Koestler, Robert
Former Director, Museum Conservation Institute
heritage science and collections preservation
Background And Education
Education And Training
- B.S., State University of New York, Stony Brook
- M.A., CUNY Hunter College
- M.Phil., CUNY City College
- Ph.D., CUNY City College
Selected Publications
- Weaver, Jamie L., DePriest, Paula T., Plymale, Andrew E., Pearce, Carolyn I., Arey, Bruce, and Koestler, Robert J. 2021. "Microbial interactions with silicate glasses." NPJ Materials Degradation 5:Article 11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41529-021-00153-w 2021
- Liu, Xiaobo, Koestler, Robert J., Warscheid, Thomas, Katayama, Yoko, and Gu, Ji-Dong. 2020. "Microbial deterioration and sustainable conservation of stone monuments and buildings." Nature Sustainability https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-020-00602-5 2020
- Koestler, Daniel, Ballard, Mary W., Charola, A. Elena, and Koestler, Robert J. 2018. "Does argon anoxia cause a color change in Prussian blue pigment?" Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/01971360.2018.1478534. 2018
- Weaver, Jamie L., Pearce, Carolyn I., Arey, Bruce, Conroy, Michele, Vicenzi, Edward P., Sjoblom, Rolf, Koestler, Robert J., DePriest, Paula T., Lam, Thomas F., Peeler, David K., McCloy, John S., and Kruger, Albert A. 2018. "Microscopic Identification of Micro-Organisms on Pre-Viking Swedish Hillfort Glass." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24 2136–2137. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927618011169. 2018
- Weaver, Jamie L., Pearce, Carolyn I., Sjöblom, Rolf, McCloy, John S., Miller, Micah, Varga, Tamas, Arey, Bruce W., Conroy, Michele A., Peeler, David K., Koestler, Robert J., DePriest, Paula T., Vicenzi, Edward P., Hjärthner-Holdar, Eva, Ogenhall, Erik, and Kruger, Albert A. 2018. "Pre-viking Swedish hillfort glass: A prospective long-term alteration analogue for vitrified nuclear waste." International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 9, (4) 540–554. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijag.12351. 2018
- Charola, A. Elena and Koestler, Robert J. 2017. "The National Museum of the American Indian: An Introduction." in Conservation of the Exterior of the National Museum of the American Indian Building, edited by Sledge, Jane, Charola, A. Elena, DePriest, Paula T., and Koestler, Robert J., 1-4. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. 2017
- Koestler, Robert J. 2014. "Thoughts on Sustaining the World's Cultural Heritage." in Centerpoint Now: Sustainability, edited by de Gonzaga, Shamina., 78-79. 2014
- Tavzes, Črtomir, Palčič, Jernej, Fackler, Karin, Pohleven, Franc, and Koestler, Robert J. 2013. "Biomimetic system for removal of fungal melanin staining on paper." International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 84 307–313. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2012.07.022. 2013
- Charola, A. Elena and Koestler, Robert J. 2013. "Preface." in New Insights into the Cleaning of Paintings. Proceedings from the Cleaning 2010 International Conference Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Contributions to Museum Conservation, Number 3, edited by Mecklenburg, Marion F., Charola, A. Elena, and Koestler, Robert J., vii-viii. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. 2013
- Charola, A. Elena, McNamara, Christopher, and Koestler, Robert J. 2011. "Discussions, Conclusions, and Recommendations." in Biocolonization of Stone: Control and Preventive Methods: Proceedings from the MCI Workshop Series, edited by Charola, A. Elena, McNamara, Christopher, and Koestler, Robert J., 113-115. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.19492359.2.1 2011
- Solazzo, Caroline, Heald, Susan, Ballard, Mary W., Ashford, David A., DePriest, Paula T., Koestler, Robert J., and Collins, Matthew. 2011. "Proteomics and Coast Salish blankets: a tale of shaggy dogs?" Antiquity, 85 1418–1432. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003598X00062141. 2011
- Tavzes, Crtomir, Silc, Franc, Kladnik, Andrej, Fackler, Karin, Messner, Kurt, Pohleven, Franc, and Koestler, Robert J. 2009. "Enzymatic degradation of mould stains on paper analysed by colorimetry and DRIFT-IR spectroscopy." International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63 (7):873-879. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2009.07.001 2009
- Koestler, Robert J., DePriest, Paula T., and Charola, A. Elena. 2017. "Future Maintenance Plan for the National Museum of the American Indian Building." in Conservation of the Exterior of the National Museum of the American Indian Building, edited by Sledge, Jane, Charola, A. Elena, DePriest, Paula T., and Koestler, Robert J., 59-61. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. 2017
