Rappole, John H.
Affiliated National Zoological Park staffEcology and evolution of migrant birds; Inventory, systematics, and Biogeography of Burmese sub-Himalayan avifauna; Migrant birds and pathogens (e.g., WNV, HPAI H5N1); Post-breeding movements of birds; Tropical flock dynamics; Rapid range change.
Background And Education
Education And Training
- B.A., Colgate University
- M.S., University of Minnesota
- Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Selected Publications
- Renner, Swen C., Rappole, John H., Kyaw, Myint, Milensky, Christopher M., and Packert, Martin. 2018. "Genetic confirmation of the species status of Jabouilleia naungmungensis." Journal of Ornithology, 159, (1) 63–71. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-017-1493-0. 2018
- King, David I., Chandler, Carlin C., Rappole, John H., Chandler, Richard B., and Mehlman, David W. 2012. "Establishing quantitative habitat targets for a ‘Critically Endangered’ Neotropical migrant (Golden-cheeked Warbler Dendroica chrysoparia) during the non-breeding season." Bird Conservation International, 22, (2) 213–221. https://doi.org/10.1017/S095927091100027X. 2012
- Rappole, John H., Glasscock, S., Goldberg, K., Song, D., and Faridani, S. 2011. "Range Change among New World Tropical and Subtropical Birds." Bonner Zoologische Monographien, (57) 151–167. 2011
- Renner, Swen C., Rasmussen, Pamela C., Rappole, John H., Aung, Thein, and Aung, Myint. 2009. "Discovery of the Large Blue Flycatcher Cyornis [banyumas] magnirostris breeding in northern Kachin State (Burma/Myanmar) and taxonomic implications for the Cyornis-group." Journal of Ornithology, 150, (3) 671–683. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-009-0395-1. 2009
- Renner, Swen C., Rappole, John H., Rasmussen, Pamela C., Aung, T., Aung, M., Shwe, N. M., Dumbacher, John P., and Fleischer, Robert C. 2008. "A new subspecies of Tesia olivea (Sylviidae) from Chiang Mai province, northern Thailand." Journal of Ornithology, 149, (3) 439–450. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-008-0277-y. 2008
- Rappole, John H., Rasmussen, Pamela C., Aung, T., Milensky, Christopher M., and Renner, Swen C. 2008. "Observations on a new species: the Naung Mung Scimitar-Babbler Jabouilleia naungmungensis." Ibis, 150, (3) 623–627. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1474-919X.2008.00815.x. 2008
- King, D. I., Hernandez-Mayorga, D., Trubey, R., Raudales, R., and Rappole, John H. 2007. "An evaluation of the contribution of cultivated allspice (Pimenta dioca) to vertebrate biodiversity conservation in Nicaragua." Biodiversity and Conservation, 16 1299–1320. 2007
- Rappole, John H. 2007. "In memoriam: Mario Alberto Ramos Olmos, 1949-2006." The Auk, 124, (3) 6–8. https://doi.org/10.1642/0004-8038(2007)124[1093:IMMARO]2.0.CO;2. 2007
- Renner, Swen C., Rappole, John H., Leimgruber, Peter, Kelly, Daniel S., Shwe, Nay Myo, Aung, Thein, and Aung, Myint. 2007. "Land cover in the Northern Forest Complex of Myanmar: new insights for conservation." Oryx, 41, (1) 27–37. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0030605307001603. 2007
- Ishtiaq, F., Gering, E., Rappole, John H., Rahmani, A. R., Jhala, Yadvendradev, Dove, Carla J., Milensky, Christopher M., Olson, Storrs L., Peirce, M. A., and Fleischer, Robert C. 2007. "Prevalence and diversity of avian haematozoan parasites in Asia: A regional survey." Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 43, (3) 382–398. 2007
- Rappole, John H. 2013. The avian migrant: the biology of bird migration. Columbia University Press. 2013
- Rappole, John H. 2007. Wildlife of the Mid-Atlantic Region ; A complete reference manual. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2007
- Renner, Swen C. and Rappole, John H. 2011. "Bird diversity, biogeographic patterns, and endemism of the Eastern Himalayas and Southeastern Sub-Himalayan Mountains." In Ornithological Monographs. 153–166. The American Ornithologists' Union. 70 2011
- Renner, Swen C. and Rappole, John H. 2011. "Description of first basical plumage of three Muscicapid species found in the Southeastern Sub-Himalayan foothills, with notes on their taxonomy and ecology." In Ornithological Monographs. 142–152. The American Ornithologists' Union. 70 2011
- Rappole, John H., Aung, Thein, Rasmussen, Pamela C., and Renner, Swen C. 2011. "Ornithological Exploration in the Southeastern Sub-Himalayan Region of Myanmar." In Ornithological Monographs. 10–29. 70 2011
- Rappole, John H., Shwe, Nay Myo, Aung, Myint, and McShea, William J. 2011. "Seasonality in Avian Communities of a Dipterocarp Monsoon Forest and Related Habitats in Myanmar's Central Dry Zone." In The Ecology and Conservation of Seasonally Dry Forests in Asia. McShea, William J., Davies, Stuart James, and Bhumpakphan, Naris, editors. 131–146. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. 2011
- Rappole, John H., Pine, Alan S., Swanson, D. Waggerman G., and Renner, S. 2007. "Conservation and management for migratory birds: Insights from population data and theory for the White-winged Dove." In Wildlife Science: Linking Ecological Theory and Management Applications. Fulbright, T. and Hewitt, D., editors. Gainesville, Florida: CRC Press. 2007