Steeil, James
National Zoological Park staff
Selected Publications
Whalen, Laura E. W., Walsh, Timothy F., Steeil, James C., Aziz, Neel, and Palmer, Alyssa. 2024. "Adipose tissue torsion with localized lymphangiectasia in a Rio Cauca caecilian Typhlonectes natans ." Journal of Aquatic Animal Health , .
Rodriguez, Paula, Tarbert, Danielle K., Ridgley, Frank, Conley, Kenneth J., Steeil, James, Burns, Rachel E., Sutherland-Smith, Meg, Rosenthal, Karen, and Paul-Murphy, Joanne. 2024. "Clinical and Pathologic Findings in Iguanids with Sodium Urate Cholelithiasis ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 55, (1) 256–267. .
George, Robert H., Buckner, Chris, Baine, Katherine, Steeil, James, White, Stacia, Handsel, Tim, and Wyffels, Jennifer T. 2024. "Surgical outcomes and complications associated with ovariectomy in the southern stingray Hypanus americanus ." Frontiers in Veterinary Science , 11. .
Anderson, Kailey B., Steeil, James C., Latimer, Erin, Hall, Victoria, Hayek, Lee-Ann C., and Brandão, João. 2022. "Changes in Serum Cardiac Troponin i in Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus ) with Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus Infection ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 53, (2) 249–258. .
Anderson, Kailey B., Steeil, James C., Neiffer, Donald L., Evans, Matt, Peters, Alan, Allender, Matthew C., and Cartoceti, Andrew N. 2021. "Retrospective Review of Ophidiomycosis (Ophidiomyces Ophiodiicola) at the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park (1983-2017)." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 52, (3) 997–1002. .
Cole, Jordan E., Steeil, James C., Sarro, Steven J., Kerns, Kenton L., and Cartoceti, Andrew N. 2020. "Chordoma of the sacrum of an adult naked mole-rat ." Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation , 32, (1) 132–135. .
Stokol, Tracy, Fefer, Gilad, Lejeune, Mani, Steeil, James, and Neiffer, Don. 2019. "What is your diagnosis? Swab of an eyelid swelling from a tomato frog ." Veterinary Clinical Pathology , 48, (3) 490–492. .
Bauer, Kendra L., Steeil, James C., Walsh, Timothy F., Evans, Matthew J., Klocke, Blake, Gratwicke, Brian, Siegal-Willott, Jessica L., and Neiffer, Donald L. 2018. "Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in a Captive Collection of Green Salamanders (Aneides aeneus ), Long-Tailed Salamanders (Eurycea longicauda ), and Two-Lined Salamanders (Eurycea bislineata ) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 49, (2) 454–459. .
Bauer, Kendra L., Steeil, James C., Adkins, Elizabeth A., Childress, April L., Wellehan,James F. X., Jr., Kerns, Kenton L., Sarro, Steven J., and Holder, Kali A. 2018. "Management of Ocular Human herpesvirus 1 Infection in a White‑faced Saki Monkey (Pithecia pithecia ) ." Comparative medicine , 68, (4) 319–323. .
Steeil, James C., Hope, Katharine L., Evans, Matthew, Peters, Alan, and Cartoceti, Andrew. 2018. "Multifocal Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola Infection in an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) without the Presence of Skin Lesions ." Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery , 28, (3-4) 76–80. .
Bauer, Kendra L., Sander, Samantha J., Steeil, James C., Walsh, Timothy F., and Neiffer, Donald L. 2017. "Calcinosis circumscripta in a cohort of related juvenile african lions (panthera leo) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 48, (3) 813–817. .
Cushing, Andrew C., Ramsay, Edward C., Steeil, James, and Cox, Sherry. 2017. "Pharmacokinetic parameters of cefovecin sodium (convenia) in captive tigers (panthera tigris) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 48, (4) 1188–1192. .
Pope, Jenny P., Steeil, James, Ramsay, Edward C., Reel, Danielle, and Newman, Shelley J. 2017. "Spontaneous proliferative and neoplastic lesions in thyroid and parathyroid glands of nondomestic felids ." Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation: Official Publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc , 29, (1) 8–13. .
