Pyenson, Nicholas
Lead Curator, Chair, and Curator of Fossil Marine Mammals
Evolution and ecology of marine mammals and other marine tetrapods
Geographic Focus
Background And Education
Education And Training
- B.S., Emory University
- Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
- University of British Columbia , Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Professional Biography
Dr. Nicholas Pyenson is lead curator, chair, and curator of fossil marine mammals in the Department of Paleobiology at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. In the past decade, he has worked with and trained over 25 scientists on every continent, collaborating on discoveries that appear frequently in the New York Times, Washington Post, as well as on NPR, CBC, and the BBC. Along with the highest research awards from the Smithsonian, he has also received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from the Obama White House. He is also a National Geographic Explorer, a former Kavli Fellow at the National Academies of Sciences, and has worked with the World Economic Forum. He is also the author of the acclaimed non-fiction book Spying on Whales, and co-author with science illustrator Alex Boersma of the children’s book The Whale Who Swam Through Time. He has degrees from Emory University, the University of California, Berkeley, and completed a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada postdoctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia.
Awards And Honors
- NMNH Science Achievement Award , 2023
- Secretary's Research Prize, 2023
- NMNH Science Achievement Award , 2020
- NMNH Science Achievement Award , 2019
- Secretary's Research Prize, 2019
- World Economic Forum Young Scientist Award, conferred by World Economic Forum, 2019
- Secretary's Research Prize, conferred by Office of the Secretary, 2017
- Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), conferred by U.S. Government, 2017
- NMNH Science Achievement Award , 2016
- Secretary's Research Prize, 2016
- NMNH Science Achievement Award , 2014
- NMNH Science Achievement Award , 2012
- NMNH Science Achievement Award , 2011
Public Biography
DR. NICK PYENSON is the lead curator, department chair, and curator of fossil marine mammals at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. His work has taken him to every continent, and his scientific discoveries appear frequently in the New York Times, the Washington Post, National Geographic, The Economist, Popular Mechanics, as well as on NPR, CBC, and the BBC. Along with the highest research awards from the Smithsonian, he has also received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from the Obama White House. He is also a National Geographic Explorer and a member of the World Economic Forum’s Young Scientists community. He is the author of the acclaimed non-fiction book Spying on Whales, and co-author with science illustrator Alex Boersma of the children’s book The Whale Who Swam Through Time.
International Audience Summary Of Expertise
Dr. Nick Pyenson is a paleontologist who studies how marine animals, such as whales, sea cows, and sea turtles have evolved over millions of years. He uses information from the fossil record and the anatomy of these animals to understand how the evolved and their ecology in the world today. Many marine animals are important to human cultures, and some are highly threatened by human activities. Understanding the evolution and ecology of these species will contribute to better knowing how they will respond to global climate change.
Dr. Pyenson’s scientific expeditions have taken him to every continent. For him, international collaborations are essential for accomplishing the basic research, but also for: building scientific research capacity; mentoring the next generation of scientists; and communicating what we know about the deep history of life on Earth.
The results of his team’s discoveries have been published extensively, including cover articles in the prestigious journals Science and Nature. Along with his collaborators, he has named over nearly a dozen new species of fossil vertebrates, discovered the richest fossil whale graveyard on the planet in the Atacama of Chile, and described an entirely new sensory organ in living whales.
His research has received the highest awards from the Smithsonian, and he has also received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from President Obama’s White House. Dr. Pyenson’s popular book describing his research, Spying on Whales, was featured on US television and radio, and included in many best science book compilations. It will soon be available in Russian and Chinese language editions.
He completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia, he received his doctoral degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and he has a bachelor’s degree from Emory University. Pyenson is also a member of the Young Scientists community at the World Economic Forum.
