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Nitrogen and phosphorus constrain the CO 2 fertilization of global plant biomass



Complete Citation

  • Terrer, Cé, Jackson, Robert B., Prentice, I. C., Keenan, Trevor F., Kaiser, Christina, Vicca, Sara, Fisher, Joshua B., Reich, Peter B., Stocker, Benjamin D., Hungate, Bruce A., Peñuelas, Josep, McCallum, Ian, Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A., Cernusak, Lucas A., Talhelm, Alan F., Sundert, Kevin Van, Piao, Shilong, Newton, Paul C. D., Hovenden, Mark J., Blumenthal, Dana M., Liu, Yi Y., Müller, Christoph, Winter, Klaus, Field, Christopher B., Viechtbauer, Wolfgang et al. 2019. "Nitrogen and phosphorus constrain the CO 2 fertilization of global plant biomass." Nature Climate Change, 1–6.



  • Elevated CO2 increases plant biomass, providing a negative feedback on global warming. Nutrient availability was found to drive the magnitude of this effect for the majority of vegetation globally, and analyses indicated that CO2 will continue to fertilize plant growth in the next century.

Publication Date

  • 2019
