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Catalogue of Known Immature Stages of Camptosomate Leaf Beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae and Lamprosomatinae)



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  • . Lack of syntheses of knowledge on immature stages of insects impedes accurate understanding of their diversity, biology and evolution. Literature describing known immature stages of case-bearing chrysomelids is catalogued, i.e., 358 species of Cryptocephalinae Gyllenhal and 13 species of Lamprosomatinae Lacordaire. The catalogue covers the world fauna including fossils, and reviews information on eggs, larvae, pupae, host plants, distribution, host ants (for myrmecophiles), and parasitoids and predators. This synthesis should stimulate efforts to discover and study immatures, and generate new hypotheses about the evolution in these two sister clades of leaf beetles.

Publication Date

  • 2016