mate, Baker, Victor R., Drummond, Sarah, A., and Black, Benjamin A. 2013. "Fluvial features on Titan: Insights from morphology and modeling." Geological Society of America Bulletin, 125, (3-4) 299–321. 2013
- Wray, James J.,, Hansen, Sarah T., Dufek, Josef, Swayze, Gregg A., Murchie, Scott L., Seebs, Frank P., Skok, John R., Irwin, Rossman P., III, and Ghiorso, Mark S. 2013. "Prolonged magmatic activity on Mars inferred from the detection of felsic rocks." Nature Geoscience, 6, (12) 1013–1017. 2013
- Williams, Rebecca M. E., Irwin, Rossman P., III, Burr, Devon M., Harrison, Tanya, and McClelland, Phillip. 2013. "Variability in martian sinuous ridge form: Case study of Aeolis Serpens in the Aeolis Dorsa, Mars, and insight from the Mirackina paleoriver, South Australia." Icarus, 225, (1) 308–324. 2013
- Craddock, Robert A., Howard, Alan D., Irwin, Rossman P., III, Tooth, Stephen, Williams, Rebecca M. E., and Chu, Pao-Shin. 2012. "Drainage network development in the Keanakāko‘i tephra, Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai‘i: Implications for fluvial erosion and valley network formation on early Mars." Journal of Geophysical Research. E. Planets, 117 1–19. 2012
- Irwin, Rossman P., III and Zimbelman, James R. 2012. "Morphometry of Great Basin pluvial shore landforms: Implications for paleolake basins on Mars." Journal of Geophysical Research. E. Planets, 117 1–14. 2012
- Grant, John A., Irwin, Rossman P., III, Wilson, Sharon A., Buczkowski, D., and Siebach, K. 2011. "A lake in Uzboi Vallis and implications for Late Noachian-Early Hesperian climate on Mars." Icarus, 212, (1) 110–122. 2011
- Irwin, Rossman P., III, Craddock, Robert A., Howard, Alan D., and Flemming, Holly L. 2011. "Topographic influences on development of Martian valley networks." Journal of Geophysical Research. E. Planets, 116 E02005–E02005. 2011
- Irwin, Rossman P., III and Watters, Thomas R. 2010. "Geology of the Martian crustal dichotomy boundary: Age, modifications, and implications for modeling efforts." Journal of Geophysical Research. E. Planets, 115 E11006–E11006. 2010
- Williams, R. M. E., Irwin, Rossman P., III, and Zimbelman, James R. 2009. "Evaluation of paleohydrologic models for terrestrial inverted channels: Implications for application to martian sinuous ridges." Geomorphology, 107, (3-4) 300–315. 2009
- Zimbelman, James R., Irwin, Rossman P., III, Williams, Steven H., Bunch, Fred, Valdez, Andrew, and Stevens, Scott. 2009. "The rate of granule ripple movement on Earth and Mars." Icarus, 203, (1) 71–76. 2009
- Grant, John A., Irwin, Rossman P., III, Grotzinger, John P., Milliken, Ralph E., Tornabene, Livio L., McEwen, Alfred S., Weitz, Catherine M., Squyres, Steven W., Glotch, Timothy D., and Thomson, Brad J. 2008. "HiRISE imaging of impact megabreccia and sub-meter aqueous strata in Holden Crater, Mars." Geology, 36, (3) 195–198. 2008
- Watters, Thomas R., McGovern, P. J., and Irwin, Rossman P., III. 2007. "Hemispheres apart: The crustal dichotomy on Mars." Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 35 621–652. 2007
- Williams, Rebecca M. E., Irwin, Rossman P., III, Zimbelman, James R., Chidsey, Thomas C., Jr., and Eby, David E. 2011. "Field guide to exhumed paleochannels near Green River, Utah: Terrestrial analogs for sinuous ridges on Mars." In Analogs for Planetary Exploration. Garry, W. Brent and Bleacher, Jacob E., editors. 483–505. Geological Society of America. In Geological Society of America Special Paper. 2011
- Grant, John A., Irwin, Rossman P., III, and Wilson, Sharon A. 2010. "Aqueous depositional settings in Holden crater, Mars." In Lakes on Mars. Cabrol, Nathalie A. and Grin, Edmond A., editors. 323–346. Oxford, UK: Elsevier. 2010
- Irwin, Rossman P., III and Grant, John A. 2009. "Large basin overflow floods on Mars." In Megaflooding on Earth and Mars. Burr, D., Baker, V., and Carling, P., editors. 209–221. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. 2009
- Irwin, Rossman P., III, Howard, A. D., and Craddock, Robert A. 2008. "Fluvial Valley Networks on Mars." In River Confluences, Tributaries and the Fluvial Network. Rice, S. P., Roy, A. G., and Rhoads, B. L., editors. 419–450. West Sussex, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2008
- Irwin, Rossman P., III and Cawley, Jon C. 2019. [Dataset] Data Repository for "Evolution of escarpments, pediments, and plains in the Noachian highlands of Mars". [zip file containing text, TIFF, and ArcGIS shapefile formats] Distributed by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum - Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, compiled by Irwin, Rossman P., III. 2019
- Matsubara, Yo, Howard, Alan D., and Irwin, Rossman P., III. 2018. [Dataset] Data Repository for Constraints on the Noachian Paleoclimate of the Martian Highlands From Landscape Evolution Modeling. Distributed by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum - Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, compiled by Irwin, Rossman P., III. 2018
- Irwin,Rossman P., III and Mest, Scott C. 2018. [Dataset] Geologic map of wind-eroded crater floors and intercrater plains, Terra Sabaea, Mars. [text; zip] Distributed by Washington, DC: Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum - Center for Earth and Planetary Studies. 2018
- Tanaka, Kenneth L., Skinner Jr, James A., Dohm, James M., Irwin, Rossman P., III, Kolb, Eric J., Fortezzo, Corey M., Platz, Thomas, Michael, Gregory G., and Hare, Trent M. 2014. "Geologic Map of Mars." USGS. 2014
- Irwin, Rossman P., III and Grant, John A. 2013. "Geologic Map of MTM –15027, –20027, –25027, and –25032 Quadrangles, Margaritifer Terra Region of Mars, Scientific Investigations Map 3209, scale 1:1004,000." USGS. 2013
- National Air & Space Museum Academic Department