Research And Grants
Investigator On
- Emergency salvage and digitization of an unusual fossil marine mammal assemblage from Cerro Ballena, a new locality of the Bahia Inglesa Formation, Ch awarded by National Geographic Society
- Insights into the evolution of marine vertebrate communities from a Miocene bonebed in the Atacama Desert of Chile awarded by National Geographic Society
Selected Publications
- Motani, Ryosuke and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2024. "Downsizing a heavyweight: factors and methods that revise weight estimates of the giant fossil whale Perucetus colossus." PeerJ, 12. 2024
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2024. "How teeth, tusks and horny pads evolved together in sea cows." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291, (2028). 2024
- Valenzuela-Toro, Ana M., Pyenson, Nicholas D., Costa, Daniel P., Clementz, Mark, and Koch, Paul L. 2024. "Stable isotope evidence for resource partitioning in extinct marine carnivores." Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 649. 2024
- Fieseler, Clare M., Al-Mudaffar Fawzi, Nadia, Helmuth, Brian, Leitão, Alexandra, Al Ainsi, Mehsin, Al Mukaimi, Mohammad, Al-Saidi, Mohammad, Al Senafi, Fahad, Bejarano, Ivonne, Ben-Hamadou, Radhouan, D'Addario, Josh, Mujthaba Dheen Mohamed, Ahmad, Giraldes, Bruno W., Glowka, Lyle, Johnson, Maggie D., Lyons, Brett P., Mateos-Molina, Daniel, Marshall, Christopher D., Mohammed, Sayeed, Range, Pedro, Reza Shokri, Mohammad, Wong, John M. K., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2023. "Expanding ocean protection and peace: a window for science diplomacy in the Gulf." Royal Society Open Science, 10, (9) 230392. 2023
- Valenzuela-Toro, Ana M., Mehta, Rita, Pyenson, Nicholas D., Costa, Daniel P., and Koch, Paul L. 2023. "Feeding morphology and body size shape resource partitioning in an eared seal community." Biology Letters, 19, (3). 2023
- Goldbogen, Jeremy A., Pyenson, Nicholas D., and Madsen, Peter T. 2023. "How Whales Dive, Feast, and Fast: The Ecophysiological Drivers and Limits of Foraging in the Evolution of Cetaceans." Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 54, (1) 307–325. 2023
- Delsett, Lene Liebe, Pyenson, Nicholas, Miedema, Feiko, and Hammer, Øyvind. 2023. "Is the hyoid a constraint on innovation? A study in convergence driving feeding in fish-shaped marine tetrapods." Paleobiology, 1–16. 2023
- Matsui, Kumiko and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2023. "New evidence for the antiquity of Desmostylus (Desmostylia) from the Skooner Gulch Formation of California." Royal Society Open Science, 10, (6) 221648. 2023
- Morgan, Ruth M., Kneebone, Roger L., Pyenson, Nicholas D., Sholts, Sabrina B., Houstoun, Will, Butler, Benjamin, and Chesters, Kevin. 2023. "Regaining creativity in science: insights from conversation." Royal Society Open Science, 10, (5) 230134. 2023
- Valenzuela-Toro, Ana, Costa, Daniel P., Mehta, Rita, Pyenson, Nicholas D., and Koch, Paul L. 2023. "Unexpected decadal density-dependent shifts in California sea lion size, morphology, and foraging niche." Current Biology, 33, (10). 2023
- Fawzi, Nadia Al-Mudaffar, Fieseler, Clare M., Helmuth, Brian, Leitão, Alexandra, Al-Ainsi, Mehsin, Al Mukaimi, Mohammad, Al-Saidi, Mohammad, Al Senafi, Fahad, Bejarano, Ivonne, Ben-Hamadou, Radhouan, D'Addario, Josh, Mohamed, Ahmad Mujthaba Dheen, Giraldes, Bruno W., Glowka, Lyle, Johnson, Maggie D., Lyons, Brett P., Mateos-Molina, Daniel, Marshall, Christopher D., Mohammed, Sayeed, Range, Pedro, Shokri, Mohammad Reza, Wong, John M. K., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2022. "Diplomacy for the world's hottest sea." Science, 376, (6600) 1389–1390. 2022
- Pyenson, Nicholas D., Al-Ansi, Mehsin, Fieseler, Clare M., Al Jaber, Khalid Hassan, Klim, Katherine D., LeBlanc, Jacques, Mohamed, Ahmad Mujthaba Dheen, Al-Shaikh, Ismail, and Marshall, Christopher D. 2022. "Fossil Sirenia from the Pleistocene of Qatar: new questions about the antiquity of sea cows in the Gulf Region." PeerJ, 10. 2022
