Rocha, Luiz A., Rocha, Claudia R., Baldwin, Carole C., Weigt, Lee A., and McField, Melanie D. 2015. "Invasive lionfish preying on critically endangered reef fish - Springer." Coral Reefs, 34, (3) 803–806.
Deeds, J. R., Handy, S. M., Fry, Jr, F., Granade, H., Williams, Jeffrey T., Powers, M., Shipp, R., and Weigt, Lee A. 2014. "Protocol for Building a Reference Standard Sequence Library." Journal of AOAC International, 97, (6) 1–8.
Handy, Sara M., Deeds, Jonathan R., Ivanova, Natalia V., Hebert, Paul D. N., Hanner, Robert H., Ormos, Andrea, Weigt, Lee A., Moore, Michelle M., and Yancy, Haile F. 2011. "A Single-Laboratory Validated Method for the Generation of DNA Barcodes for the Identification of Fish for Regulatory Compliance." Journal of AOAC International, 94, (1) 201–210.
Keel, William G., Moser, William, Giaccai, Jennifer, Ormos, Andrea, Tanner, Jackson, and Weight, Lee A. 2011. "Alcohol recycling at the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History (NMNH)." Collection Forum, 25, (1) 10–21.
de la Parra Venegas, Rafael, Hueter, Robert, Gonzalez Cano, Jaime, Tyminski, John, Gregorio Remolina, Jose, Maslanka, Michael, Ormos, Andrea, Weigt, Lee A., Carlson, Bruce, and Dove, Alistair. 2011. "An Unprecedented Aggregation of Whale Sharks, Rhincodon typus, in Mexican Coastal Waters of the Caribbean Sea." PLoS One, 6, (4) 1–8.
Weigt, Lee A. 2011. "CONGEN-2010: A Semester in a Fortnight." The Journal of Heredity, 102, (4) 494–495.
Whichard, Jean M., Weigt, Lee A., Borris, Douglas J., Li, Ling Ling, Zhang, Qing, Kapur, Vivek, Pierson, F. William, Lingohr, Erika J., She, Yi-Min, Kropinski, Andrew M., and Sriranganathan, Nammalwar. 2010. "Complete Genomic Sequence of Bacteriophage Felix O1." Viruses, 2, (3) 710–730.
Tornabene, Luke, Baldwin, Carole C., Weigt, Lee A., and Pezold, Frank L. 2010. "Exploring the diversity of western Atlantic Bathygobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) with cytochrome c oxidase-I, with descriptions of two new species." Aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology, 16, (4) 141–170.
Erickson, David L., Spouge, John, Resch, Alissa, Weigt, Lee A., and Kress, W. John. 2008. "DNA barcoding in land plants: developing standards to quantify and maximize success." Taxon, 57, (4) 1304–1316.
Dove, Carla J., Rotzel, Nancy C., Heacker, Marcy, and Weigt, Lee A. 2008. "Using DNA Barcodes to Identify Birds Involved in Birdstrikes." Journal of Wildlife Management, 72, (5) 1231–1236.
Leponce, M., Meyer, C., Häuser, C., Bouchet, P., Delabie, J., Weigt, Lee A., and Basset, Yves. 2010. "Challenges and solutions for planning and implementing large-scale biotic inventories." In Manual on field recording techniques and protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories and Monitoring. Eymann, J., Degreef F., Häuser, C., Monje, J. C., Samyn, Y., and VandenSpiegel, D., editors. 18–48. Brussels: Abc Taxa.
Gemeinholzer, Birgit, Rey, Isabel, Weising, K., Grundman, M., Muellner, A. N., Zetzsche, H., Droege, G., Seberg, O., Petersen, G., Rawson, D., and Weigt, Lee. 2010. "Organizing specimen and tissue preservation in the field for subsequent molecular analyses." In Manual on Field Recording Techniques and Protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories. Eymann, J., Degreef, J., Hauser, C., Monje, J. C., Samyn, Y., and VandenSpiegel, D., editors. Edgewater: ABCTaxa.
Knowlton, Nancy, Weight, Lee A., Solorzano, Luis Anibal, Mill, DeEtta K., and Bermingham, Eldredge. 2007. "Diferenciación de proteínas, ADN mitocondrial y compatibilidad reproductora a través del istmo de Panamá." In Ecología y evolución en los trópicos. Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Herre, Edward Allen, Jackson, Jeremy B. C., and Santos-Granero, Fernando, editors. 402–406. Panama: Editora Nova Art.
Bemis, Katherine E., Girard, Matthew G., Santos, Mudjekeewis D., Carpenter, Kent E., Deeds, Jonathan R., Pitassy, Diane E., Flores, Nicko Amor L., Hunter, Elizabeth Sage, Driskell, Amy C., Macdonald,Kenneth S., III, Weigt, Lee A., and Williams, Jeffrey T. 2023. [Dataset] Color field photographs of voucher specimens. Distributed by Washington, DC: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
Bemis, Katherine E., Girard, Matthew G., Santos, Mudjekeewis D., Carpenter, Kent E., Deeds, Jonathan R., Pitassy, Diane E., Flores, Nicko Amor L., Hunter, Elizabeth Sage, Driskell, Amy C., Macdonald,Kenneth S., III, Weigt, Lee A., and Williams, Jeffrey T. 2023. [Dataset] DNA sequences. Distributed by Washington, DC: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.