Tewksbury, Joshua
Director, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Joshua Tewksbury is an ecologist, evolutionary and conservation biologist. He holds a PhD in Organismal Biology and Ecology from the University of Montana (2000) and served as Professor of Natural History at the University of Washington (2003-2012). Tewksbury launched the Luc Hoffman Institute in Switzerland and founded Anthropocene Magazine. Most recently, he directed the Colorado Global Hub of Future Earth.
- Director, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute 2021 -
Background And Education
Education And Training
- Ph.D., University of Montana
Selected Publications
- Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2019. "From Individual to Collective Action: why we need a professional society for sustainability research and innovation." American Geophysical Union. 2019
- Tewksbury, Joshua J., Virat, V., and Moersberger, H. 2019. "Future Earth's Science-Based Pathways for Sustainability Initiative." . 2019
- Satkowski, L. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2018. "Building Interoperability between Data Visualization Tools." , 2018: GC11M–1039. 2018
- Tewksbury, Joshua J., Brooks, T., Broadgate, W., Moersberger, H., and Macfarlane, N. 2018. "Earth-Targets beyond two-degrees - establishing risk and turning evidence into action for biodiversity, freshwater, land use, and the ocean." , 2018: 2018
- Tewksbury, Joshua J. and Deutsch, C. A. 2018. "Food security in a warming world: Insect metabolic and population growth rates predict significant increases in temperate crop losses for wheat, maize and rice." , 2018: 2018
- Tewksbury, Joshua J. and Kohm, K. 2017. "Anthropocene Dialogues: Decoupling Economic Prosperity from Carbon Emissions." , 2017: 2017
- Satkowski, L. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2017. "Improving Data Access for Climate Preparedness Through Public-Private Partnerships." . 2017
- Tewksbury, Joshua J., Gaffney, O., and Young, D. 2016. "Data for global solutions: How new technologies can help people to re-imagine the future of cities and more." American Geophysical Union, PA41D–02. 2016
- Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2016. "Future Earth, Global Science and Regional Programs: Building regional integrated science capacities in a global science organization." American Geophysical Union, GC32A–01. 2016
- Battisti, D. S., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Deutsch, C. A. 2011. "The impact of Global Warming on global crop yields due to changes in pest pressure." American Geophysical Union, U53F–04. 2011
- Hulting, Katherine A., Brudvig, Lars A., Damschen, Ellen I., Levey, Douglas J., Resasco, Julian, Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Haddad, Nick M. 2024. "Habitat edges decrease plant reproductive output in fragmented landscapes." Journal of Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14452. 2024
- Díaz, Sandra, Zafra-Calvo, Noelia, Purvis, Andy, Verburg, Peter H., Obura, David, Leadley, Paul, Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca, Meester, Luc De, Dulloo, Ehsan, Martín-López, Berta, Shaw, M. R., Visconti, Piero, Broadgate, Wendy, Bruford, Michael W., Burgess, Neil D., Cavender-Bares, Jeannine, DeClerck, Fabrice, Fernández-Palacios, José María, Garibaldi, Lucas A., Hill, Samantha L. L., Isbell, Forest, Khoury, Colin K., Krug, Cornelia B., Liu, Jianguo, Maron, Martine et al. 2020. "Set ambitious goals for biodiversity and sustainability." Science, 370, (6515) 411–413. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abe1530. 2020
- Fricke, Evan C., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Rogers, Haldre S. 2019. "Linking intra-specific trait variation and plant function: seed size mediates performance tradeoffs within species." Oikos, 128, (12) 1716–1725. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.06494. 2019
- Damschen, Ellen I., Brudvig, Lars A., Burt, Melissa A., Fletcher, Robert J., Haddad, Nick M., Levey, Douglas J., Orrock, John L., Resasco, Julian, and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2019. "Ongoing accumulation of plant diversity through habitat connectivity in an 18-year experiment." Science, 365, (6460) 1478–1480. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aax8992. 2019