- Kelley, Neil P., Irmis, Randall B., dePolo, Paige E., Noble, Paula J., Montague-Judd, Danielle, Little, Holly, Blundell, Jon, Rasmussen, Cornelia, Percival, Lawrence M. E., Mather, Tamsin A., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2022. "Grouping behavior in a Triassic marine apex predator." Current Biology, 32, (24) 5398–5405.e3. 2022
- Peredo, Carlos Mauricio, Pyenson, Nicholas D., and Uhen, Mark D. 2022. "Lateral palatal foramina do not indicate baleen in fossil whales." Scientific Reports, 12, (1). 2022
- Fleming, Alyson H., Pobiner, Briana, Maynor, Savannah, Webster, David, and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2022. "New Holocene grey whale (Eschrichtius robustus) material from North Carolina: the most complete North Atlantic grey whale skeleton to date." Royal Society Open Science, 9, (7). 2022
- Valenzuela-Toro, Ana and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2022. "New Seal (Carnivora, Phocidae) Record from the Late Miocene–Pliocene of Guafo Island, Southern Chile." Ameghiniana, 59, (5). 2022
- Matsui, Kumiko, Valenzuela-Toro, Ana M., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2022. "New data from the first discovered paleoparadoxiid (Desmostylia) specimen shed light into the morphological variation of the genus Neoparadoxia." Scientific Reports, 12, (1). 2022
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. and Koch, Paul L. 2022. "Oh, the shark has such teeth: Did megatooth sharks play a larger role in prehistoric food webs?" Science Advances, 8, (25). 2022
- Savoca, Matthew S., Czapanskiy, Max F., Kahane-Rapport, Shirel R., Gough, William T., Fahlbusch, James A., Bierlich, K. C., Segre, Paolo S., Di Clemente, Jacopo, Penry, Gwenith S., Wiley, David N., Calambokidis, John, Nowacek, Douglas P., Johnston, David W., Pyenson, Nicholas D., Friedlaender, Ari S., Hazen, Elliott L., and Goldbogen, Jeremy A. 2021. "Baleen whale prey consumption based on high-resolution foraging measurements." Nature, 599, (7883) 85. 2021
- McCurry, Matthew R., Marx, Felix G., Evans, Alistair R., Park, Travis, Pyenson, Nicholas D., Kohno, Naoki, Castiglione, Silvia, and Fitzgerald, Erich M. G. 2021. "Brain size evolution in whales and dolphins: new data from fossil mysticetes." Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133, (4) 990–998. 2021
- Delsett, Lene Liebe and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2021. "Early and fast rise of Mesozoic ocean giants." Science, 374, (6575) 1554–1555. 2021
- Peredo, Carlos Mauricio and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2021. "Morphological variation of the relictual alveolar structures in the mandibles of baleen whales." Peerj, 9. 2021
- Pimiento, Catalina and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2021. "PALEONTOLOGY When sharks nearly disappeared." Science, 372, (6546) 1036–1037. 2021
- Pyenson, Nick and Dehgan, Alex. 2021. "The US Needs Scientists in the Diplomatic Corps They have expertise, problem-solving skills and international credibility." Scientific American, 324, (3) 11–11. 2021
- Groves, Sabrina L., Peredo, Carlos Mauricio, and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2021. "What are the limits on whale ear bone size? Non-isometric scaling of the cetacean bulla." Peerj, 9. 2021
- Valenzuela-Toro, Ana M., Zicos, Maria H., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2020. "Extreme dispersal or human-transport? The enigmatic case of an extralimital freshwater occurrence of a Southern elephant seal from Indiana." Peerj, 8 e9665–e9665. 2020
- Pyenson, Nick. 2020. "Policy Tales and the Secret Life of Whales." Nature, 577, (7791) 583–584. 2020
- Leslie, Matthew S., Peredo, Carlos Mauricio, and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2019. "Norrisanima miocaena, a new generic name and redescription of a stem balaenopteroid mysticete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Miocene of California." PeerJ, 7 31608165. 2019
