Lam, Thomas
Fellowship Advisor Museum Conservation Institute staffMaterials characterization: specialized in microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and microanalysis
- Physical Scientist, Museum Conservation Institute 2016 -
Background And Education
Education And Training
- Ph.D. in Ceramics, Alfred University , Glass Formation Boundary Approach to the Sintering of Alumina 2008 - 2011
- M.S. in Ceramic Engineering, Alfred University , Glass Melts as Indicators for Liquid Phase Sintering in Al2O3 2005 - 2007
- B.S. in Ceramic Engineering, Alfred University , Analysis of Copper Red Glazes by Unity Molecular Formula 1999 - 2004
- National Institute of Standards and Technology 2011 - 2014
Professional Biography
- Thomas specializes in materials characterization on materials of cultural value. Specifically, Thomas works on projects revolving around applying scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), cathodoluminescence (CL), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), or microfade testing (MFT).
Awards And Honors
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, conferred by Microscopy & Microanalysis, 2021
- Secretary's Research Prize, 2019
- Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Award, conferred by Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Awards, 2019
- ACerS Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award, conferred by American Ceramic Society, 2012
- SEM-based micro-XRF: A new tool for compositional analysis and imaging of museum specimens, conferred by Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Awards
Public Biography
- During his PhD, Thomas also worked at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (2008-2011). After his PhD, Thomas completed a postdoc at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). At NIST, Thomas worked on projects developing methodologies to visualize and characterize 3D nanostructures. Thomas was a Sr. Research Specialist at the Electron Microscopy Core Facility at the University of Missouri from 2014-2015. At the University of Missouri, he worked with the students and faculty to apply electron microscopy (SEM, SEM EDS, Electron Beam Lithography, TEM, STEM EDS, STEM EELS and EFTEM) research to their projects. Thomas joined the Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute (MCI) in 2016.
Research And Grants
Investigator On
Selected Publications
- Lam, Thomas and Vicenzi, Edward P. 2019. "A Correlative Imaging and Analytical Study of Mesoamerican Jades." Quantitative Microanalysis, 74–75. 2019
- Vicenzi, Edward P., Lam, Thomas, Wetzel, Rachel, and Perich, Shannon T. 2024. "A Nondestructive Method for Probing Layer Thicknesses in Early Photographs from Micrometers to Nanometers Using SEM-based μXRF Spectrometry." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30, (Supplement 1). 2024
- Guidera, Stephanie, Kaplan, Emily, Mahony, Caitlin, Lam, Thomas, and Kavich, Gwénaëlle M. 2024. "A Study of Protective Coatings for Archaeological Silver." Studies in Conservation, 2024
- Lam, Thomas, Lowers, Heather A., Wight, Scott A., and Vicenzi, Edward P. 2024. "Cathodoluminescence Imaging and Spectrometry of a Jadeite Microbeam Reference Crystal: Detection of Ce3 ." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30. 2024
- Vicenzi, Edward P., Lam, Thomas, Lowers, Heather, and MacRae, Colin. 2024. "Correlating Quantified Cathodoluminescence Spectra in Jadeite with Micro-scale Color Measurements in Visible-Near Infrared Reflectance Spectrometry." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30, (Supplement 1) 18–21. 2024
- Vicenzi, Edward P., Lam, Thomas, Lowers, Heather, and MacRae, Colin. 2024. "Correlating Quantified Cathodoluminescence Spectra in Jadeite with Micro-scale Color Measurements in Visible-Near Infrared Reflectance Spectrometry." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30. 2024
- Scibè, Cristina, Eng-Wilmot, Kira, Lam, Thomas, Tosini, Isetta, González López, Maria José, and Solazzo, Caroline. 2024. "Palaeoproteomics and microanalysis reveal techniques of production of animal-based metal threads in medieval textiles." Scientific Reports, 14, (1). 2024
- Frankel, Nora, Heald, Susan, Lam, Thomas, Pace, Marcelo R., and Galban, Michael. 2024. "Untangling Indian Hemp: Identifying Woodlands Bast Fibers in Collections." Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 63, (3) 221–244. 2024
