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An emerging palaeoceanographic 'missing link': multidisciplinary study of rarely recovered parts of deep-sea Santonian-Campanian transition from Shatsky Rise



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  • The Cretaceous deep-sea record of the Santonian-Campanian transition is commonly interrupted by an extensive unconformity (representing <10 Myr of hiatus). The resultant palaeoceanographic gap can now be partly bridged by a recent short core of pelagic ooze from Shatsky Rise (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1348), with precise multidisciplinary age constraints developed herein. New oxygen isotope data from very well-preserved benthic foraminifera, together with accurately compiled comparable benthic data from previous Pacific deep-sea sections, exhibit a large (c. 1?) early Campanian shift. We propose the Santonian-Campanian climatic transition was not gradual but was the first major cooling step after sustained mid-Cretaceous hothouse conditions. Supplementary material: Detailed analytical methods including biostratigraphic notes and Sr isotopic chronology, supplementary figures (locality map; additional geochemical, isotopic and micropalaeontological results; palaeomagnetic results; global Sr isotope compilation and age model; benthic foraminiferal stable isotope compilation), tables of microfossil occurrences and numerical data are available at

Publication Date

  • 2013