- Fricke, Evan C., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Rogers, Haldre S. 2018. "Defaunation leads to interaction deficits, not interaction compensation, in an island seed dispersal network." Global Change Biology, 24, (1) e190–e200. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.13832. 2018
- Deutsch, Curtis A., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Tigchelaar, Michelle, Battisti, David S., Merrill, Scott C., Huey, Raymond B., and Naylor, Rosamond L. 2018. "Increase in crop losses to insect pests in a warming climate." Science, 361, (6405) 916–919. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aat3466. 2018
- Deutsch, Curtis A., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Merrill, Scott C., Huey, Raymond B., Battisti, David S., and Naylor, Rosamond L. 2018. "Model vs. experiment to predict crop losses-Response." Science, 362, (6419) 1122–1123. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aav7405. 2018
- Rogers, Haldre S., Buhle, Eric R., HilleRisLambers, Janneke, Fricke, Evan C., Miller, Ross H., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2017. "Effects of an invasive predator cascade to plants via mutualism disruption." Nature Communications, 8, (1) 14557. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms14557. 2017
- Fricke, Evan C., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Wandrag, Elizabeth M., and Rogers, Haldre S. 2017. "Mutualistic strategies minimize coextinction in plant–disperser networks." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284, (1854) 20162302. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.2302. 2017
- Burgess, H. K., DeBey, L. B., Froehlich, H. E., Schmidt, N., Theobald, E. J., Ettinger, A. K., HilleRisLambers, J., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Parrish, J. K. 2017. "The science of citizen science: Exploring barriers to use as a primary research tool." Biological Conservation, 208 113–120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.05.014. 2017
- Herrmann, John D., Carlo, Tomás A., Brudvig, Lars A., Damschen, Ellen I., Haddad, Nick M., Levey, Douglas J., Orrock, John L., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2016. "Connectivity from a different perspective: comparing seed dispersal kernels in connected vs. unfragmented landscapes." Ecology, 97, (5) 1274–1282. https://doi.org/10.1890/15-0734.1. 2016
- Levey, Douglas J., Caughlin, T. T., Brudvig, Lars A., Haddad, Nick M., Damschen, Ellen I., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Evans, Daniel M. 2016. "Disentangling fragmentation effects on herbivory in understory plants of longleaf pine savanna." Ecology, 97, (9) 2248–2258. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.1466. 2016
- Shrivastava, Paul, Raivio, Kari, Kasuga, Fumiko, Tewksbury, Joshua J., Haines, Andy, and Daszak, Peter. 2016. "Future Earth Health Knowledge-Action Network." Public health reviews, 37, (1) 25. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40985-016-0039-y. 2016
- Fricke, Evan C., Haak, David C., Levey, Douglas J., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2016. "Gut passage and secondary metabolites alter the source of post-dispersal predation for bird-dispersed chili seeds." Oecologia, 181, (3) 905–910. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-016-3612-7. 2016
- Turner II, BL, Esler, Karen J., Bridgewater, Peter, Tewksbury, Joshua J., Sitas, Nadia, Abrahams, Brent, Chapin, F. S., Chowdhury, Rinku Roy, Christie, Patrick, Diaz, Sandra, Firth, Penny, Knapp, Corrine N., Kramer, Jonathan, Leemans, Rik, Palmer, Margaret, Pietri, Diana, Pittman, Jeremy, Sarukhán, José, Shackleton, Ross, Seidler, Reinmar, van Wilgen, Brian, and Mooney, Harold. 2016. "Socio-Environmental Systems (SES) Research: what have we learned and how can we use this information in future research programs." Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19 160–168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2016.04.001. 2016
- Krosby, Meade, Wilsey, Chad B., McGuire, Jenny L., Duggan, Jennifer M., Nogeire, Theresa M., Heinrichs, Julie A., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Lawler, Joshua J. 2015. "Climate-induced range overlap among closely related species." Nature Climate Change, 5, (9) 883–886. https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate2699. 2015