- Sledge, Jane, Charola, A. Elena, DePriest, Paula T., and Koestler, Robert J. 2017. "Preface." In Conservation of the Exterior of the National Museum of the American Indian Building. v. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Museum Conservation, 6. (https://doi.org/10.5479/si.19492367.6), https://doi.org/10.5479/si.19492367.6. 2017
- Madden, Odile, Charola, A. Elena, and Koestler, Robert J. 2017. "Preface." In The Age of Plastic: Ingenuity and Responsibility, Proceedings of the 2012 MCI Symposium. Madden, Odile, Charola, A. Elena, Cobb, Kim Cullen, DePriest, Paula T., and Koestler, Robert J., editors. v–vi. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Museum Conservation. 2017
- Charola, A. Elena and Koestler, Robert J. 2014. "Preface and Acknowledgments." In Unexpected—Earthquake 2011: Lessons to Be Learned. Charola, A. Elena, Wegener, Corine, and Koestler, Robert J., editors. v–viii. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Museum Conservation; No. 4. 2014
- Koestler, Robert J., Arai, Hideo, Danchin, Antoine, Heulin, Thierry, Normand, Philippe, Novakova, Alena, and Simonet, Pascal. 2011. "Debat avec les experts et discussion generale : Debate with experts and general discussion (Chapter 12)." in Lascaux et la conservation en milieu souterrain: Actes du symposium international, Paris, 26 et 27 fevrier 2009 : Lascaux and Preservation Issues in Subterranean Environments: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Paris, February 26 and 27, 2009, edited by Coye, Noel., 275-299. Maison des sciences de l'homme. 2011
- Koestler, Robert J. 2010. "Anoxic Methods for Controlling Insect Infestations in Musical Instruments." in The Conservation, Restoration, and Repair of Stringed Instruments and Their Bows. Volume 1: General Issues Concerning Stringed Instruments and Their Bows, edited by Wilder, Tom., 557-562. IPCI-Canada and Archetype Publications. 2010
- Charola, A. Elena and Koestler, Robert J. 2010. "Introduction." in Pesticide mitigation in museum collections : science in conservation : proceedings from the MCI worshop series, v-vi. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.19492359.1.1 2010
- Ballard, Mary W. and Koestler, Robert J. 2014. Thirty Years of Pest Control in Museums: Policy & Practice. 2014
Editor Of
- Charola, A. Elena, Otero, Jorge, DePriest, Paula T., and Koestler, Robert J. , eds. 2021. Built Heritage Evaluation: Manual Using Simple Test Methods. Smithsonian Scholarly Press. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.16567623.v1 2021
- Charola, A. Elena, Otero, Jorge, DePriest, Paula T., and Koestler, Robert J. , eds. 2021. Evaluación del Patrimonio Construido: Manual de Ensayos Preliminares. Smithsonian Scholarly Press. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.16569261.v1 2021
- Rogala, Dawn V., DePriest, Paula T., Charola, A. Elena, and Koestler, Robert J., editors. 2019. The Mechanics of Art Materials and Its Future in Heritage Science. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Museum Conservation, 10. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.11342126.v1. 2019
- Sledge, Jane, Charola, A. Elena, DePriest, Paula T., and Koestler, Robert J. , eds. 2017. Conservation of the Exterior of the National Museum of the American Indian Building. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.19492367.6 2017
- Madden, Odile, Charola, A. Elena, Cobb, Kim Cullen, DePriest, Paula T., and Koestler, Robert J., editors. 2017. The Age of Plastic: Ingenuity and Responsibility, Proceedings of the 2012 MCI Symposium. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Museum Conservation. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.19492367.7. 2017
- Charola, A. Elena, Wegener, Corine, and Koestler, Robert J., editors. 2014. Unexpected--Earthquake 2011: Lessons to Be Learned. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Museum Conservation, 4. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.19492367.4. 2014
- Mecklenburg, Marion F., Charola, A. Elena, and Koestler, Robert J. , eds. 2013. New Insights into the Cleaning of Paintings: Proceedings from the Cleaning 2010 International Conference, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation Institute. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.19492359.3.1 2013
- Charola, A. Elena, McNamara, Christopher, and Koestler, Robert J. , eds. 2011. Biocolonization of Stone: Control and Preventive Methods: Proceeedings from the MCI Workshop Series. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.19492359.2.1 2011
- Charola, A. Elena and Koestler, Robert J. , eds. 2010. Pesticide mitigation in museum collections : science in conservation : proceedings from the MCI workshop series. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.19492359.1.1 2010
- Museum Conservation Institute Academic Department