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Ubelaker, Douglas

Senior Scientist and Curator of Biological Anthropology

New World human skeletal biology; and forensic anthropology.

Background And Education

Education And Training

Professional Biography

  • Biological anthropologist focusing on forensic anthropology and bioarcheology.  Areas of interest include Latin America, Europe, North America, Forensic Contributions to Humanitarian and Human Rights, Methodology.

Awards And Honors

Public Biography

  • Research-oriented Curator of Biological anthropology with professional activity in research and casework related to forensic anthropology, especially methodology and applications to humanitarian and human rights issues.


Research And Grants


Selected Publications

  • Abstract

    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2016. "Presentacion." Guia Latinoamericana de Buenas Practicas Para La Aplicacion en Antropologia Forense, 1 (1): 10–11. 2016
  • Article

  • Book

    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2015. The Global Practice of Forensic Science. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 2015
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2007. Enterramientos humanos: excavación, análisis, interpretación. Donostia, Spain: Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi Zientzi Elkartea. 2007
  • Chapter

    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Shamlou, Auston A. 2023. "History of the Study of Burnt Remains." In Burnt Human Remains: Recovery, Analysis, and Interpretation. Ellingham, Sarah, Adserias-Garriga, Joe, Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 1–10. West Sussex: Wiley. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2023
    • Ellingham, Sarah, Adserias-Garriga, Joe, Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2023. "Preface." In Burnt Human Remains: Recovery, Analysis, and Interpretation. Ellingham, Sarah, Adserias-Garriga, Joe, Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. xxvii–xxviii. West Sussex: Wiley. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2023
    • Geradts, Zeno and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2023. "Series Preface." In Burnt Human Remains: Recovery, Analysis, and Interpretation. Ellingham, Sarah, Adserias-Garriga, Joe, Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. West Sussex: Wiley. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2023
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H., Wu, Yaohan, and Zeidler, James A. 2022. "Auditory Exostoses and Spondylus Diving in Ancient Ecuador." In Waves of Influence: Pacific Maritime Networks Connecting Mexico, Central America, and Northwestern South America. Beekman, Christopher S. and McEwan, Colin, editors. 457–468. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks. 2022
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2022. "Catalogue of the Human Remains by Context." In On the Edge of a Roman Port: Exavations at Koutsongila, Kenchreai, 2007-2014. Korka, Elena and Rife, Joseph L., editors. 1–26. Athens. Digital Supplement 1 in Hesperia Supplement 52. 2022
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2022. "El Desarrollo de la Antropología Forense en América Latina." In Avances En Antropología Forense. Quinto-Sánchez, Mirsha and Gómez-Valdés, Jorge, editors. 3–9. Mexico City, Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 2022
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2022. "Humans." In On the Edge of a Roman Port: Excavations at Koutsongila, Kenchreai, 2007-2014. Korka, Elena and Rife, Joseph L., editors. 503–524. Athens, Greece. In Hesperia Supplement 52. 2022
    • Zeidler, James and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2021. "De Las Vegas a Valdivia: evidencia bioarqueologica de una transicion demografica neolitica (TDN) en el sitio Real Alto, Costa de Ecuador." In Valdivia, Una Sociedad Neolitica: Nuevos Aportes a Su Conocimiento. Verinez, Jadan and Beatriz, Mary, editors. 18–63. Manabi, Ecuador: Ediciones UTM Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, Ecuador. 2021
    • Zapico, Sara C., Ubelaker, Douglas H., and Adserias-Garriga, Joe. 2020. "Applications of physiological bases of aging to forensic science: New advances." In Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action: Interacting with the Dead and the Living. Parra, Roberto C., Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 183–197. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Incorporated. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2020
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H., Zapico, Sara C., and Parra, Roberto C. 2020. "Humanitarian action: New approaches from forensic science." In Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action: Interacting with the Dead and the Living. Parra, Roberto C., Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 717–726. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Incorporated. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2020
    • Zapico, Sara C., Parra, Roberto C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2020. "Preface." In Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action: Interacting with the Dead and the Living. Parra, Roberto C., Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. lxix–lxxiii. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. In Forensic Science in Focus. ( 2020
