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A new species of Rhynchosia (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) from Bahia State, Brazil



Complete Citation

  • De Paulaalves Bezerra, Luisa Maria, Da Silva Oliveira, Ana Carla, Silva, Juliana Santos, de Vargas, Wanderleia, Candido, Elisa Silva, Cobra E Monteiro, Thiago, Vatanparast, Mohammad, and Fortuna Perez, Ana Paula. 2019. "A new species of Rhynchosia (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) from Bahia State, Brazil." Phytotaxa, 406, (2) 84–90.



  • During a taxonomic study of Rhynchosia in Brazil and intensive field work, a new species from Bahia, R. lewisii, was discovered. The new species is herein described, illustrated and its morphological affinities with related species are presented. Additionally, the conservation status of the new species is discussed, and a key to the taxa of Rhynchosia that occur in the Bahia is provided.

Publication Date

  • 2019