- Theobald, E. J., Ettinger, A. K., Burgess, H. K., DeBey, L. B., Schmidt, N. R., Froehlich, H. E., Wagner, C., HilleRisLambers, J., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Harsch, M. A., and Parrish, J. K. 2015. "Global change and local solutions: Tapping the unrealized potential of citizen science for biodiversity research." Biological Conservation, 181 236–244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2014.10.021. 2015
- Brudvig, Lars A., Damschen, Ellen I., Haddad, Nick M., Levey, Douglas J., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2015. "The influence of habitat fragmentation on multiple plant–animal interactions and plant reproduction." Ecology, 96, (10) 2669–2678. https://doi.org/10.1890/14-2275.1. 2015
- Tewksbury, Joshua J. and Rogers, Haldre S. 2014. "An animal-rich future." Science, 345, (6195) 400–400. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1258601. 2014
- Kosydar, A. J., Conquest, L. L., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2014. "Can life histories predict the effects of habitat fragmentation? A meta-analysis with terrestrial mammals." Appl Ecol Environ Res, 12 505–521. 2014
- Carlo, Tomás A. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2014. "Directness and tempo of avian seed dispersal increases emergence of wild chiltepins in desert grasslands." Journal of Ecology, 102, (1) 248–255. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.12180. 2014
- Kosydar, Andrew J., Rumiz, Damián I., Conquest, Loveday L., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2014. "Effects of Hunting and Fragmentation on Terrestrial Mammals in the Chiquitano Forests of Bolivia." Tropical Conservation Science, 7, (2) 288–307. https://doi.org/10.1177/194008291400700209. 2014
- Damschen, Ellen I., Baker, Dirk V., Bohrer, Gil, Nathan, Ran, Orrock, John L., Turner, Jay R., Brudvig, Lars A., Haddad, Nick M., Levey, Douglas J., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2014. "How fragmentation and corridors affect wind dynamics and seed dispersal in open habitats." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, (9) 3484–3489. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1308968111. 2014
- Resasco, Julian, Haddad, Nick M., Orrock, John L., Shoemaker, DeWayne, Brudvig, Lars A., Damschen, Ellen I., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Levey, Douglas J. 2014. "Landscape corridors can increase invasion by an exotic species and reduce diversity of native species." Ecology, 95, (8) 2033–2039. https://doi.org/10.1890/14-0169.1. 2014
- Fricke, Evan C., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Rogers, Haldre S. 2014. "Multiple natural enemies cause distance-dependent mortality at the seed-to-seedling transition." Ecology Letters, 17, (5) 593–598. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.12261. 2014
- Tewksbury, Joshua J., Anderson, John G. T., Bakker, Jonathan D., Billo, Timothy J., Dunwiddie, Peter W., Groom, Martha J., Hampton, Stephanie E., Herman, Steven G., Levey, Douglas J., Machnicki, Noelle J., del Rio, Carlos Martínez, Power, Mary E., Rowell, Kirsten, Salomon, Anne K., Stacey, Liam, Trombulak, Stephen C., and Wheeler, Terry A. 2014. "Natural History's Place in Science and Society." Bioscience, 64, (4) 300–310. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biu032. 2014
- Haddad, Nick M., Brudvig, Lars A., Damschen, Ellen I., Evans, Daniel M., Johnson, Brenda L., Levey, Douglas J., Orrock, John L., Resasco, Julian, Sullivan, Lauren L., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Wagner, Stephanie A., and Weldon, Aimee J. 2014. "Potential Negative Ecological Effects of Corridors." Conservation Biology, 28, (5) 1178–1187. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12323. 2014
- Tewksbury, Joshua J. and Wagner, Gernot. 2014. "The Role of Civil Society in Recalibrating Conservation Science Incentives." Conservation Biology, 28, (5) 1437–1439. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12288. 2014
- Sheldon, Kimberly S. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2014. "The impact of seasonality in temperature on thermal tolerance and elevational range size." Ecology, 95, (8) 2134–2143. https://doi.org/10.1890/13-1703.1. 2014