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2020. "Series Preface." In Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action: Interacting with the Dead and the Living. Parra, Roberto C., Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. lxvi OP. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2020
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2020. "The Skeletal Biology of Human Remains from Site-80 in Contemporary Perspective." In Las Vegas: The Early Holocene Archaeology of Human Occupation in Coastal Ecuador. Stahl, Peter W. and Stothert, Karen E., editors. 61–67. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh. In University of Pittsburgh Memoirs in Latin American Archaeology, 25. 2020
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Francescutti, Caroline. 2020. "The role of stable isotope analysis in forensic anthropology." In Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action: Interacting with the Dead and the Living. Parra, Roberto C., Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 275–284. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Incorporated. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2020
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Colantonio, Sonia E. 2019. "Conclusions." In Biological Anthropology of Lain America: Historical Development and Recent Advances. Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Colantonio, Sonia E., editors. 353–358. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, 51. (, 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Khosrowshahi, Haley. 2019. "Ethical Perspectives in Forensic Anthropology and Museum Curation in the United States of America." In Ethical Approaches to Human Remains. Squires, Kirsty, Errickson, David, and Marquez-Grant, Nicholas, editors. 387–400. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2019. "Forensic Anthropology: Methodology and Applications." In Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton. Third ed. Katzenberg, M. Anne and Grauer, Anne L., editors. 43–71. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2019. "Forensic Anthropology: New Perspectives." In 100 Years of Institute of Forensic Medicine 1919-2019 : Collection of Scientific Papers. Sidlo, Jozef, editor. 57–62. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenskeho. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2019. "Foreword." In Forensic Anthropology and the United States Judicial System. Fulginiti, Laura C., Hartnett-McCann, Kristen, and Galloway, Alison, editors. xxv–xxvii. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2019. "New directions in forensic anthropology." In The Future of Forensic Science. Martell, Daniel A., editor. 1–18. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2019. "Series preface." In The Future of Forensic Science. Martell, Daniel A., editor. xix. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2019. "Series preface." In Forensic Anthropology and the United States Judicial System. Fulginiti, Laura C., Hartnett-McCann, Kristen, and Galloway, Alison, editors. xxiii. Oxford: Wiley & Sons. In Forensic Science in Focus. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Longeway, Ashleigh. 2019. "Skeletal age estimation of the living and the dead: the evolution of methodology." In Age Estimation: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Adserias-Garriga, Joe, editor. 29–40. London: Elsevier. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2018. "Dientes: un tesoro de información forense." In Odontología Forense: Identificación Humana y Alteraciones del Sistema Estomatognático en el Contexto Forense. Sanabria-Medina, César, editor. 33–34. Bogotá, Columbia: Universidad Antonio Nariño. 2018
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2018. "Forward." In Forensic Anthropology: Theoretical Framework and Scientific Bias. Boyd, C. Clifford, Jr. and Boyd, Donna C., editors. xxiii–xxiv. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons. 2018
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2018. "Prólogo." In Tras el Hilo Escarlata: Ciencia Forense en Baker Street. Castelló Ponce, Ana, editor. 11–12. Grenada: Editorial Comares, S.L.. 2018
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2018. "Series Preface." In Forensic Anthropology: Theoretical Framework and Scientific Basis. Boyd, C. Clifford, Jr. and Boyd, Donna C., editors. xxv. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons. 2018
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2018. "Teeth: A Treasure Trove of Forensic Information." In Odontología Forense: Identificación Humana y Alteraciones del Sistema Estomatognático en el Contexto Forense. Sanabria-Medina, César, editor. 31–32. Bogotá: Universidad Antonio Nariño. 2018
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H., Szen, Amy L., and Serwatka, Lindsay M. 2018. "Uso de cunas y envoltorios entre groups precolombinos de Norteamérica." In Modificaciones cefálicas culturales en Mesoamérica – Una perspectiva continental. Tiesler, Vera and Serrano Sánchez, Carlos, editors. 751–771. Mexico City: Universidad Autónoma de México. 2018
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2017. "Estimation of Immature Age From the Dentition." In New Perspectives in Forensic Human Skeletal Identification. Lathem, Krista, Bartelink, Eric, and Finnegan, Michael, editors. 61–64. London: Academic Press: An imprint of Elsevier. 2017
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2017. "Forensic Trends in Forensic Anthropological Humanitarian Action." In P5 Medicine and Justice. 268–277. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 2017