- Shipps, B. K., Peredo, Carlos Mauricio, and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2019. "Borealodon osedax, a new stem mysticete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Oligocene of Washington State and its implications for fossil whale-fall communities." Royal Society Open Science, 6, (7) 182168–182168. 2019
- McCurry, Matthew R. and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2019. "Hyper-longirostry and kinematic disparity in extinct toothed whales." Paleobiology, 45, (1) 21–29. 2019
- McCurry, Matthew R., Evans, Alistair R., Fitzgerald, Erich M. G., McHenry, Colin R., Bevitt, Joseph, and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2019. "The repeated evolution of dental apicobasal ridges in aquatic-feeding mammals and reptiles." Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 127, (2) 245–259. 2019
- Valenzuela-Toro, Ana and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2019. "What do we know about the fossil record of pinnipeds? A historiographical investigation." Royal Society Open Science, 6, (11). 2019
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2019. "Where to find fantastic beasts at sea." Science, 363, (6425) 338–339. 2019
- Goldbogen, J. A., Cade, D. E., Wisniewska, D. M., Potvin, J., Segre, P. S., Savoca, M. S., Hazen, E. L., Czapanskiy, M. F., Kahane-Rapport, S. R., DeRuiter, S. L., Gero, S., Tonnesen, P., Gough, W. T., Hanson, M. B., Holt, M. M., Jensen, F. H., Simon, M., Stimpert, A. K., Arranz, P., Johnston, D. W., Nowacek, D. P., Parks, S. E., Visser, F., Friedlaender, A. S., Tyack, P. L. et al. 2019. "Why whales are big but not bigger: Physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants." Science, 366, (6471) 1367. 2019
- Peredo, Carlos Mauricio, Peredo, Julio S., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2018. "Convergence on dental simplification in the evolution of whales." Paleobiology, 44, (3) 434–443. 2018
- Peredo, Carlos Mauricio and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2018. "Salishicetus meadi, a new aetiocetid from the late Oligocene of Washington State and implications for feeding transitions in early mysticete evolution." Royal Society Open Science, 5, (4) 172336–172336. 2018
- Peredo, Carlos Mauricio, Pyenson, Nicholas D., Marshall, Christopher D., and Uhen, Mark D. 2018. "Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in Whales." Current Biology, 28, (24) 3992–4000 .e2. 2018
- Boersma, Alexandra T., McCurry, Matthew R., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2017. "A new fossil dolphin Dilophodelphis fordycei provides insight into the evolution of supraorbital crests in Platanistoidea (Mammalia, Cetacea)." Royal Society Open Science, 4, (5). 2017
- Peredo, Carlos Mauricio, Pyenson, Nicholas D., Uhen, Mark D., and Marshall, Christopher D. 2017. "Alveoli, teeth, and tooth loss: Understanding the homology of internal mandibular structures in mysticete cetaceans." PloS One, 12, (5) 1–26. 2017
- Peredo, Carlos Mauricio and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2017. "Decoupling tooth loss from the evolution of baleen in whales." Frontiers in Marine Science, 4 67. 2017
- Fleming, Alyson H. and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2017. "How to Produce Translational Research to Guide Arctic Policy." Bioscience, 67, (6) 490–493. 2017
- Slater, Graham J., Goldbogen, Jeremy A., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2017. "Independent evolution of baleen whale gigantism linked to Plio-Pleistocene ocean dynamics." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284, (1855). 2017
- Shadwick, Robert E., Goldbogen, Jeremy A., Pyenson, Nicholas D., and Whale, James C. A. 2017. "Structure and Function in the Lunge Feeding Apparatus: Mechanical Properties of the Fin Whale Mandible." Anatomical Record : Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 300, (11) 1953–1962. 2017
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2017. "The Ecological Rise of Whales Chronicled by the Fossil Record." Current Biology, 27, (11) R558–R564. 2017
- Valenzuela-Toro, Ana, Pyenson, Nicholas D., Gutstein, Carolina S., and Suárez, Mario E. 2016. "A new dwarf seal from the late Neogene of South America and the evolution of pinnipeds in the southern hemisphere." Papers in Palaeontology, 2, (1) 101–115. 2016
