Page, Rachel
Staff Scientist, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Vertebrate behavior, sensory and cognitive ecology, predator-prey interactions, signal evolution.
Background And Education
Education And Training
- B.A., Columbia University
- Ph.D., University of Texas Austin
Awards And Honors
- Secretary's Research Prize, 2023
- Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Award, conferred by Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Awards, 2020
- Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Award, conferred by Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Awards, 2018
- Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Award, conferred by Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Awards, 2017
Research And Grants
Co-principal Investigator On
Investigator On
- Tracking and manipulating cooperative relationships in vampire bats awarded by Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Awards
- Improved learning as a shared functional benefit of sleep awarded by Competitive Grants Program for Science
- Collaborative Research: RUI: Cognitive Overload versus Enhanced Performance: Is More Information Always Better? awarded by Salisbury University 2019 -
- Collaborative Research: Multimodal Communication, Mate Choice, and Predation Risk awarded by University of Texas Austin
- Multimodal Sensing in the Natural Environment awarded by Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)
- The benefits of social sleeping: Behavior and neuroimaging of sleep within a group awarded by Binational Science Foundation
Selected Publications
- Chaverri, Gloriana and Page, Rachel A. 2024. "Food-associated calls in disc-winged bats." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 78, (12) 119. 2024
- Carter, Gerald G., Ripperger, Simon P., Girbino, Vi, Dixon, M. M., Razik, Imran, Page, Rachel A., and Hobson, Elizabeth A. 2024. "Long‐term cooperative relationships among vampire bats are not strongly predicted by their initial interactions." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2024
- Cronin, Andrew D., Taylor, Ryan C., Page, Rachel A., Ryan, Michael J., Murphy, Megan A., and Hunter, Kimberly L. 2024. "Rapid cross-generational changes in morphology and mate choice following an extreme climatic event." Evolutionary Ecology, 2024
- Sealey, Briana A., James, Logan S., Cohen, Gregg, Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2024. "Rapid foraging risk assessments in the Jamaican fruit bat, Artibeus jamaicensis." Animal Behaviour, 216 45–53. 2024
- Kohles, Jenna E., Page, Rachel A., Wikelski, Martin, and Dechmann, Dina K. N. 2024. "Seasonal shifts in insect ephemerality drive bat foraging effort." Current Biology, 2024
- Heckley, Alexis M., Harding, Christian D., Page, Rachel A., Klein, Barrett A., Yovel, Yossi, Diebold, Clarice A., and Tilley, Hannah B. 2024. "The effect of group size on sleep in a neotropical bat, Artibeus jamaicensis." Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, 2024
- Bernal, Ximena E., Leavell, Brian C., and Page, Rachel A. 2023. "Assessing patterns of eavesdropper risk on sexual signals and the use of meta-analysis in behavioural ecology: a comment on: 'The exploitation of sexual signals by predators: a meta-analysis' White et al. (2022)." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290, (1998). 2023
- Amichai, Eran, Boerma, David B., Page, Rachel A., Swartz, Sharon M., and ter Hofstede, Hannah M. 2023. "By a whisker: the sensory role of vibrissae in hovering flight in nectarivorous bats." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290, (1992). 2023
- Dixon, Marjorie May, Carter, Gerald G., Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2023. "Spatial learning overshadows learning novel odors and sounds in both predatory and frugivorous bats." Behavioral Ecology, 34, (3) 325–333. 2023
- Coss, Derek A., Ryan, Michael J., Page, Rachel A., Hunter, Kimberly L., and Taylor, Ryan C. 2022. "Can you hear/see me? Multisensory integration of signals does not always facilitate mate choice." Behavioral Ecology, 2022
