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Lipps, Andrea

Curator of Digital Design & Founding Head, Digital Curatorial Department



Selected Publications

Editor Of

  • Book

    • Devlin, Es. 2023. An Atlas of Es Devlin, Lipps, Andrea, editor. London, England: Thames and Hudson. 2023
    • Lupton, Ellen and Lipps, Andrea, editors. 2018. The Senses: Design Beyond Vision. New York: Princeton Architectural Press and Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum. 2018
    • Lipps, Andrea and Lupton, Ellen, editors. 2016. Beauty—Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial. New York: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum. 2016


  • Exhibit

    • Lipps, Andrea (Curator). 2024. "An Atlas of Es Devlin." New York: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, 2023-11-18 to 2024-08-11..
    • Lipps, Andrea and Lupton, Ellen (Curators). 2016. "Beauty-Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial." New York: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, 2016-02-12 to 2016-08-21..
    • Lipps, Andrea (Curator). 2017. "Joris Laarman Lab: Design in the Digital Age." New York: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, 2017-09-27 to 2018-01-15..
    • Condell, Caitlin, Lipps, Andrea, and McQuaid, Matilda (Curators). 2019. "Nature-Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial." New York, New York: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, 2019-05-10 to 2020-01-20..
    • Lipps, Andrea and Lupton, Ellen (Curators). 2018. "The Senses: Design Beyond Vision." New York: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, 2018-04-13 to 2018-10-28..
    • Lipps, Andrea (Curator). 2018. "The Senses: Design Beyond Vision." .
  • Presentation

    • Jenks, Joesphine, Lipps, Andrea, and Walthew, Jessica. 2022. Beyond the Archive: Preservation and Access for Web-based Interactive Data Journalism [presentation]. American Institute for Conservation Annual Conference, May 15, 2022.
    • Lipps, Andrea and Walthew, Jessica. 2022. Collecting Digital Design Histories [presentation]. Graphic Design Histories graduate course, April 6, 2022. Virtual: Parsons School of Design.
    • Lipps, Andrea. 2024. Collecting Digital Design [presentation]. Congress of Scholars, June 16, 2023. Virtual: Smithsonian National Museum of the American Latino.
    • Lipps, Andrea. 2019. Curating Design as Experiential: Evolutions in Exhibition Making [presentation]. College Art Association 107th Annual Conference, February 16, 2019. New York.
    • Lipps, Andrea. 2022. Displaying Sensory Design: Multisensory Exhibitions as Inherently Inclusive [presentation]. Towards Access for All: Inclusion through Multisensory Interaction symposium, October 17, 2022. Borås, Sweden: University of Borås.
    • Lipps, Andrea and Walthew, Jessica. 2021. Geographic Decentralization: Mapping Evolutions of a Digital Artwork [presentation]. College Art Association 108th Annual Conference, February 11, 2021.
    • Lipps, Andrea. 2024. Lightning Talk: Collecting Digital Design [presentation]. Art History Curricula Workshop, May 13, 2024. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute.
    • Lipps, Andrea. 2023. New Ways of Seeing: How Display Changes the Perception of Collections [presentation]. The Future of Display in Museums, May 14, 2023. New York: TEFAF.
    • Ginsberg, Rachel, Walthew, Jessica, and Lipps, Andrea. 2022. Transforming Museum Experience Post-Pandemic at Cooper Hewitt [presentation]. High Availability: Museums’ Digital Response During the Pandemic, March 25, 2022. New York: Bard Graduate Center.


Responsible Collections Areas

  • Digital Design

Organizer Of Event