- Boersma, Alexandra T. and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2016. "Arktocara yakataga, a new fossil odontocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Oligocene of Alaska and the antiquity of Platanistoidea." PeerJ, 4 e2321. 2016
- Yamato, Maya, Khidas, Kamal, Pyenson, Nicholas D., Fordyce, R. Ewan, and Mead, James G. 2016. "Extensively remodeled, fractured cetacean tympanic bullae show that whales can survive traumatic injury to the ears." Journal of anatomy, 228, (1) 125–136. 2016
- O'Dea, Aaron, Lessios, Harilaos A., Coates, Anthony G., Eytan, Ron I., Restrepo-Moreno, Sergio, Cione, Alberto L., Collins, Laurel S., de Queiroz, Alan, Farris, David W., Norris, Richard D., Stallard, Robert F., Woodburne, Michael O., Aguilera, Orangel, Aubry, Marie-Pierre, Berggren, William A., Budd, Ann F., Cozzuol, Mario A., Coppard, Simon E., Duque-Caro, Herman, Finnegan, Seth, Gasparini, German M., Grossman, Ethan L., Johnson, Kenneth G., Keigwin, Lloyd D., Knowlton, Nancy et al. 2016. "Formation of the Isthmus of Panama." Science Advances, 2, (8). 2016
- Le Roux, Jacobus P., Achurra, Luciano, Henríquez, Álvaro, Carreño, Catalina, Rivera, Huber, Suárez, Mario E., Ishman, Scott E., Pyenson, Nicholas D., and Gutstein, Carolina S. 2016. "Oroclinal bending of the Juan Fernández Ridge suggested by geohistory analysis of the Bahía Inglesa Formation, north-central Chile." Sedimentary Geology, 333 32–49. 2016
- Pyenson, Nicholas D., Parham, James F., and Velez-Juarbe, Jorge. 2016. "The dilemma of trade samples and the importance of museum vouchers-caveats from a study on the extinction of Steller's sea cow: a comment on Crerar et al. (2014)." Biology Letters, 12, (2) 20150149. 2016
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. and Vermeij, Geerat J. 2016. "The rise of ocean giants: maximum body size in Cenozoic marine mammals as an indicator for productivity in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans." Biology Letters, 12, (7). 2016
- Boersma, Alexandra T. and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2015. "Albicetus oxymycterus, a New Generic Name and Redescription of a Basal Physeteroid (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Miocene of California, and the Evolution of Body Size in Sperm Whales." PLoS ONE, 10, (12) 1–32. 2015
- Yamato, Maya and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2015. "Early development and orientation of the acoustic funnel provides insight into the evolution of sound reception pathways in cetaceans." PloS One, 10, (3) 1–15. 2015
- Valenzuela-Toro, Ana M., Gutstein, Carolina S., Suarez, Mario E., Otero, Rodrigo, and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2015. "Elephant seal (Mirounga sp.) from the Pleistocene of the Antofagasta Region, northern Chile." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 35, (3). 2015
- Kelley, Neil P. and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2015. "Evolutionary innovation and ecology in marine tetrapods from the Triassic to the Anthropocene." Science, 348, (6232). 2015
- Pyenson, Nicholas D., Vélez-Juarbe, Jorge, Gutstein, Carolina S., Little, Holly, Vigil, Dioselina, and O'Dea, Aaron. 2015. "Isthminia panamensis, a new fossil inioid (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Chagres Formation of Panama and the evolution of 'river dolphins' in the Americas." PeerJ, 3 1–50. 2015
- Vogl, A. W., Lillie, Margo A., Piscitelli, Marina A., Goldbogen, Jeremy A., Pyenson, Nicholas D., and Shadwick, Robert E. 2015. "Stretchy nerves are an essential component of the extreme feeding mechanism of rorqual whales." Current biology, 25, (9) R360–R361. 2015
- Goldbogen, Jeremy, Shadwick, Robert, Lillie, Margo, Piscitelli, Marina, Potvin, Jean, Pyenson, Nicholas D., and Vogl, A. W. 2015. "Using morphology to infer physiology: case studies on rorqual whales (Balaenopteridae)." Canadian journal of zoology, 93, (9) 687–700. 2015