- James, Logan S., Baier, A. Leonie, Page, Rachel A., Clements, Paul, Hunter, Kimberly L., Taylor, Ryan C., and Ryan, Michael J. 2022. "Cross-modal facilitation of auditory discrimination in a frog." Biology Letters, 18, (6). 2022
- Bernal, Ximena E. and Page, Rachel A. 2022. "Editorial: How enemies shape communication systems: Sensory strategies of prey to avoid eavesdropping predators and parasites." Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. 2022
- Larter, Luke C., Bernal, Ximena E., Page, Rachel A., and Ryan, Michael J. 2022. "Local competitive environment and male condition influence within-bout calling patterns in tungara frogs." Bioacoustics-the International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording, 2022
- Dixon, M. May, Jones, Patricia L., Ryan, Michael J., Carter, Gerald G., and Page, Rachel A. 2022. "Long-term memory in frog-eating bats." Current Biology, 32, (12) R557–R558. 2022
- Kernan, Ciara E., Yiambilis, A. N., Searcy, Z. E., Pulica, R. M., Page, Rachel A., and Caldwell, Michael S. 2022. "Mid-flight prey switching in the fringed-lipped bat (Trachops cirrhosus)." The Science of Nature, 109, (5). 2022
- Cvecko, Patrick, Braendel, Stefan D., Hiller, Thomas, Rose, Andreas, Bechler, Jan P., Page, Rachel A., and Tschapka, Marco. 2022. "New architecture of leaf-tents in American oil palms (Elaeis oleifera) used by Pacific tent-making bat (Uroderma convexum) in Panama." Mammalia, 86, (4) 355–358. 2022
- Muñoz-Romo, Mariana, Cohen, Gregg, and Page, Rachel. 2022. "Place your bets: small prey faces large predators." Behaviour, 159, (10) 989–997. 2022
- Page, Rachel A. and Dechmann, Dina K. N. 2022. "Roost making in bats." Current Biology, 32, (22) R1252–R1259. 2022
- Bernal, Ximena E. and Page, Rachel A. 2022. "Tactics of evasion: strategies used by signallers to deter eavesdropping enemies from exploiting communication systems." Biological Reviews, 2022
- Hiller, Thomas, Vollstadt, Maximilian G. R., Braendel, Stefan D., Page, Rachel A., and Tschapka, Marco. 2021. "Bat-bat fly interactions in Central Panama: host traits relate to modularity in a highly specialised network." Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2021
- Taylor, Ryan C., Wilhite, Kyle O., Ludovici, Rosalind J., Mitchell, Kelsey M., Halfwerk, Wouter, Page, Rachel A., Ryan, Michael J., and Hunter, Kimberly L. 2021. "Complex sensory environments alter mate choice outcomes." Journal of Experimental Biology, 224, (1) jeb233288–jeb233288. 2021
- Hemingway, Claire T., Aversa,Jack C., III, Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2021. "Context-dependent preferences in wild fruit bats." Animal Behaviour, 179 65–72. 2021
- Brokaw, Alyson F., Davis, Evynn, Page, Rachel A., and Smotherman, Michael. 2021. "Flying bats use serial sampling to locate odour sources." Biology Letters, 17, (10). 2021
- Geipel, Inga, Lattenkamp, Ella Z., Dixon, M. May, Wiegrebe, Lutz, and Page, Rachel A. 2021. "Hearing sensitivity: An underlying mechanism for niche differentiation in gleaning bats." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118, (36). 2021
- Razik, Imran, Brown, Bridget K. G., Page, Rachel A., and Carter, Gerald G. 2021. "Non-kin adoption in the common vampire bat." Royal Society Open Science, 8, (2). 2021
- Gessinger, Gloria, Page, Rachel, Wilfert, Lena, Surlykke, Annemarie, Brinklov, Signe, and Tschapka, Marco. 2021. "Phylogenetic Patterns in Mouth Posture and Echolocation Emission Behavior of Phyllostomid Bats." Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9. 2021
- Muñoz-Romo, Mariana, Page, Rachel A., and Kunz, Thomas H. 2021. "Redefining the study of sexual dimorphism in bats: following the odour trail." Mammal Review, 51, (2) 155–177. 2021
- Page, Rachel A. and ter Hofstede, Hannah M. 2021. "Sensory and Cognitive Ecology of Bats." Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 52 541–562. (Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics) 2021