- HilleRisLambers, Janneke, Ettinger, Ailene K., Ford, Kevin R., Haak, David C., Horwith, Micah, Miner, Brooks E., Rogers, Haldre S., Sheldon, Kimberly S., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Waters, Susan M., and Yang, Sylvia. 2013. "Accidental experiments: ecological and evolutionary insights and opportunities derived from global change." Oikos, 122, (12) 1649–1661. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0706.2013.00698.x. 2013
- Hampton, Stephanie E., Strasser, Carly A., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Gram, Wendy K., Budden, Amber E., Batcheller, Archer L., Duke, Clifford S., and Porter, John H. 2013. "Big data and the future of ecology." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11, (3) 156–162. https://doi.org/10.1890/120103. 2013
- Buckley, Lauren B., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Deutsch, Curtis A. 2013. "Can terrestrial ectotherms escape the heat of climate change by moving?" Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280, (1765) 20131149. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2013.1149. 2013
- Nuñez, Tristan A., Lawler, Joshua J., McRae, Brad H., Pierce, D. J., Krosby, Meade B., Kavanagh, Darren M., Singleton, Peter H., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2013. "Connectivity Planning to Address Climate Change." Conservation Biology, 27, (2) 407–416. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12014. 2013
- Rogers, Haldre, Hille Ris Lambers, Janneke, Miller, Ross, and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2013. "Correction: 'Natural experiment' Demonstrates Top-Down Control of Spiders by Birds on a Landscape Level." PLoS ONE, 8, (4) 10.1371/annotation/b294c406–c8ae-4c89-a083-5e6e26fb8f22. https://doi.org/10.1371/annotation/b294c406-c8ae-4c89-a083-5e6e26fb8f22. 2013
- Hampton, Stephanie E., Strasser, Carly A., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2013. "Growing Pains for Ecology in the Twenty-First Century." Bioscience, 63, (2) 69–71. https://doi.org/10.1525/bio.2013.63.2.2. 2013
- Evans, Daniel M., Turley, Nash E., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2013. "Habitat edge effects alter ant-guard protection against herbivory." Landscape Ecology, 28, (9) 1743–1754. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-013-9917-6. 2013
- Evans, Daniel M., Levey, Douglas J., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2013. "Landscape Corridors Promote Long-Distance Seed Dispersal by Birds During Winter but Not During Summer at an Experimentally Fragmented Restoration Site." Ecological Restoration, 31, (1) 23–30. https://doi.org/10.3368/er.31.1.23. 2013
- Caves, Eleanor M., Jennings, Summer B., HilleRisLambers, Janneke, Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Rogers, Haldre S. 2013. "Natural Experiment Demonstrates That Bird Loss Leads to Cessation of Dispersal of Native Seeds from Intact to Degraded Forests." PLOS ONE, 8, (5) e65618. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0065618. 2013
- Fricke, Evan C., Simon, Melissa J., Reagan, Karen M., Levey, Douglas J., Riffell, Jeffrey A., Carlo, Tomás A., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2013. "When condition trumps location: seed consumption by fruit-eating birds removes pathogens and predator attractants." Ecology Letters, 16, (8) 1031–1036. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.12134. 2013
- Rogers, Haldre, Lambers, Janneke Hille Ris, Miller, Ross, and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2012. "'Natural experiment' Demonstrates Top-Down Control of Spiders by Birds on a Landscape Level." PLOS ONE, 7, (9) e43446. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0043446. 2012
- Hampton, Stephanie, Strasser, Carly, and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2012. "Ecological data in the Information Age." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10, (2) 59–59. https://doi.org/10.1890/1540-9295-10.2.59. 2012
- Evans, Daniel M., Turley, Nash E., Levey, Douglas J., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2012. "Habitat patch shape, not corridors, determines herbivory and fruit production of an annual plant." Ecology, 93, (5) 1016–1025. https://doi.org/10.1890/11-0642.1. 2012
- Urban, Mark C., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Sheldon, Kimberly S. 2012. "On a collision course: competition and dispersal differences create no-analogue communities and cause extinctions during climate change." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279, (1735) 2072–2080. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2011.2367. 2012