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2017. "International Advances in Identification of Human Remains." In New Perspectives in Forensic Human Skeletal Identification. Lathem, Krista, Bartelink, Eric, and Finnegan, Michael, editors. 295–300. London: Academic Press: An imprint of Elsevier. 2017
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2017. "Interpretation of Burned Human Remains: Lessons from Modern Forensic Case." In Cremation and the Archaeology of Death. Cerezo-Román, Jessica, Wessman, Anna, and Williams, Howard, editors. 383. Oxford University Press. 2017
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2017. "Interpretation of burned remains: lessons from modern forensic cases." In Cremation and the archaeology of death. Cerezo-Román, Jessica, Wessman, Anna, and Williams, Howard, editors. 104–116. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2017
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2017. "Series Preface." In Forensic Microbiology. Carter, D. O., Tomberelin, J. K., Benbow, M. E., and Metcalf, J. L., editors. xxiv. Chichester West Sussix: Wiley. 2017
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2017. "Species Determination From Fragmentary Evidence." In New Perspectives in Forensic Human Skeletal Identification. Lathem, Krista, Bartelink, Eric, and Finnegan, Michael, editors. 197–200. London: Academic Press: An imprint of Elsevier. 2017
    • Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2016. "Conclusion: International Perspectives on Issues in Forensic Anthropology." In Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 672–677. London: Routledge. 2016
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2016. "Evaluacion del intervalo post mortem en el contexto forense." In Patologia Y Antropologia Forense De La Muerte. Sanabria Medina, Cesar, editor. 375–387. Bogota Colombia: Forensic Publisher. 2016
    • Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2016. "Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology: Moving Forward." In Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 1–9. London: Routledge. 2016
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2016. "Historical Development of Forensic Anthropology: Perspectives from the United States." In Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 94–106. London: Routledge. 2016
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2016. "Series Preface: Forensic Science in Focus." In Forensic Chemistry Fundamentals and Applications. Siegel, Jay,A., editor. xv. Chichester West Sussix: Wiley Blackwell. 2016
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2015. "Case Applications of Recent Research on Thermal Effects on the Skeleton." In The Archaeology of Cremation. Thompson, Tim, editor. 213–226. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 2015
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2015. "Conclusions: Global Common Themes and Variations." In The Global Practice of Forensic Science. Ubelaker, Douglas H., editor. 351–360. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 2015
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2015. "Introduction." In The Global Practice of Forensic Science. Ubelaker, Douglas H., editor. 1–3. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 2015
    • Ross, Ann H., Slice, Dennis E., and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2015. "Population Affinities of Hispanic Crania: Implications for Forensic Identification." In Biological Affinity in Forensic Identification of Human Skeletal Remains. Berg, Gregory E. and Ta'ala, Sabrina C., editors. 155–164. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2015
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2015. "Series Preface: Forensic Science in Focus." In The Global Practice of Forensic Science. Ubelaker, Douglas H., editor. xxix. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 2015
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2015. "The Concept of Perimortem in Forensic Science." In Trends in Biological Anthropology. Gerdau-Radonic, Karina and McSweeney, Kathleen, editors. 95–99. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 2015
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2014. "Bioantropologia de Ecuador." In Avances Recientes de la Bioarqueologia Latinoamericana. Luna, Leandro H., Aranda, Claudia M., and Suby, Jorge A., editors. 35–46. Buenos Aires: Grupo de Investigacion en Bioarqueologia. 2014
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2014. "Bioarchaeology, Human Osteology, and Forensic Anthropology: Definitions and Developments." In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Smith, Claire, editor. 883–888. New York: Springer. 2014
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2014. "Commingling Analysis: Historical and Methodological Perspectives." In Commingled Human Remains: Methods in Recovery, Analysis and Identification. Adams, Bradley and Byrd, John, editors. 1–6. New York: Elsevier. 2014
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H., Blau, Soren, and Fondebrider, Luis. 2014. "Forensic and Archaeological Analyses: Similarities and Differences." In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Smith, Claire, editor. 2824–2827. New York: Springer. 2014
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2014. "Foreword." In Forensic Anthropology Current Methods and Practice. Christensen, A. M., Passalacqua, N. V., and Bartelink, E. J., editors. xi. New York: Elsevier. 2014
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Montaperto, Kristin. 2014. "L'homme de la forêt : technique de prospection, de relavage et d'analyse d'un corps squelettisé en surface." In Manuel Pratique D'Anthropologie Médico-Légale. Delabarde, Tania and Ludes, Bertrand, editors. 357–363. Paris: Editions Eska. 2014