- Gutstein, Carolina S., Figueroa-Bravo, Constanza P., Pyenson, Nicholas D., Yury-Yañez, Roberto E., Cozzuol, Mario A., and Canals, Mauricio. 2014. "High frequency echolocation, ear morphology, and the marine-freshwater transition: A comparative study of extant and extinct toothed whales." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 400 62–74. 2014
- Pyenson, Nicholas D., Kelley, Neil P., and Parham, James F. 2014. "Marine tetrapod macroevolution: Physical and biological drivers on 250 Ma of invasions and evolution in ocean ecosystems." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 400 1–8. 2014
- Pyenson, Nicholas D., Gutstein, Carolina S., Parham, James F., Le Roux, Jacobus P., Chavarria, Catalina C., Little, Holly, Metallo, Adam, Rossi, Vincent, Valenzuela-Toro, Ana M., Velez-Juarbe, Jorge, Santelli, Cara M., Rogers, David R., Cozzuol, Mario A., and Suarez, Mario E. 2014. "Repeated mass strandings of Miocene marine mammals from Atacama Region of Chile point to sudden death at sea." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281, (1781). 2014
- Gutstein, Carolina Simon, Cozzuol, Mario Alberto, and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2014. "The Antiquity of Riverine Adaptations in Iniidae (Cetacea, Odontoceti) Documented by a Humerus from the Late Miocene of the Ituzaingó Formation, Argentina." Anatomical Record : Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 297, (6) 1096–1102. 2014
- Noakes, Scott E., Pyenson, Nicholas D., and McFall, Greg. 2013. "Late Pleistocene gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) offshore Georgia, U.S.A., and the antiquity of gray whale migration in the North Atlantic Ocean." Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology, 392 502–509. 2013
- Pyenson, Nicholas D., Goldbogen, Jeremy A., and Shadwick, Robert E. 2013. "Mandible allometry in extant and fossil Balaenopteridae (Cetacea: Mammalia): the largest vertebrate skeletal element and its role in rorqual lunge feeding." Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 108, (3) 586–599. 2013
- Shadwick, Robert E., Goldbogen, Jeremy A., Potvin, Jean, Pyenson, Nicholas D., and Vogl, Wayne. 2013. "Novel muscle and connective tissue design enables high extensibility and controls engulfment volume in lunge-feeding rorqual whales." Journal of experimental biology, 216 2691–2701. 2013
- Debey, Lauren B. and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2013. "Osteological correlates and phylogenetic analysis of deep diving in living and extinct pinnipeds: What good are big eyes?" Marine Mammal Science, 29, (1) 48–83. 2013
- Valenzuela-Toro, Ana M., Gutstein, Carolina S., Varas-Malca, Rafael M., Suarez, Mario E., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2013. "Pinniped Turnover in the South Pacific Ocean: New Evidence from the Plio-Pleistocene of the Atacama Desert, Chile." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 33, (1) 216–223. 2013
- Vélez-Juarbe, Jorge and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2012. "Bohaskaia monodontoides, a new monodontid (Cetacea, Odontoceti, Delphinoidea) from the Pliocene of the western North Atlantic Ocean." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 32, (2) 476–484. 2012
- Pyenson, Nicholas D., Goldbogen, Jeremy A., Vogl, A. Wayne, Szathmary, Gabor, Drake, Richard L., and Shadwick, Robert E. 2012. "Discovery of a sensory organ that coordinates lunge feeding in rorqual whales." Nature, 485, (7399) 498–501. 2012
- Velez-Juarbe, Jorge, Domning, Daryl P., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2012. "Iterative Evolution of Sympatric Seacow (Dugongidae, Sirenia) Assemblages during the Past ~26 Million Years." PLoS ONE, 7, (2) 1–8. 2012
- Goldbogen, Jeremy A., Calambokidis, John, Croll, Donald A., McKenna, Megan F., Olseson, Erin, Potvin, Jean, Pyenson, Nicholas D., Schorr, Greg, Shadwick, Robert E., and Tershy, Bernie R. 2012. "Scaling of lunge feeding performance in rorqual whales: mass-specific energy expenditure increases with body size and progressively limits diving capacity." Functional Ecology, 26, (1) 216–226. 2012