- Haak, David C., McGinnis, Leslie A., Levey, Douglas J., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2012. "Why are not all chilies hot? A trade-off limits pungency." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279, (1735) 2012–2017. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2011.2091. 2012
- Sheldon, Kimberly S., Yang, Sylvia, and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2011. "Climate change and community disassembly: impacts of warming on tropical and temperate montane community structure." Ecology Letters, 14, (12) 1191–1200. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01689.x. 2011
- Angert, Amy L., Crozier, Lisa G., Rissler, Leslie J., Gilman, Sarah E., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Chunco, Amanda J. 2011. "Do species' traits predict recent shifts at expanding range edges?" Ecology Letters, 14, (7) 677–689. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01620.x. 2011
- Urban, Mark C., Holt, Robert D., Gilman, Sarah E., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2011. "Heating up relations between cold fish: competition modifies responses to climate change." Journal of Animal Ecology, 80, (3) 505–507. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2011.01838.x. 2011
- Tewksbury, Joshua J., Sheldon, Kimberly S., and Ettinger, Ailene K. 2011. "Moving farther and faster." Nature Climate Change, 1, (8) 396–397. https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate1266. 2011
- Gilman, Sarah E., Urban, Mark C., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Gilchrist, George W., and Holt, Robert D. 2010. "A framework for community interactions under climate change." Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25, (6) 325–331. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2010.03.002. 2010
- Borchert, J. D., Sheldon, K. S., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2010. "Differences in the thermal tolerances of isopods, from a temperate and tropical region, will buffer temperate isopods from the impacts of climate change." Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50 E207–E207. 2010
- Krosby, Meade, Tewksbury, Joshua J., Haddad, Nick M., and Hoekstra, Jonathan. 2010. "Ecological Connectivity for a Changing Climate." Conservation Biology, 24, (6) 1686–1689. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01585.x. 2010
- Carlo, Tomás A., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Río, Carlos Martínez del. 2009. "A new method to track seed dispersal and recruitment using 15N isotope enrichment." Ecology, 90, (12) 3516–3525. https://doi.org/10.1890/08-1313.1. 2009
- Huey, Raymond B. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2009. "Can behavior douse the fire of climate warming?" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, (10) 3647–3648. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0900934106. 2009
- Brudvig, Lars A., Damschen, Ellen I., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Haddad, Nick M., and Levey, Douglas J. 2009. "Landscape connectivity promotes plant biodiversity spillover into non-target habitats." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, (23) 9328–9332. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0809658106. 2009
- Martin, Paul R., Bonier, Frances, Moore, Ignacio T., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2009. "Latitudinal variation in the asynchrony of seasons: implications for higher rates of population differentiation and speciation in the tropics." Ideas in Ecology and Evolution, 2 9–17. https://doi.org/10.4033/iee.2009.2.3.n. 2009
- Huey, Raymond B., Deutsch, Curtis A., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Vitt, Laurie J., Hertz, Paul E., Álvarez Pérez, Héctor J., and Garland, Theodore. 2009. "Why tropical forest lizards are vulnerable to climate warming." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276, (1664) 1939–1948. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2008.1957. 2009
- Tewksbury, Joshua J., Levey, Douglas J., Huizinga, Meribeth, Haak, David C., and Traveset, Anna. 2008. "Costs and Benefits of Capsaicin-Mediated Control of Gut Retention in Dispersers of Wild Chilies." Ecology, 89, (1) 107–117. https://doi.org/10.1890/07-0445.1. 2008