- Liu, Jingyu, Haelewaters, Danny, Pflieger, Walter P., Page, Rachel A., Dick, Carl W., and Aime, M. C. 2020. "A new species of Gloeandromyces from Ecuador and Panama revealed by morphology and phylogenetic reconstruction, with a discussion of secondary barcodes in Laboulbeniomycetes taxonomy." Myxologia, 2020
- Hermanns, Kyra, Marklewitz, Marco, Zirkel, Florian, Overheul, Gijs J., Page, Rachel A., Loaiza, Jose R., Drosten, Christian, van Rij, Ronald P., and Junglen, Sandra. 2020. "Agua Salud alphavirus defines a novel lineage of insect-specific alphaviruses discovered in the New World." Journal of General Virology, 101, (1) 96–104. 2020
- ter Hofstede, Hannah, Symes, Laurel, Martinson, Sharon, Robillard, Tony, Faure, Paul, Madhusudhana, Shyam, and Page, Rachel. 2020. "Calling songs of Neotropical katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Panama." Journal of orthoptera research, 29, (2) 137–201. 2020
- Braendel, Stefan D., Hiller, Thomas, Halczok, Tanja K., Kerth, Gerald, Page, Rachel A., and Tschapka, Marco. 2020. "Consequences of fragmentation for Neotropical bats: The importance of the matrix." Biological Conservation, 252 108792–108792. 2020
- Brown, Bridget K. G., Leffer, Lauren, Valverde, Yesenia, Toshkova, Nia, Nystrom, Jessica, Page, Rachel A., and Carter, Gerald G. 2020. "Do bats use guano and urine stains to find new roosts? Tests with three group-living bats." Royal Society Open Science, 7, (9). 2020
- Velilla, Estefania, Muñoz, Matías, Quiroga, Nicol, Symes, Laurel, ter Hofstede, Hannah M., Page, Rachel A., Simon, Ralph, Ellers, Jacintha, and Halfwerk, Wouter. 2020. "Gone with the wind: Is signal timing in a neotropical katydid an adaptive response to variation in wind-induced vibratory noise?" Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74, (5) 59. 2020
- Stockmaier, Sebastian, Bolnick, Daniel I., Page, Rachel A., Josic, Darija, and Carter, Gerald G. 2020. "Immune-challenged vampire bats produce fewer contact calls." Biology Letters, 16, (7) 1–11. 2020
- Paraskevopoulou, Sofia, Pirzer, Fabian, Goldmann, Nora, Schmid, Julian, Corman, Victor Max, Gottula, Lina Theresa, Schroeder, Simon, Rasche, Andrea, Muth, Doreen, Drexler, Jan Felix, Heni, Alexander Christoph, Eibner, Georg Joachim, Page, Rachel A., Jones, Terry C., Müller, Marcel A., Sommer, Simone, Glebe, Dieter, and Drosten, Christian. 2020. "Mammalian deltavirus without hepadnavirus coinfection in the neotropical rodent Proechimys semispinosus." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117, (30) 17977–17983. 2020
- Hiller, Thomas, Brändel, Stefan Dominik, Honner, Benjamin, Page, Rachel A., and Tschapka, Marco. 2020. "Parasitization of bats by bat flies (Streblidae) in fragmented habitats." Biotropica, 1–14. 2020
- Geipel, Inga, Kernan, Ciara E., Litterer, Amber S., Carter, Gerald G., Page, Rachel A., and ter Hofstede, Hannah M. 2020. "Predation risks of signalling and searching: bats prefer moving katydids." Biology Letters, 16, (4) 1–5. 2020
- Jones, Patricia L., Divoll, Timothy J., Dixon, M. May, Aparicio, Dineilys, Cohen, Gregg, Mueller, Ulrich G., Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2020. "Sensory ecology of the frog-eating bat, Trachops cirrhosus, from DNA metabarcoding and behavior." Behavioral Ecology, 31, (6) 1420–1428. 2020
- Stockmaier, Sebastian, Bolnick, Daniel I., Page, Rachel A., and Carter, Gerald G. 2020. "Sickness effects on social interactions depend on the type of behaviour and relationship." Journal of Animal Ecology, 1–18. 2020
- Flores, Victoria, Carter, Gerald G., Halczok, Tanja K., Kerth, Gerald, and Page, Rachel A. 2020. "Social structure and relatedness in the fringe-lipped bat (Trachops cirrhosus)." Royal Society Open Science, 7, (4) 1–9. 2020
- Kohles, Jenna E., Carter, Gerald G., Page, Rachel A., and Dechmann, Dina K. N. 2020. "Socially foraging bats discriminate between group members based on search-phase echolocation calls." Behavioral Ecology, 1–10. 2020