- Duncan, Teresa T., Vicenzi, Edward P., Lam, Thomas, and Brogdon-Grantham, Shannon. 2023. "A Comparison of Materials for Dry Surface Cleaning Soot-Coated Papers of Varying Roughness: Assessing Efficacy, Physical Surface Changes, and Residue." Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 1–16. 2023
- Neves, Artur, Friedel, Robert, Melo, Maria J., Callapez, Maria Elvira, Vicenzi, Edward P., and Lam, Thomas. 2023. "Best billiard ball in the 19th century: Composite materials made of celluloid and bone as substitutes for ivory." PNAS Nexus, 2, (11). 2023
- Hiebert, Miriam E., Oakman, Sarah, Brogdon-Grantham, Shannon, and Lam, Thomas. 2023. "Glass alteration in 19th century glass photographic plates: Potential role in gelatin delamination." Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 106, (3) 1638–1643. 2023
- Vicenzi, Edward P., Lam, Thomas, Weaver, Jamie L., Herzing, Andrew A., McCloy, John S., Sjöblom, Rolf, and Pearce, Carolyn I. 2022. "Major to trace element imaging and analysis of iron age glasses using stage scanning in the analytical dual beam microscope (tandem)." Heritage Science, 10. 2022
- Hiebert, Miriam E., Lam, Thomas, Oakman, Sarah, and Brogdon-Grantham, Shannon. 2022. "Observations from the Analysis of the Gelatin Silver Emulsion Layer of Glass Photographic Inter-Positive Plates from Eadweard Muybridge's Animal Locomotion Series at the National Museum of American History." Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 1–17. 2022
- Vicenzi, Edward P., Lam, Thomas, Lowers, Heather A., Carpenter, Paul K., and Adams, David T. 2022. "Quantitative and Qualitative Correlation of CL and X-ray Signals in Cr-bearing Jade from Chichén-Itzá Archaeological Zone, Mexico." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28 656–660. 2022
- Sharps, Meredith C., Martinez, Maria M., Brandl, Michael, Lam, Thomas, and Vicenzi, Edward P. 2021. "A dual beam SEM-based EDS and micro-XRF method for the analysis of large-scale Mesoamerican obsidian tablets." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 35. 2021
- Teeter, Keara, Mendez, Natalie, Manthey, Gwen, Kerr, Amber, and Lam, Thomas. 2021. "Case Study of SEM-EDS Cross-Sections to Assist in Understanding p-XRF Results from William H. Johnson Paintings." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27 3204–3206. 2021
- Lam, Thomas. 2021. "Comparison of quantification from field deployable pXRF and laboratory based-micro-XRF within an SEM of Cu-based alloys." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27 3200–3202. 2021
- Lam, Thomas and Vicenzi, Edward. 2021. "Elemental Mapping of Jade by pXRF and SEM-based Micro-XRF: A Comparative Study." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27 2556–2558. 2021
- Hiebert, Miriam, Lam, Thomas, Vicenzi, Edward, Phaneuf, Raymond, Moser, William, and Hawks, Catherine. 2021. "Microanalysis of Glass Fluid Storage Vials from The Invertebrate Zoology Collection at the National Museum of Natural History." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27 3208–3210. 2021
- Popowich, Aleksandra, Lam, Thomas, and Vicenzi, Edward P. 2021. "Nondestructive Microanalysis of Thin-Film Coatings on Historic Metal Threads." Analytical Chemistry, 93, (38) 12906–12913. 2021
- Vicenzi, Edward, Sharps, Meredith, and Lam, Thomas. 2021. "Quantitative Analysis of Obsidian and Determination of Source Provenance Using an Analytical Dual Beam SEM." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27 2560–2563. 2021
- Romano, Christine, Lam, Thomas, Newsome, G. Asher, Taillon, Joshua A., Little, Nicole, and Tsang, Jia-sun. 2020. "Characterization of Zinc Carboxylates in an Oil Paint Test Panel." Studies in Conservation, 65, (1) 14–27. 2020
- Romano, Christine, Lam, Thomas, Maines, Christopher A., and Tsang, Jia-sun. 2020. "Preserving the Legacy of an Artist and Conservator: Technical Study of Paintings by Felrath Hines in the Collection of the National Museum of African American History and Culture." Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 2020
- Tsang, Jia-sun, Friedberg, Elle, and Lam, Thomas. 2019. "An easy-to-use method for preparing paint cross sections." Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 58, (3) 123–131. 2019
- Vicenzi, Edward P. and Lam, Thomas. 2019. "Examination of Heritage and Geological Materials Using Correlated Electron- and X-ray-Beam Microanalysis in the SEM." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25 2482–2483. 2019
