Van Dyk, Stephen
Design and decorative arts and architecture, 19th and 20th centuries.
- Head Art Department, Smithsonian Institution Libraries 1988 -
Background And Education
Education And Training
- B.A., William Paterson College
- M.A., Rutgers University
- M.S., University of North Carolina
Professional Biography
- Have worked in Academic, public & museum libraries providing reference -building collections & overseeing operations. Specialized areas are architecture, industrial, interior & graphic design. Oversee rare book and special collections. Lecture, write, and curate exhibitions dealing with design and decorative arts publications primarily from the 19th-21st centuries Publications, talks, and exhibitions -include trade catalogs, world's fairs, illustrative children books, pop-up and movable books, pattern books, and book design.
Public Biography
- Have worked in Academic, public & museum libraries providing reference -building collections & overseeing operations. Specialized areas are architecture, industrial, interior & graphic design. Oversee rare book and special collections. Lecture, write, and curate exhibitions dealing with design and decorative arts publications primarily from the 19th-21st centuries Publications, talks, and exhibitions -include trade catalogs, world's fairs, illustrative children books, pop-up and movable books, pattern books, and book desig
- Appraisal certificate, 1990
Selected Publications
- Seckelson, Linda, Ash, Jared, Bardhan, Gail P., Guthrie, Emily, and Van Dyk, Stephen. 2015. "Trade Catalogs: Opportunities and Challenges." Art Documentation: Bulletin of the Art Libraries Society of North America 34 (2):267-300. 2015
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2008. "Kimbel & Cabus, American Gothic Revival Furniture." Nineteenth Century 28 (1):30-33. 2008
Blog Posting
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2017. "The Fantastic Beasts of Robert Winthrop Chanler." [Blog] . 2017. 2017
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2016. "Tiffany & Co. at the Chicago Fair." [Blog] . 2016. 2016
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2013. "A Pickle Fork for Every Occasion." [Blog] . 2013. 2013
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2013. "Back to the Futurists." [Blog] . 2013. 2013
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2013. "Beauty & Efficiency." [Blog] . 2013. 2013
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2013. "Fancy French Furniture." [Blog] . 2013. 2013
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2013. "Fly Catcher." [Blog] . 2013. 2013
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2013. "Roche Mail." [Blog] . 2013. 2013
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2013. "To Tell the Truth." [Blog] . 2013. 2013
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2012. "American Gothic." [Blog] . 2012. 2012
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2012. "Dots, Dots, Dots." [Blog] . 2012. 2012
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2012. "Fair Women." [Blog] . 2012. 2012
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2012. "Fantasy Fireplaces." [Blog] . 2012. 2012
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2012. "On Pins and Needles." [Blog] . 2012. 2012
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2014. "Book: Astronomicum Caesareum." In Tools: Extending Our Reach. McCarty, Cara and McQuaid, Matilda, editors. 154–155. New York, NY: Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum. 2014
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2014. "Book: Les Raisons des forces mouvanters avec diverses machines tant utiles que plaisantes." In Tools: Extending Our Reach. McCarty, Cara and McQuaid, Matilda, editors. 191. New York, NY: Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum. 2014
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2014. "Color lithograph print depicting De la Rue's Stationery Stand and Envelope Machine By Edwin Thomas Dolby from Recollections of the Great Exhibition." in Making design : Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum collection, edited by Boom, Irma., 698-699. Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum. 2014
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2014. "Encyclopédie, ou, Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers." In Tools : Extending our Reach. McCarty, Cara and McQuaid, Matilda, editors. 113–116. New York, NY: Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum. 2014
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2014. "Paper Construction, Miniature theater depicting a garden scene with dancers attributed to engraver and print seller Martin Egelbrecht." in Making design : Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum collection, edited by Boom, Irma., 600-603. Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum ; 2014. 2014
- Van Dyk, Stephen. 2007. "Looking to the Future: Fairs from 1933." in Exit to Tomorrow: History of the Future, World's Fair Architecture, Design, Fashion 1933-2005, edited by Garn, Andrew, Kultermann, Udo, and Antonelli, Paolo., Rizzoli/Universe. 2007
- Smithsonian Libraries and Archives Department