- Hemingway, Claire T., Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2020. "State-dependent learning influences foraging behaviour in an acoustic predator." Animal Behaviour, 163 33–38. 2020
- Muñoz-Romo, Mariana, Flores, Victoria, Ramoni-Perazzi, Paolo, and Page, Rachel A. 2020. "The crust of a male: does size matter when females are fertile?" Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74, (12) Article 151. 2020
- Ripperger, Simon P., Carter, Gerald G., Page, Rachel A., Duda, Niklas, Koelpin, Alexander, Weigel, Robert, Hartmann, Markus, Nowak, Thorsten, Thielecke, Jö, Schadhauser, Michael, Robert, Jö, Herbst, Sebastian, Meyer-Wegener, Klaus, Wägemann, Peter, Schröder-Preikschat, Wolfgang, Cassens, Björn, Kapitza, Rü, Dressler, Falko, and Mayer, Frieder. 2020. "Thinking small: Next-generation sensor networks close the size gap in vertebrate biologging." PLoS biology, 18, (4). 2020
- Szczygieł, Hubert A. and Page, Rachel A. 2020. "When the hunter becomes the hunted: foraging bat attacked by pit viper at frog chorus." Ecology, 2020
- Halfwerk, Wouter, Blaas, Michiel, Kramer, Lars, Hijner, Nadia, Trillo, Paula A., Bernal, Ximena E., Page, Rachel A., Goutte, Sandra, Ryan, Michael J., and Ellers, Jacintha. 2019. "Adaptive changes in sexual signalling in response to urbanization." Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3 374–380. 2019
- Carter, Gerald G., Farine, Damien R., Crisp, Rachel J., Vrtilek, Julia K., Ripperger, Simon, and Page, Rachel. 2019. "Development of new food-sharing relationships among nonkin vampire bats." bioRxiv, 1–29. 2019
- Marklewitz, Marco, Dutari, Larissa C., Paraskevopoulou, Sofia, Page, Rachel A., Loaiza, Jose R., and Junglen, Sandra. 2019. "Diverse novel phleboviruses in sandflies from the Panama Canal area, Central Panama." The Journal of general virology, 100, (6) 938–949. 2019
- Geipel, Inga, Amin, Bawan, Page, Rachel A., and Halfwerk, Wouter. 2019. "Does bat response to traffic noise support the misleading cue hypothesis?" Behavioral Ecology, 1–7. 2019
- Hemingway, Claire T., Lea, Amanda M., Page, Rachel A., and Ryan, Michael J. 2019. "Effects of information load on response times in frogs and bats: mate choice vs. prey choice." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73, (8) 111. 2019
- Cronin, Andrew D., Ryan, Michael J., Page, Rachel A., Hunter, Kimberly L., and Taylor, Ryan C. 2019. "Environmental heterogeneity alters mate choice behavior for multimodal signals." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73, (4) 1–10. 2019
- Dixon, M. M., Hulgard, Katrine, Ratcliffe, John M., and Page, Rachel A. 2019. "Habituation and ecological salience: insights into the foraging ecology of the fringed-lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73, (8) 101. 2019
- Hiller, Thomas, Rasche, Andrea, Brändel, Stefan Dominik, König, Alexander, Jeworowski, Lara, O'Mara, Teague M., Cottontail, Veronika, Page, Rachel A., Glebe, Dieter, Drexler, Jan Felix, and Tschapka, Marco. 2019. "Host Biology and Anthropogenic Factors Affect Hepadnavirus Infection in a Neotropical Bat." EcoHealth, 16, (1) 82–94. 2019
- Geipel, Inga, Smeekes, Marcus J., Halfwerk, Wouter, and Page, Rachel A. 2019. "Noise as an informational cue for decision-making: the sound of rain delays bat emergence." Journal of Experimental Biology, 222, (3). 2019
- Legett, Henry D., Page, Rachel A., and Bernal, Ximena E. 2019. "Synchronized mating signals in a communication network: the challenge of avoiding predators while attracting mates." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286, (1912) 1–9. 2019
- Page, Rachel A. and Bernal, Ximena E. 2019. "The challenge of detecting prey: Private and social information use in predatory bats." Functional Ecology, 1–20. 2019
- Berrío-Martínez, Jineth, Kaiser, Samuel, Nowak, Michelle, Page, Rachel A., and Carter, Gerald G. 2019. "The role of past experience in development of feeding behavior in common vampire bats." PeerJ, 7 e7448. 2019