- Brogdon-Grantham, Shannon A., Kavich, Gwenaelle, Lam, Thomas, Parker, Annaick, and Doutriaux, Miriam. 2019. "Preserving Photographically Illustrated Quilts." Collections Quarterly, 3 23–24. 2019
- Lam, Thomas, Romano, Christine, Newsome, G. Asher, Little, Nicole, and Tsang, Jia-sun. 2018. "Characterization of Zinc Soap from an Accelerated Aged Oil Painting Test Panel." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24 2158–2159. 2018
- Vicenzi, Edward P., Pearce, Carolyn I., Weaver, Jamie L., McCloy, John S., Wight, Scott, Lam, Thomas, Whittaker, Scott, Sjoblow, Rolf, Peeler, David K., Schweiger, Michael J., and Kruger, Albert A. 2018. "Compositional Imaging and Analysis of Late Iron Age Glass from the Broborg Vitrified Hillfort, Sweden." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24 2134–2135. 2018
- Baumann, Kate, Vicenzi, Edward P., Lam, Thomas, Douglas, Janet, Arbuckle, Kevin, Cribb, Bronwen, Brady, Seán G., and Fry, Bryan G. 2018. "Correction to: Harden up: metal acquisition in the weaponized ovipositors of aculeate hymenoptera." Zoomorphology, 1–2. 2018
- Baumann, Kate, Vicenzi, Edward P., Lam, Thomas, Douglas, Janet, Arbuckle, Kevin, Cribb, Bronwen, Brady, Seán G., and Fry, Bryan G. 2018. "Harden up: metal acquisition in the weaponized ovipositors of aculeate hymenoptera." Zoomorphology, (137) 389–406. 2018
- Brogdon-Grantham, Shannon, Lussier, Stephanie, Maines, Christopher A., McGath, Molly, and Lam, Thomas. 2018. "Microfadeometry of Face-Mounted and Unmounted Chromogenic Photographs." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24, (Supplement S1) 2144–2145. (Proceedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2018) 2018
- Young, Pamela, Silence, Patricia, and Lam, Thomas. 2018. "Microfadeometry of Miss Breme Jones Watercolor with Iron-gall Ink Inscriptions." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24 2170–2171. 2018
- Weaver, Jamie L., Pearce, Carolyn I., Arey, Bruce, Conroy, Michele, Vicenzi, Edward P., Sjoblom, Rolf, Koestler, Robert J., DePriest, Paula T., Lam, Thomas F., Peeler, David K., McCloy, John S., and Kruger, Albert A. 2018. "Microscopic Identification of Micro-Organisms on Pre-Viking Swedish Hillfort Glass." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24 2136–2137. 2018
- Beams, Ryan, Vicenzi, Edward P., Wight, Scott, Lam, Thomas, Barnes, Stephanie, Tsang, Jia-sun, and Stranick, Stephan J. 2018. "Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of ZnO and TiCh Pigments." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24 2150–2151. 2018
- Vicenzi, Edward P. and Lam, Thomas. 2017. "Determination of Major, Minor, and Trace Elements in Jadeite using Scanning micro-X-ray Fluorescence." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23 1008–1009. 2017
- Nguyen, Tinh, Petersen, Elijah J., Pellegrin, Bastien, Gorham, Justin M., Lam, Thomas, Zhao, Minhua, and Sung, Lipiin. 2017. "Impact of UV irradiation on multiwall carbon nanotubes in nanocomposites: Formation of entangled surface layer and mechanisms of release resistance." Carbon, 116 191–200. 2017
- Gabler, D. and Lam, Thomas. 2017. "Microfade Testing of Plains Indian Shirts." Conservation Newsletter - ICOM Objects from Indigenous and World Cultures. 2017
- Ashkar, Rana, Hore, Michael J. A., Ye, Xingchen, Natarajan, Bharath, Greybush, Nicholas J., Lam, Thomas, Kagan, Cherie R., and Murray, Christopher B. 2017. "Rapid Large-Scale Assembly and Pattern Transfer of One-Dimensional Gold Nanorod Superstructures." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, (30) 25513–25521. 2017
- Lam, Thomas F., Smith, Susan, Devine, Scott, and Vicenzi, Edward P. 2023. "Color Analysis and Microfade Testing of the 1918 Curtiss Jenny U.S. Airmail Stamp." In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Analytical Methods in Philately. 51–72. The Institute for Analytical Philately. 2023
- Martinez, Maria M., Brandl, Michael, Sharps Noyes, Meredith, Lam, Thomas, and Vicenzi, Edward P. 2022. "Reflecting on the History and Use of Rectangular Obsidian "Mirrors" from Mexico: Reinterpreting Old Museum Collections and Indigenous-Colonial Intersections." In Contextualizing Museum Collections at the Smithsonian Institution: The Relevance of Collections-Based Research in the Twenty-First Century. Martinez, Maria M., Sears, Erin L., and Sieg, Lauren E., editors. 137–153. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, 54. (, 2022