- Goldbogen, J. A., Calambokidis, J., Oleson, E., Potvin, J., Pyenson, Nicholas D., Schorr, G., and Shadwick, R. E. 2011. "Mechanics, hydrodynamics and energetics of blue whale lunge feeding: efficiency dependence on krill density." Journal of Experimental Biology, 214, (1) 131–146. 2011
- McKenna, Megan F., Cranford, Ted W., Berta, Annalisa, and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2011. "Morphology of the odontocete melon and its implications for acoustic function." Marine Mammal Science, 28, (4) 690–713. 2011
- Uhen, Mark D., Pyenson, Nicholas D., Devries, Thomas J., Urbina, Mario, and Renne, Paul R. 2011. "New Middle Eocene Whales from the Pisco Basin of Peru." Journal of Paleontology, 85, (5) 955–969. 2011
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. and Sponberg, Simon N. 2011. "Reconstructing body size in extinct crown Cetacea (Neoceti) using allometry, phylogenetic methods and tests from the fossil record." Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 18, (4) 269–288. 2011
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2011. "The high fidelity of the cetacean stranding record: insights into measuring diversity by integrating taphonomy and macroecology." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278, (1724) 3608–3616. 2011
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. and Lindberg, David R. 2011. "What Happened to Gray Whales during the Pleistocene? The Ecological Impact of Sea-Level Change on Benthic Feeding Areas in the North Pacific Ocean." PLoS ONE, 6, (7) 1–14. 2011
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2010. "Carcasses on the coastline: measuring the ecological fidelity of the cetacean stranding record in eastern North Pacific Ocean." Paleobiology, 36, (3) 453–480. 2010
- Pyenson, Nicholas D., Irmis, Randall B., and Lipps, Jere H. 2010. "Comment on "Climate, Critters, and Cetaceans: Cenozoic Drivers of the Evolution of Modern Whales"." Science, 330, (6001) 178. 2010
- Parham, James F. and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2010. "New Sea Turtle from the Miocene of Peru and the Iterative Evolution of Feeding Ecomorphologies since the Cretaceous." Journal of Paleontology, 84, (2) 231–247. 2010
- Uhen, M. D. and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2007. "Diversity estimates, biases, and historiographic effects: Resolving cetacean diversity in the tertiary." Palaeontologia Electronica, 10, (2) 11A–11A. 2007
- Pyenson, Nick. 2018. Spying on whales: the past, present, and future of earth's most awesome creatures. New York, New York (2018): Viking. 2018
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. and Fieseler, Clare M. 2024. [Dataset] Roundtable Notes - Transcription. Distributed by National Museum of Natural History. 2024
- Leslie, Matthew S., Peredo, Carlos M., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2019. [Dataset] Dataset for Leslie, Peredo & Pyenson 2019. Distributed by Zenodo. 2019
- Leslie, Matthew S., Peredo, Carlos M., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2019. [Dataset] Dataset for Leslie, Peredo & Pyenson 2019. Distributed by Zenodo. 2019
- Leslie, Matthew S., Peredo, Carlos M., and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2019. [Dataset] Dataset for Leslie, Peredo & Pyenson 2019. Distributed by Zenodo. 2019
- Boersma, Alexandra T. and Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2015. [Dataset] Dataset For Boersma And Pyenson 2015 Plosone. Distributed by Zenodo. 2015
- Pyenson, Nicholas D., Velez-Juarbe, Jorge, Gutstein, Carolina S., Little, Holly, Vigil, Dioselina, and O'Dea, Aaron. 2015. [Dataset] Dataset For Pyenson Et Al. 2015 Peerj. Distributed by Zenodo. 2015
- Pyenson, Nicholas D. 2013. [Book review] "Ecology and Conservation of the Sirenia: Dugongs and Manatees by Helene Marsh, Thomas J. O'Shea, and John E. Reynolds." The Quarterly review of biology, 88, (1), 42–43. 2013
Responsible Collections Areas
- Fossil marine mammals and Paleogene mammals
Member Of
- National Museum of Natural History Academic Department