- Hemingway, Claire T., Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2019. "Transitive foraging behaviour in frog-eating bats." Animal Behaviour, 154 47–55. 2019
- Gessinger, Gloria, Gonzalez-Terrazas, Tania P., Page, Rachel A., Jung, Kirsten, and Tschapka, Marco. 2019. "Unusual echolocation behaviour of the common sword-nosed bat Lonchorhina aurita: an adaptation to aerial insectivory in a phyllostomid bat?" Royal Society Open Science, 6, (7) 1–10. 2019
- Ripperger, Simon P., Carter, Gerald G., Duda, Niklas, Koelpin, Alexander, Cassens, Björn, Kapitza, Rü, Josic, Darija, Berrío-Martínez, Jineth, Page, Rachel A., and Mayer, Frieder. 2019. "Vampire Bats that Cooperate in the Lab Maintain Their Social Networks in the Wild." Current Biology, 1–11. 2019
- Flores, Eric E., Batista, Abel, Rodriguez, Viterbo, and Page, Rachel A. 2019. "Vicente's poison frog (Oophaga vicentei) in the wild: calling activity, bioacoustics and diet." The Herpetological Bulletin, (149) 11–17. 2019
- Ryan, Michael J., Page, Rachel A., Hunter, Kimberly L., and Taylor, Ryan C. 2019. "‘Crazy love’: nonlinearity and irrationality in mate choice." Animal Behaviour, 147 189–198. 2019
- Vrtilek, Julia K., Carter, Gerald G., Patriquin, Krista J., Page, Rachel A., and Ratcliffe, John M. 2018. "A method for rapid testing of social learning in vampire bats." Royal Society Open Science, 5, (6). 2018
- Stockmaier, Sebastian, Bolnick, Daniel I., Page, Rachel A., and Carter, Gerald G. 2018. "An immune challenge reduces social grooming in vampire bats." Animal Behaviour, 140 141–149. 2018
- Wasimuddin, Brändel, Stefan Dominik, Tschapka, Marco, Page, Rachel, Rasche, Andrea, Corman, Victor M., Drosten, Christian, and Sommer, Simone. 2018. "Astrovirus infections induce age-dependent dysbiosis in gut microbiomes of bats." The ISME journal, 12 2883–2893. 2018
- Estrada-Villegas, Sergio, Halczok, Tanja K., Tschapka, Marco, Page, Rachel A., Brändel, Stefan D., and Hiller, Thomas. 2018. "Bats and their bat flies: community composition and host specificity on a Pacific island archipelago." Acta Chiropterologica, 20, (1) 161–176. 2018
- Patriquin, Krista J., Kohles, Jenna E., Page, Rachel A., and Ratcliffe, John M. 2018. "Bats without borders: Predators learn novel prey cues from other predatory species." Science Advances, 4, (3). 2018
- Hemingway, Claire T., Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2018. "Cognitive constraints on optimal foraging in frog-eating bats." Animal Behaviour, 143 43–50. 2018
- Schmid, Julian, Rasche, Andrea, Eibner, Georg, Jeworowski, Lara, Page, Rachel A., Corman, Victor Max, Drosten, Christian, and Sommer, Simone. 2018. "Ecological drivers of Hepacivirus infection in a neotropical rodent inhabiting landscapes with various degrees of human environmental change." Oecologia, 188, (1) 289–302. 2018
- Miller, Amanda J., Page, Rachel A., and Bernal, Ximena E. 2018. "Exploratory behavior of a native anuran species with high invasive potential." Animal Cognition, 21, (1) 55–65. 2018
- Symes, Laurel B., Martinson, Sharon J., Hoeger, Lars-Olaf, Page, Rachel A., and ter Hofstede, Hannah M. 2018. "From Understory to Canopy: In situ Behavior of Neotropical Forest Katydids in Response to Bat Echolocation Calls." Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6 1–11. 2018
- Haelewaters, Danny, Page, Rachel A., and Pfister, Donald H. 2018. "Laboulbeniales hyperparasites (Fungi, Ascomycota) of bat flies: Independent origins and host associations." Ecology and Evolution, 8, (16) 8396–8418. 2018
- Hiller, Thomas, Honner, Benjamin, Page, Rachel A., and Tschapka, Marco. 2018. "Leg structure explains host site preference in bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae) parasitizing neotropical bats (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)." Parasitology, 1–8. 2018
- Halczok, Tanja K., Brändel, Stefan D., Flores, Victoria, Puechmaille, Sé, Tschapka, Marco, Page, Rachel A., and Kerth, Gerald. 2018. "Male-biased dispersal and the potential impact of human-induced habitat modifications on the Neotropical bat Trachops cirrhosus." Ecology and Evolution, 8, (12) 6065–6080. 2018