- Cullen Cobb, Kim, Beekman, Christopher S., Kaplan, Emily, and Lam, Thomas. 2022. "The Craft, Use, and Distribution of Axe-Monies in Mesoamerica." In Waves of Influence: Pacific Maritime Networks Connecting Mexico, Central America, and Northwestern South America. Beekman, Christopher S. and McEwan, Colin, editors. 347–415. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks. 2022
- Romano, Christine, Lam, Thomas, and Tsang, Jia-sun. 2021. "Conserving a Conservator's paintings: Study and Preventive care of Painting by Felrath Hines." In Postprint Painting Specialty. 125–130. 26 2021
- Romano, Christine, Lam, Thomas, and Tsang, Jia-sun. 2021. "Technical Study and Treatment of Paintings by Clementine Hunter." In Postprint Painting Specialty. 1–11. 32 2021
- Parker, Anniack, Brogdon-Grantham, Shannon A., Doutriaux, Miriam, Kavich, Gwénaëlle M., and Lam, Thomas F. 2019. "A Context-Based Approach to Conserving Photographs On Textiles." In Papers presented at the 2019 Photographic Materials Group Session of the American Institute for Conservation Annual Meeting in Uncasville, Connecticut. Doutriaux, Miriam, editor. Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation, Photographic Materials Group. In Topics in Photographic Preservation, 18. 2019
- Steele, Elizabeth, Lam, Thomas, Barnes, Stephanie, Tsang, Jia-sun, and Fiedler, Inge. 2017. "Reevaluation of Luncheon of the Boating Party." In Renoir and Friends: Luncheon of the Boating Party. Rathbone, E. E., editor. 118–131. Washington, DC: Giles. 2017
Conference Paper
- Scibe, Cristina, Solazzo, Caroline, Tosini, Isetta, Lam, Thomas, Vicenzi, Edward, and Gonzalez Lopez, Maria Jose. 2020. "Gilt Leather Threads in 11th-15th Century Textiles." from Leather 2019, Proceedings of the 11th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Leather and Related Materials Working Group. 162–169. (Paris, France) 2019-06-06. ICOM-CC. 2020
- Heald, Susan, Frankel, Nora, Keruzec, Annaïck, Doxsey-Whitfield, Megan, Kavich, Gwénaëlle, Lam, Thomas, and Little, Nicole. 2018. "A Sizable Sooty Soiled Surface: Analyzing and Evaluating Methods for Surface Cleaning a Large Painted Muslin." from AIC Wooden Artifacts Group Postprints from American Institute for Conservation's 46th Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas. Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation. 2018
- Pearce, Carolyn I., Weaver, Jamie L., Vicenzi, Edward P., Lam, Thomas, DePriest, Paula, Koestler, Robert, Varga, Tamas, Miller, Micah D., Arey, Bruce W., Conroy, Michele A., McCloy, John S., Sjoblom, Rolf, Schwweiger, Michael J., Peeler, David K., and Kruger, Albert A. 2018. "Investigating Alteration of Pre-Viking Hillfort Glasses from the Broborg Hillfort Site, Sweden." from MS&T Conference Proceedings. (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) 2017-10-08. Materials Science and Technology. 2018
- Frankel, Nora, Heald, Susan, Lam, Thomas, Pace, Marcelo R., and Galban, Michael. 2018. "Untangling Indian Hemp: Identifying Common Woodlands Plant Fibers." from Wooden Artifacts Group 2018 Postprints of the Wooden Artifacts Session, Joint Research & Technical Studies and Wooden Artifacts Session; Joint Textiles and Wooden Artifacts Session; Joint Research & Technical Studies Textiles Session, 46th Annual Meeting American Institute for Conservation 2018, Houston Texas. 2018
- Grissom, Carol A., Webb, E. Keats, and Lam, Thomas. 2021. Examination and Treatment Report for a Carpenter & Co. Lock Found at SERC. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Museum Conservation Institute, 6955. 2021
- Lam, Thomas. 2023. Application of Centimeter Scale EDS and Micro-XRF Microanalysis Imaging in Cultural Heritage [presentation]. November 2, 2023. Columbia, Missouri: Central States Microscopy and Microanalysis Society.
- Lam, Thomas, Vicenzi, Edward P., Smith, Susan N., and Devine, Scott. 2023. Color Analysis and Microfade Testing of the 1918 Curtiss Jenny US Airmail Stamp [presentation]. October 17, 2023. Washington, DC: National Postal Museum and Institute of Analytical Philately.
- Newsome, G. Asher, Romano, Christine, Lam, Thomas, and Tsang, Jia-sun. 2018. Microsampling, DART-MS, and GC-MS of Metal Soap Protrusions on Aged Oil Paintings [presentation]. 66th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, June 1, 2018. San Diego, California: American Society for Mass Spectrometry.
- Museum Conservation Institute Academic Department