Sander, Samantha J., Ossiboff, Robert J., Stokol, Tracy, Steeil, James C., and Neiffer, Donald L. 2015. "Endolymphatic Sac Carcinoma In Situ in a Tokay Gecko (Gekko gecko) ." Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery , 25, (3-4) 82–86. .
Cox, Sherry, Martin, Ali, Hamill, Mallery, Pistole, Nealy, Steeil, James, and Schumacher, Juergen. 2014. "Development of a method for the determination of cefovecin in plasma by HPLC: Determination of cefovecin in plasma ." Biomedical Chromatography , 28, (8) 1126–1130. .
George, R. H., Gangler R., Steeil, J., and Baine, K. 2014. "Ovariectomy of sub-adult southern stingrays (Dasyatis americana ) as a tool for managing an exhibit population ." The Drum and Croaker , 45 19–24.
Steeil, James C., Schumacher, Juergen, George, Robert H., Bulman, Frank, Baine, Katherine, and Cox, Sherry. 2014. "Pharmacokinetics of Cefovecin (Convenia®) in White Bamboo Sharks (Chiloscyllium Plagiosum) and Atlantic Horseshoe Crabs (Limulus Polyphemus) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 45, (2) 389–392. .
Reilly, Sabrina, Seddighi, M. R., Steeil, James C., Sura, Patricia, Whittemore, Jacqueline C., Gompf, Rebecca E., Elliott, Sarah B., and Ramsay, Edward C. 2014. "Selected Clinical Bochemical, and Electrolyte Alterations in Anesthetized Captive Tigers (Panthera tigris ) and Lions (Panthera leo ) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 45, (2) 328–334. .
Thurber, Mary I., Ghai, Ria R., Hyeroba, David, Weny, Geoffrey, Tumukunde, Alex, Chapman, Colin A., Wiseman, Roger W., Dinis, Jorge, Steeil, James, Greiner, Ellis C., Friedrich, Thomas C., O'Connor, David H., and Goldberg, Tony L. 2013. "Co-infection and cross-species transmission of divergent Hepatocystis lineages in a wild African primate community ." International journal for parasitology , 43, (8) 613–619. .
Hodshon, Rebecca T., Sura, Patricia A., Schumacher, Juergen P., Odoi, Agricola, Steeil, James C., and Newkirk, Kim M. 2013. "Comparison of first-intention healing of carbon dioxide laser, 4.0-MHz radiosurgery, and scalpel incisions in ball pythons ( Python regius ) ." American Journal of Veterinary Research , 74, (3) 499–508. .
Steeil, James C., Schumacher, Juergen, Baine, Katherine, Ramsay, Edward C., Sura, Patricia, Hodshon, Rebecca, Donnell, Robert L., and Lee, Nathan D. 2013. "Diagnosis and Treatment of a Dermal Malignant Melanoma in an African Lion (Panthera leo ) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 44, (3) 721–727. .
Steeil, James C., Schumacher, Juergen, Hecht, Silke, Baine, Katherine, Ramsay, Edward C., Ferguson, Sylvia, Miller, Debra, and Lee, Nathan D. 2013. "Diagnosis and Treatment of a Pharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Madagascar Ground Boa (Boa madagascariensis ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 44, (1) 144–151. .
Steeil, James, Schumacher, Juergen, Seibert, Rachel, and Tobias, Karen. 2012. "Cefovecin (Convenia) for the Treatment of Septic Peritonitis in a Female Lion (Panthera leo ) ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 43, (3) 678–681. .
Steeil, James C., Sura, Patricia A., Ramsay, Edward C., Reilly, Sabrina, Seddighi, Reza, and Whittemore, Jacqueline. 2012. "Laparosopic-Assisted Ovariectomy of Tigers (Panthera tigris ) with the use of the Ligasure™ Device ." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine , 43, (3) 566–572. .
MacNeill, Amy L., Steeil, James C., Dossin, Olivier, Hoien-Dalen, Patricia, and Maddox, Carol W. 2010. "CASE REPORT: Disseminated nocardiosis caused by Nocardia abscessus in a dog: Nocardia abscessus infection in a dog ." Veterinary Clinical Pathology , 39, (3) 381–385. .