Richie, Kimberly
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center staff
Selected Publications
Livernois, Mariah C., Ogburn, Matthew B., Legett, Henry D., Richie, Kimberly D., Aguilar, Robert, Heggie, Keira, and Furey, Nathan B. 2024. "Tracking animal movements via collaborative acoustic telemetry networks: Multiscale habitat use, phenology, and management insights ." Journal of fish biology , .
Huang, Claire S., Legett, Henry D., Plough, Louis V., Aguilar, Rob, Fitzgerald, Catherine, Gregory, Benjamin, Heggie, Keira, Lee, Benjamin, Richie, Kimberly D., Harbold, William, and Ogburn, Matthew B. 2023. "Early detection and recovery of river herring spawning habitat use in response to a mainstem dam removal ." PLOS ONE , 18, (5). .
Ogburn, Matthew B., Plough, Louis V., Bangley, Charles W., Fitzgerald, Catherine L., Hannam, Michael P., Lee, Benjamin, Marafino, Gabriella, Richie, Kimberly D., Williams, Meghan R., and Weller, Donald E. 2023. "Environmental DNA reveals anadromous river herring habitat use and recolonization after restoration of aquatic connectivity ." Environmental DNA , 5, (1) 25–37. .
Legett, Henry D., Aguilar, Robert, Heggie, Keira, Richie, Kimberly D., and Ogburn, Matthew B. 2023. "Timing and environmental drivers of spawning migrations of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and blueback herring (A. aestivalis) in rivers of Chesapeake Bay." Fishery Bulletin , 121, (3) 96–111. .
Bangley, Charles W., Edwards, Michelle L., Mueller, Claire, Fisher, Robert A., Aguilar, Robert, Heggie, Keira, Richie, Kimberly, Ahr, Bonnie J., and Ogburn, Matthew B. 2021. "Environmental associations of cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) seasonal presence along the US Atlantic Coast ." Ecosphere , 12, (9). .
Ogburn, Matthew Bryan, Richie, Kimberly D., Jones, Morgan A., and Hines, Anson H. 2019. "Sperm acquisition and storage dynamics facilitate sperm limitation in the selectively harvested blue crab Callinectes sapidus ." Marine Ecology Progress Series , 629 87–101. .
Plough, Louis V., Ogburn, Matthew Bryan, Fitzgerald, Catherine L., Geranio, Rose, Marafino, Gabriella A., and Richie, Kimberly D. 2018. "Environmental DNA analysis of river herring in Chesapeake Bay: A powerful tool for monitoring threatened keystone species ." Plos One , 13, (11). .
Ogburn, Matthew Bryan, Spires, Jason, Aguilar, Robert, Goodison, Michael R., Heggie, Keira, Kinnebrew, Eva, McBurney, William, Richie, Kimberly D., Roberts, Paige M., and Hines, Anson H. 2017. "Assessment of River Herring Spawning Runs in a Chesapeake Bay Coastal Plain Stream using Imaging Sonar ." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society , 146, (1) 22–35. .
Ogburn, Matthew Bryan, Roberts, Paige M., Richie, Kimberly D., Johnson, Eric G., and Hines, Anson H. 2014. "Temporal and spatial variation in sperm stores in mature female blue crabs Callinectes sapidus and potential effects on brood production in Chesapeake Bay." Marine Ecology Progress Series , 507 249–262. .