- Tewksbury, Joshua J., Reagan, Karen M., Machnicki, Noelle J., Carlo, Tomás A., Haak, David C., Peñaloza, Alejandra Lorena Calderón, and Levey, Douglas J. 2008. "Evolutionary ecology of pungency in wild chilies." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, (33) 11808–11811. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0802691105. 2008
- Deutsch, Curtis A., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Huey, Raymond B., Sheldon, Kimberly S., Ghalambor, Cameron K., Haak, David C., and Martin, Paul R. 2008. "Impacts of climate warming on terrestrial ectotherms across latitude." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, (18) 6668–6672. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0709472105. 2008
- Martin, Paul R. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2008. "Latitudinal Variation in Subspecific Diversification of Birds." Evolution, 62, (11) 2775–2788. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1558-5646.2008.00489.x. 2008
- Levey, Douglas J., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Bolker, Benjamin M. 2008. "Modelling long-distance seed dispersal in heterogeneous landscapes." Journal of Ecology, 96, (4) 599–608. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01401.x. 2008
- Tewksbury, Joshua J., Huey, Raymond B., and Deutsch, Curtis A. 2008. "Putting the heat on tropical animals." Science, 320, (5881) 1296–1297. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1159328. 2008
- Damschen, Ellen I., Brudvig, Lars A., Haddad, Nick M., Levey, Douglas J., Orrock, John L., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2008. "The movement ecology and dynamics of plant communities in fragmented landscapes." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, (49) 19078–19083. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0802037105. 2008
- Lloyd, John D. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2007. "Analyzing avian nest survival in forests and grasslands: a comparison of the Mayfield and logistic-exposure methods." Studies in avian biology, 34 96–104. 2007
- Martin, P. R., Bonier, F., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2007. "Revisiting Jablonski (1993): cladogenesis and range expansion explain latitudinal variation in taxonomic richness." Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20, (3) 930–936. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1420-9101.2007.01317.x. 2007
Audio-Visual Document
- Tewksbury, Joshua J. (Director). 2016. Living in the Anthropocene: Science, Sustainability and Society. 2016
- Watson, James E. M., Segan, Daniel B., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2019. "Tropical forests in a changing climate." In Biodiversity and climate change : transforming the biosphere. Lovejoy, Thomas E. and Hannah, Lee, editors. 204–215. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2019
- Haddad, Nick M., Hudgens, Brian, Damschen, Ellen I., Levey, Douglas J., Orrock, John L., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Weldon, Aimee J. 2011. "Assessing positive and negative ecological effects of corridors." In Sources, sinks and sustainability. Liu, Jianguo, Hull, Vanessa, Morzillo, Anita T., and Wiens, John A., editors. 475–503. Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press. In Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology. 2011
- Haak, David C., Reagan, Karen M., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2010. "Variation for Pungency in the Wild Chili Pepper Capsicum chacoense is Predicted by Optimal Defense." In Spicy Variation: Natural Selection and the Maintenance of a Polymorphism in the Wild Chili Pepper Capsicum chacoense. 49. Seattle, WA: University of Washington. 2010
- Haak, David C., Bradshaw, H. D., Manchego, Carlos E., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2010. "Why Are Chilies Hot? Natural Selection Maintains Variation in Pungency among Wild Chilies (Capsicum chacoense)." In Spicy Variation: Natural Selection and the Maintenance of a Polymorphism in the Wild Chili Pepper Capsicum chacoense. 5. Seattle, WA: University of Washington. 2010
- Haak, David C., McGinnis, Leslie A., Levey, Douglas J., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2010. "Why Aren't All Chilies Hot?" In Spicy Variation: Natural Selection and the Maintenance of a Polymorphism in the Wild Chili Pepper Capsicum chacoense. 31. Seattle, WA: University of Washington. 2010