- Kohles, Jenna E., Page, Rachel A., Dechmann, Dina K. N., and O'Mara, M. Teague. 2018. "Rapid behavioral changes during early development in Peters' tent-making bat (Uroderma bilobatum)." PloS One, 13, (10). 2018
- Carter, Gerald G., Forss, Sofia, Page, Rachel A., and Ratcliffe, John M. 2018. "Younger vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) are more likely than adults to explore novel objects." PLOS ONE, 13, (5). 2018
- Flores, E. E., Page, Rachel A., Cisneros, I., and Rodriguez, S. 2017. "Oophaga vicentei (Vicente´s Poison Frog). Color change." Herpetological Review, 8 166–167. 2017
- Carter, Gerald G., Wilkinson, Gerald S., and Page, Rachel A. 2017. "Food-sharing vampire bats are more nepotistic under conditions of perceived risk." Behavioral Ecology, 28, (2) 565–569. 2017
- Stange, Nicole, Page, Rachel A., Ryan, Michael J., and Taylor, Ryan C. 2017. "Interactions between complex multisensory signal components result in unexpected mate choice responses." Animal Behaviour, 134 239–247. 2017
- Gomes, D. G. E., Halfwerk, Wouter H., Taylor, Ryan C., Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2017. "Multimodal weighting differences by bats and their prey: probing natural selection pressures on sexually selected traits." Animal Behaviour, 134 99–102. 2017
- Flores, Victoria and Page, Rachel A. 2017. "Novel odorous crust on the forearm of reproductive male fringe-lipped bats (Trachops cirrhosus)." Journal of mammalogy, 98, (6) 1568–1577. 2017
- Taylor, Ryan C., Page, Rachel A., Klein, Barrett A., Ryan, Michael J., and Hunter, Kimberly L. 2017. "Perceived Synchrony of Frog Multimodal Signal Components Is Influenced by Content and Order." Integrative and Comparative Biology, 57, (4) 902–909. 2017
- Hemingway, Claire T., Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2017. "Rationality in decision-making in the fringe-lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71, (6). 2017
- ter Hofstede, Hannah, Voigt-Heucke, Silke, Lang, Alexander, Römer, Heinrich, Page, Rachel, Faure, Paul, and Dechmann, Dina K. N. 2017. "Revisiting adaptations of neotropical katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) to gleaning bat predation." Neotropical Biodiversity, 3, (1) 41–49. 2017
- Ripperger, Simon, Josic, Darija, Hierold, Martin, Koelpin, Alexander, Weigel, Robert, Hartmann, Markus, Page, Rachel, and Mayer, Frieder. 2016. "Automated proximity sensing in small vertebrates: design of miniaturized sensor nodes and first field tests in bats." Ecology and Evolution, 6, (7) 2179–2189. 2016
- Gomes, D. G. E., Page, Rachel A., Geipel, Inga, Taylor, Ryan C., Ryan, Michael J., and Halfwerk, Wouter H. 2016. "Bats perceptually weight prey cues across sensory systems when hunting in noise." Science, 353, (6305) 1277–1280. 2016
- Trillo, Paula A., Bernal, Ximena E., Caldwell, Michael S., Halfwerk, Wouter H., Wessel, Mallory O., and Page, Rachel A. 2016. "Collateral damage or a shadow of safety? The effects of signalling heterospecific neighbours on the risks of parasitism and predation." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283, (1831) 20160343. 2016
- Symes, Laurel B., Page, Rachel A., and ter Hofstede, Hannah M. 2016. "Effects of acoustic environment on male calling activity and timing in Neotropical forest katydids." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70, (9) 1485–1495. 2016
- Ramakers, Jip J. C., Dechmann, Dina K. N., Page, Rachel A., and O'Mara, M. Teague. 2016. "Frugivorous bats prefer information from novel social partners." Animal Behaviour, 116 83–87. 2016
- Vencl, Fredric V., Ottens, Kristina, Dixon, Marjorie M., Candler, Sarah, Bernal, Ximena E., Estrada, Catalina, and Page, Rachel A. 2016. "Pyrazine emission by a tropical firefly: An example of chemical aposematism?" Biotropica, 48, (5) 645–655. 2016
- Halfwerk, Wouter H., Lea, A. M., Guerra, M. A., Page, Rachel A., and Ryan, Michael J. 2016. "Vocal responses to noise reveal the presence of the Lombard effect in a frog." Behavioral Ecology, 27, (2) 669–676. 2016
