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A wide-angle outflow with the simultaneous presence of a high-velocity jet in the high-mass Cepheus A HW2 system



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  • We present five epochs of VLBI water maser observations around the massive protostar Cepheus A HW2 with 0.4 mas (0.3 au) resolution. The main goal of these observations was to follow the evolution of the remarkable water maser linear/arcuate structures found in earlier VLBI observations. Comparing the data of our new epochs of observation with those observed 5 yr before, we find that at `large' scales of >rsim1 arcsec (700 au) the main regions of maser emission persist, implying that both the surrounding medium and the exciting sources of the masers have been relatively stable during that time-span. However, at smaller scales of ?0.1 arcsec (70 au) we see large changes in the maser structures, particularly in the expanding arcuate structures R4 and R5.

Publication Date

  • 2011
