Pseudalbuginosus, a New Subgenus of Aedes, and a Redescription of Aedes (Pseudalbuginosus) grjebinei Hamon, Taufflieb, and Maillot (Diptera: Culicidae)
. Pseudalbuginosus, a new subgenus of Aedes Meigen, is characterized and diagnosed. Aedes grjebinei Hamon, Taufflieb, and Maillot is removed from the subgenus Aedimorphus Theobald and placed in the new monotypic subgenus Pseudalbuginosus on the basis of a critical study of all known specimens. The adult male and the male genitalia of Ae. (Pseudalbuginosus) grjebinei are described, with the illustration of the genitalia and images of the proboscis and maxillary palpi. Its affinity to other subgenera of the genus Aedes is discussed. Information on type data, distribution, bionomics, medical importance and a taxonomic discussion of this species are presented.