- Bulbert, Matthew W., Page, Rachel A., and Bernal, Ximena E. 2015. "Danger Comes from All Fronts: Predator-Dependent Escape Tactics of Túngara Frogs." PloS One, 10, (4) 1–12. 2015
- Bader, Elias, Jung, Kirsten, Kalko, Elisabeth K. F., Page, Rachel A., Rodriguez, Raul, and Sattler, Thomas. 2015. "Mobility explains the response of aerial insectivorous bats to anthropogenic habitat change in the Neotropics." Biological Conservation, 186 97–106. 2015
- Rhebergen, F., Taylor, Ryan C., Ryan, Michael J., Page, Rachel A., and Halfwerk, Wouter H. 2015. "Multimodal cues improve prey localization under complex environmental conditions." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282, (1814). 2015
- Stockmaier, Sebastian, Dechmann, Dina K. N., Page, Rachel A., and O'Mara, M. Teague. 2015. "No fever and leucocytosis in response to a lipopolysaccharide challenge in an insectivorous bat." Biology Letters, 11, (9). 2015
- Fugere, Vincent, O'Mara, M. Teague, and Page, Rachel A. 2015. "Perceptual bias does not explain preference for prey call adornment in the frog-eating bat." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69, (8) 1353–1364. 2015
- Falk, Jay J., ter Hofstede, Hannah M., Jones, Patricia L., Dixon, Marjorie M., Faure, Paul A., Kalko, Elisabeth K. V., and Page, Rachel A. 2015. "Sensory-based niche partitioning in a multiple predator–multiple prey community." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282, (1808). 2015
- Halfwerk, Wouter H., Page, Rachel A., Taylor, Ryan C., Wilson, Preston S, and Ryan, Michael J. 2014. "Crossmodal Comparisons of Signal Components Allow for Relative-Distance Assessment." Current Biology, 24, (15) 1751–1755. 2014
- O'Mara, M. Teague, Dechmann, Dina K. N., and Page, Rachel A. 2014. "Frugivorous bats evaluate the quality of social information when choosing novel foods." Behavioral Ecology, 25, (5) 1233–1239. 2014
- Jones, P. L., Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2014. "Population and seasonal variation in response to prey calls by an eavesdropping bat." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 68, (4) 605–615. 2014
- Halfwerk, Wouter H., Dixon, Marjorie M., Ottens, Kristina J., Taylor, Ryan C., Ryan, Michael J., Page, Rachel A., and Jones, Patricia L. 2014. "Risks of multimodal signaling: bat predators attend to dynamic motion in frog sexual displays." Journal of experimental biology, 217 3038–3044. 2014
- Halfwerk, Wouter H., Jones, P. L., Taylor, R. C., Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2014. "Risky Ripples Allow Bats and Frogs to Eavesdrop on a Multisensory Sexual Display." Science, 343 413–416. 2014
- Clarin, Theresa M. A., Borissov, Ivailo, Page, Rachel A., Ratcliffe, John M., and Siemers, Bjorn M. 2014. "Social learning within and across species: information transfer in mouse-eared bats." Canadian journal of zoology, 129–139. 2014
- Jones, Patricia L., Farris, Hamilton E., Ryan, Michael J., and Page, Rachel A. 2013. "Do frog-eating bats perceptually bind the complex components of frog calls?" Journal of Comparative Physiology.A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 199, (4) 279–283. 2013
- Surlykke, Annemarie, Jakobsen, Lasse, Kalko, Elisabeth K. V., and Page, Rachel A. 2013. "Echolocation intensity and directionality of perching and flying fringe-lipped bats, Trachops cirrhosus (Phyllostomidae)." Frontiers in Physiology, 4, (143) 1–9. 2013
- Clarin, Theresa M. A., Ruczynski, Ireneusz, Page, Rachel A., and Siemers, Bjorn M. 2013. "Foraging ecology predicts learning performance in insectivorous bats." PLoS ONE, 8, (6) 1–12. 2013
- Jones, P. L., Ryan, Michael J., Flores, V., and Page, Rachel A. 2013. "When to approach novel prey cues? Social learning strategies in frog-eating bats." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280, (1772) 20132330. 2013
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- Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Department