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World Catalog of the Family Canacidae (including Tethinidae) (Diptera), with keys to the supraspecific taxa



Complete Citation

  • Munari, Lorenzo and Mathis, Wayne Neilsen. 2010. "World Catalog of the Family Canacidae (including Tethinidae) (Diptera), with keys to the supraspecific taxa." Zootaxa, (2471) 1–84.



  • All genera and species of the family Canacidae as well as all synonyms and the world distribution for each species are listed to form an updated world catalog. Since McAlpine's (2007) placement of the families Canacidae sensu stricto and Tethinidae into a single, inclusive family (Canacidae sensu lato, i.e. the older family-group name), a comprehensive world catalog has been needed to include the new taxonomic arrangement and the corpus of new entries published over the last fifteen years, that is since the preceding catalogs (Mathis, 1992; Mathis and Munari, 1996). Identification keys to all supraspecific taxa are also given for each taxonomic section.

Publication Date

  • 2010
