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Anthodiplosis eutrochii, n. sp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), the Flower-Bud Gallmaker of Joe Pye Weed in North America
. Anthodiplosis eutrochii Gagné, new species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Clinodiplosini), is described. It is responsible for the flower bud gall and only known gall on Eutrochium spp. in eastern North America. Dasineura purpurea Felt is no longer considered the gall maker. Galls are first noticeable at early anthesis in July. Full-grown larvae drop to the soil in August and September. Some adults may emerge in September, but most appear the following year. Anthodiplosis Kieffer, previously known from a single species from Europe, is a genus new to North America.
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