- Levey, D. J., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Izhaki, I., Tsahar, E., and Haak, D. C. 2007. "Evolutionary ecology of secondary compounds in ripe fruit: Case studies with capsaicin and emodin." In Seed Dispersal: Theory and Its Application in a Changing World. Dennis, Andrew J., Schupp, Eugene W., Green, Ronda J., and Westcott, David A., editors. 37–58. Wallingford, United Kingdom: CAB International. 2007
- Bronstein, J. L., Izhaki, I., Nathan, R., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Spiegel, O., Lotan, A., and Altstein, O. 2007. "Fleshy-fruited plants and frugivores in desert ecosystems." In Seed Dispersal: Theory and Its Application in a Changing World. Dennis, Andrew J., Schupp, Eugene W., Green, Ronda J., and Westcott, David A., editors. 148–177. Wallingford, United Kingdom: CAB International. 2007
Conference Paper
- Key, Erica, Hackmann, Heide, Buser, Tobias, Bradbury, Hilary, Key, Erica, Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Key, Erica. 2019. "Codeveloped and Coimplemented: Advancing Transdisciplinary Approaches to Global Change Challenges I Posters." in AGU Fall Meeting 2019. AGU. 2019
- Byrne, James M., Dreyfus, Gabrielle B., Rapley, Chris, Tewksbury, Joshua J., Byrne, James M., Dreyfus, Gabrielle B., and Rapley, Chris. 2019. "Multidisciplinary and Multisectoral Collaboration on Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resilience II Posters." in AGU Fall Meeting 2019. AGU. 2019
- Ungvari, Judit, Key, Erica, Tewksbury, Joshua J., Shimamoto, Mark Mocettini, and Uhle, Maria E. 2019. "Sustainability and Innovation: Synergies and Connections Between Societies to Support Sustainability Science." AGU Fall Meeting 2019 (San Francisco, CA) December 11, 2019. AGU. 2019
- Sommer, Shelly, Boykoff, Max, Sommer, Shelly, Boykoff, Max, Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Sommer, Shelly. 2018. "Engaged Scientists: Personal and Professional Climate Action by Climate Change Researchers I." in AGU Fall Meeting 2018. AGU. 2018
- Satkowski, L. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2018. "The Partnership for Resilience and Preparedness." in American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018. 2018, PA41C–1332. 2018
- Luers, Amy and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2018. "Vision to Action: The role of co-designed research in advancing progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals." in AGU Fall Meeting 2018. AGU. 2018
- Kiefer, Thorsten, Kiefer, Thorsten, Glavovic, Bruce Christopher, Hofmann, Eileen E., Jackson, Robert B., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Uhle, Maria E. 2016. "Future Earth – Research Agenda and Opportunities for Global Sustainability." in 2016 AGU Fall Meeting. AGU. 2016
- Fricke, Evan, Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Rogers, Haldre S. 2016. "Predicting coextinction in the mutualistic networks of the Anthropocene." in 101st ESA Annual Meeting (August 7 -- 12, 2016). ESA. 2016
- Tewksbury, Joshua J. and Martinez del Rio, Carlos. 2013. "From Natural History to Solution Science–Thinking of our discipline as a right of passage." in 98th ESA Annual Convention. 2013
- Sheldon, Kimberly S. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2010. "If you can't stand the heat: how CTmax drives thermal breadth in beetles across latitude." 50, E161–E161. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA. 2010
- Rogers, Haldre S., Lambers, Janneke Hille Ris, and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2010. "Impact of bird loss on the spatial structure of bird dispersed tree species in Guam." in 95th ESA Annual Meeting. ESA. 2010
- Huey, R. B., Deutsch, C. A., Tewksbury, Joshua J., Vitt, L. J., Hertz, P. E., Perez, Alvarez H. J., Garland Jr, T. J., Lister, B. C., and Gorman, G. C. 2010. "Why tropical forest lizards can't take the heat." 50, E79–E79. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA. 2010
- Martinez del Rio, Carlos and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2009. "A natural history curriculum for cyborgs." in 94th ESA Annual Meeting. ESA. 2009
