Radford, Simon
SMA Director of Hawaii Operations
Education And Training
in Astronomy,
University of Washington
Observation at Millimeter Wavelengths of Small Angular Scale Isotropy in the Cosmic Background Radiation 1986
Cornell University
Engineering Physics 1979
Selected Publications
Otarola, A., de Breuck, C., Travouillon, T., Matsushita, S., Nyman, L. -Å, Wootten, A., Radford, Simon J. E., Sarazin, M., Kerber, F., and Pérez-Beaupuits, J. P. 2019. "Precipitable Water Vapor, Temperature, and Wind Statistics At Sites Suitable for mm and Submm Wavelength Astronomy in Northern Chile ." Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific , 131 045001. https://doi.org/10.1088/1538-3873/aafb78 .
Defrance, Fabien, Jung-Kubiak, Cecile, Sayers, Jack, Connors, Jake, deYoung, Clare, Hollister, Matthew I., Yoshida, Hiroshige, Chattopadhyay, Goutam, Golwala, Sunil R., and Radford, Simon J. E. 2018. "16:1 bandwidth two-layer antireflection structure for silicon matched to the 190–310 GHz atmospheric window ." Applied Optics , 57, (18) 5196–5209. https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.57.005196 .