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Young, Lisa A.

National Air and Space Museum staff


Selected Publications

  • Blog Posting

  • Chapter

    • Collum, Malcolm and Young, Lisa. 2019. "Finding a Suitable Method for Chloride Removal and Preventative Storage of Spacesuit Gloves at the National Air and Space Museum." In Aluminum: History, Technology, and Conservation: Proceedings from the 2014 International Conference. Chemello, Claudia, Collum, Malcolm, Mardikian, Paul, Sembrat, Joe, and Young, Lisa, editors. 65. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Museum Conservation, 9. ( 2019

Editor Of

  • Book

    • Chemello, Claudia, Collum, Malcolm, Mardikian, Paul, Sembrat, Joe, and Young, Lisa, editors. 2019. Aluminum: History, Technology, and Conservation: Proceedings from the 2014 International Conference. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Museum Conservation, 9. 2019