- Sheldon, Kimberly S., Lambers, Janneke Hille Ris, and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2009. "CANCELLED - The tortoise and the hare: How seasonality in temperature impacts the altitudinal range of ecotherms and endotherms." in 94th ESA Annual Meeting. ESA. 2009
- Turley, Nash E., Evans, Daniel M., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2009. "Genetic variation across a geographic cline and induced responses shape resistance to herbivores on Solanum americanum." in 94th ESA Annual Meeting. 2009
- Machnicki, Noelle J., Manchego, Carlos E., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2009. "Local adaptation and insect-mediated transmission of fungal pathogens in wild chilies." in 94th Esa Annual Meeting. ESA. 2009
- Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2009. "Putting the heat on lizards: Cimate, physiology and climate impacts across latitude." in 94th ESA Annual Meeting. 2009
- Rogers, Haldre S., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Lambers, Janneke Hille Ris. 2009. "The impact of complete bird loss on seed dispersal and plant recruitment in Guam." in 94th ESA Annual Meeting. ESA. 2009
- Rogers, Haldre S., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Lambers, Janneke Hille Ris. 2008. "The impact of bird loss on seed dispersal in the forests of Guam." in 93rd ESA Annual Meeting. ESA. 2008
- Machnicki, Noelle J. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2007. "Fungal adaptation to spicy environments: Tradeoffs, local adaptation, and the potential for a coevolutionary arms race." ESA. 2007
- Reagan, Karen M., Haak, David C., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Levey, Doug. 2007. "Seed predation, dispersal, and chemical camouflage: Rethinking the benefits of vertebrate seed dispersal." in ESA/SER Joint Meeting. 2007
- Rogers, Haldre S., Kenny, Tara, and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2007. "The effect of complete bird loss on herbivory and plant recruitment." in ESA/SER Joint Meeting. ESA. 2007
- Tewksbury, Joshua J., Reagan, Karen M., Calderon-Peñaloza, Alejandra L., Machnicki, Noelle J., Haak, David C., and Levey, Doug. 2007. "The evolutionary ecology of a major spice: Capsaicinoids, chilies, and selection by vertebrate, invertebrate, and fungal consumers." in ESA/SER Joint Meeting. 2007
- Sheldon, Kimberly S. and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2007. "Thermal tolerance and altitudinal extent across latitude: Testing the effects of seasonality on the distribution of species." in ESA/SER Joint Meeting. ESA. 2007
- Damschen, Ellen I., Brudvig, Lars A., Burt, Melissa A., Fletcher, Robert J., Haddad, Nick M., Levey, Douglas J., Orrock, John L., Resasco, Julian, and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2019. [Dataset] SRS Corridor Experiment Annual Plant Occurrence Dataset, South Carolina, USA, 2000-current. Distributed by Environmental Data Initiative. https://doi.org/10.6073/PASTA/EA07F86CED76A28F8CB843F517959E0B. 2019
- Diaz, Sandra, Zafra-Calvo, N., Obura, David O., Verburg, Peter H., Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca, DeClerck, Fabrice, Meester, Luc De, Dulloo, Ehsan, Leadley, P., Martin-Lopez, Berta, Purvis, A., Shaw, R., Bellon, M., Broadgate, Wendy, Burgess, Neil D., Carino, J., Castaneda-Alvarez, N., Cavender-Bares, Jeaninnine, Fernandez-Palacios, Jose Maria, Garibaldi, Lucas A., Hill, S., Isbell, Forest, Krug, C., Liu, J., Mace, G. M. et al. 2020. Synthesizing the scientific evidence to inform the development of the post-2020 Global Framework on Biodiversity. Convention on Biological Diversity (DBD). In Earth Commission Meeting Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, Convention on Biological Diversity, 24th meeting Montreal, Canada 17-22 August 2020. 2020
- Krosby, Meade, Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Haddad, Nick M. 2010. Planning for landscape connectivity in a changing climate. 2010
- Evans, Daniel M., Turley, Nash E., and Tewksbury, Joshua J. 2009. Patch shape, not corridors, determines levels of herbivory and plant fitness in an experimentally fragmented forest. 2009
- Haak, David C., Tewksbury, Joshua J., and Levey, Doug. 2007. Secondary compounds: A search for consistency and clarity. 2007
Professional Service Activities
- University of Washington Professor of Natural History 2003 - 2012
- Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Department