Lucey, Noelle M.
Former Smithsonian Tropical Institute Research staff
Noelle Lucey’s research aims to understand how global change is impacting marine life. She is an organismal marine biologist with a focus on animal physiology. Using long-term laboratory manipulations and natural field experiments, she advances our understanding of how different types of animals are able to survive varying levels and combinations of climate stressors. This involves melding the disciplines of physiology, ecology and physical oceanography together to more accurately understand changing tropical biogeography. Her current research is identifies physiological adaptations and extirpations arising from climate change extremes in tropical coral reef ecosystems.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute 2017 -
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute 2017 -
Geographic Focus
- Caribbean, tropical Eastern Pacific Geographic Region
Background And Education
Education And Training
- M.A. in Marine Affairs and Policy, University of Miami , Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
- Ph.D. in Marine Ecosystem Health and Conservation, Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Fellowship Program , University of Pavia, Italy & University of Plymouth, UK 2012 - 2016
- B.S. in Marine Biology and Marine Science, University of Miami 2002 - 2006
Research And Grants
- ecophysiology, ocean deoxygenation, warming, multiple generations, biogeography, modern extinctions, phenotypic plasticity, climate change, marine policy, climate resilience, tropical ecosystems, marine invertebrates
Selected Publications
- Lucey, Noelle, César-Ávila, Carolina, Eckert, Alaina, Veintimilla, Paul, and Collin, Rachel. 2025. "Locally Adapted Coral Species Withstand a 2-Week Hypoxic Event." Oceans, 6, (1) 5. 2025
- Lucey, Noelle M., César‐Ávila, Carolina, Eckert, Alaina, Rajagopalan, Anushka, Brister, William C., Kline, Esme, Altieri, Andrew H., Deutsch, Curtis A., and Collin, Rachel. 2024. "Coral Community Composition Linked to Hypoxia Exposure." Global Change Biology, 30, (10). 2024
- Lucey, Noelle M., Deutsch, Curtis A., Carignan, Marie-Hélène, Vermandele, Fanny, Collins, Mary, Johnson, Maggie D., Collin, Rachel, and Calosi, Piero. 2023. "Climate warming erodes tropical reef habitat through frequency and intensity of episodic hypoxia." PLOS Climate, 2, (3). 2023
- Lucey, Noelle, Aube, Camille, Herwig, Antonia, and Collin, Rachel. 2022. "Compound Extreme Events Induce Rapid Mortality in a Tropical Sea Urchin." The Biological Bulletin, 243, (2). 2022
- Woods, H. A., Moran, Amy L., Atkinson, David, Audzijonyte, Asta, Berenbrink, Michael, Borges, Francisco O., Burnett, Karen G., Burnett, Louis E., Coates, Christopher J., Collin, Rachel, Costa-Paiva, Elisa, Duncan, Murray I., Ern, Rasmus, Laetz, Elise M. J., Levin, Lisa A., Lindmark, Max, Lucey, Noelle M., McCormick, Lillian R., Pierson, James J., Rosa, Rui, Roman, Michael R., Sampaio, Eduardo, Schulte, Patricia M., Sperling, Erik A., Walczyńska, Aleksandra et al. 2022. "Integrative Approaches to Understanding Organismal Responses to Aquatic Deoxygenation." The Biological bulletin, 243, (2) 85–103. 2022
- Johnson, Maggie D., Bravo, Lucia M. Rodriguez, Lucey, Noelle, and Altieri, Andrew H. 2021. "Environmental legacy effects and acclimatization of a crustose coralline alga to ocean acidification." Climate Change Ecology, 2 100016. 2021
- Lucey, Noelle M., Haskett, Eileen, and Collin, Rachel. 2021. "Hypoxia from depth shocks shallow tropical reef animals." Climate Change Ecology, 2. 2021
- Figuerola, Blanca, Grossman, Ethan L., Lucey, Noelle, Leonard, Nicole D., and O'Dea, Aaron. 2021. "Millennial-scale change on a Caribbean reef system that experiences hypoxia." Ecography, 2021
- Johnson, Maggie D., Scott, Jarrod J., Leray, Matthieu, Lucey, Noelle, Bravo, Lucia M. Rodriguez, Wied, William L., and Altieri, Andrew H. 2021. "Rapid ecosystem-scale consequences of acute deoxygenation on a Caribbean coral reef." Nature Communications, 12, (1). 2021
- Lucey, Noelle, Haskett, Eileen, and Collin, Rachel. 2020. "Multi-stressor Extremes Found on a Tropical Coral Reef Impair Performance." Frontiers in Marine Science, 7. 2020
- Lucey, Noelle M., Collins, Mary, and Collin, Rachel. 2020. "Oxygen-mediated plasticity confers hypoxia tolerance in a corallivorous polychaete." Ecology and Evolution, 10, (3) 1145–1157. 2020
- Wilkins, Laetitia G. E., Leray, Matthieu, Yuen, Benedict, Peixoto, Raquel, Pereira, Tiago J., Bik, Holly M., Coil, David A., Duffy, J. Emmett, Herre, Edward Allen, Lessios, Harilaos, Lucey, Noelle, Mejia, Luis C., O'Dea, Aaron, Rasher, Douglas B., Sharp, Koty, Sogin, Emilia M., Thacker, Robert W., Thurber, Rebecca Vega, Wcislo, William T., Wilbanks, Elizabeth G., and Eisen, Jonathan A. 2019. "Host-associated microbiomes and their roles in marine ecosystem functions." PeerJ, 1–27. 2019
- Wilkins, Laetitia G. E., Leray, Matthieu, O'Dea, Aaron, Yuen, Benedict, Peixoto, Raquel S., Pereira, Tiago J., Bik, Holly M., Coil, David A., Duffy, J. Emmett, Herre, Edward Allen, Lessios, Harilaos A., Lucey, Noelle M., Mejia, Luis C., Rasher, Douglas B., Sharp, Koty H., Sogin, Emilia M., Thacker, Robert W., Thurber, Rebecca Vega, Wcislo, William T., Wilbanks, Elizabeth G., and Eisen, Jonathan A. 2019. "Host-associated microbiomes drive structure and function of marine ecosystems." PLoS biology, 17, (11) 1–15. 2019
- Lucey, Noelle and Collin, Rachel. 2022. [Dataset] Raw data and code for analysis. Distributed by Barro Colorado Island, Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. 2022
- Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Department