    • Delabarde, Tania, Ubelaker, Douglas H., and Montaperto, Kristin. 2014. "Les traumatismes osseux." In Manuel Pratique D'Anthropologie Médico-Légale. Delabarde, Tania and Ludes, Bertrand, editors. 168–186. Paris: Editions Eska. 2014
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2014. "Osteology Reference Collections." In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Smith, Claire, editor. 5632–5641. New York: Springer. 2014
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2014. "Skeletal Biology: Definition." In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Smith, Claire, editor. 6721–6722. New York: Springer. 2014
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2014. "T. Dale Stewart." In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Smith, Claire, editor. 7054–7056. New York: Springer. 2014
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2013. "Foreward." In Forensic Anthropology: An Introduction. Tersigni-Tarrant, MariaTeresa A. and Shirley, Natalie R., editors. xi. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2013
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2013. "Introduction." In Forensic Science: Current Issues, Future Directions. Ubelaker, Douglas H., editor. 1–5. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. 2013
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2013. "Ossuary III from the Juhle Site, Nanjemoy Maryland: Bioarchaeological Features." In The Dead Tell Tales: Essays in Honor of Jane E. Buikstra. 52–61. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. 76 in Monography (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA). 2013
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2013. "Postmortem Interval." In Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Second Edition, Volume 1. Siegel, J. A. and Saukko, P. J., editors. 24–27. Waltham: Academic Press. 2013
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2013. "Prehistoric Human Biology of Ecuador: Possible Temporal Trends and Cultural Correlations." In Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture. 2nd ed. Cohen, Mark Nathan and Armelagos, George J., editors. 491–513. Tallahassee: University Press of Florida. In Bioarchaeological Interpretations of the Human Past. 2013
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2013. "Summary and conclusions." In Forensic Science: Current Issues, Future Directions. Ubelaker, Douglas H., editor. 374–398. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. 2013
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Montaperto, Kristin M. 2013. "Trauma Interpretation in the Context of Biological Anthropology." In The Routledge Handbook of the Bioarchaeology of Human Conflict. Knüsel, Christopher and Smith, Martin J., editors. 25–38. New York: Routledge. 2013
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2012. "Contributions of Forensic Anthropology to Medicolegal Investigation." In Guidelines for Marine Forensic Investigations. Kery, Sean M., editor. 11–12. Jersey City: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. 2012
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2012. "Contributions of T. Dale Stewart (1901-1997) to Paleopathology." In The Global History of Paleopathology: Pioneers and Prospects. Buikstra, Jane E. and Roberts, Charlotte A., editors. 119–125. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012
    • Mulhern, Dawn M. and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2012. "Differentiating Human from Nonhuman Bone Microstructure." In Bone Histology: An Anthropological Perspective. Crowder, Christian and Stout, Sam, editors. 109–134. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2012
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2012. "Photography Changes the Practice of Forensics." In Photography Changes Everything. Heiferman, Marvin, editor. 97–98. New York: Aperture Foundation and Smithsonian Institution. 2012
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Montaperto, Kristin M. 2012. "Recovery and Analysis of Human Remains from Aquatic Contexts." In Guidelines for Marine Forensic Investigations. Kery, Sean M., editor. 11–13. Jersey City: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. 2012
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Montaperto, Kristin M. 2011. "Biomechanical and Remodeling Factors in the Interpretation of Fractures in Juveniles." In The Juvenile Skeleton in Forensic Abuse Investigations. 33–48. New York: Humana Press. 2011
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Grossman, Julia A. 2011. "Forensic Anthropology: Current Tools, Future Concepts." In Digital Forensics for the Health Sciences: Applications in Practice and Research. Daskalaki, Andriani, editor. 1–12. Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference. 2011
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2011. "United States of America." In The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation: An international guide to laws and practice in the excavation and treatment of archaeological human remains. Marquez-Grant, Nicholas and Fibiger, Linda, editors. 533–540. London: Routledge. 2011
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2010. "A History of Methodology in the Estimation of Age at Death from the Skeleton." In Age Estimation of the Human Skeleton. Latham, Krista E. and Finnegan, Michael, editors. xvii–xxv. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher. 2010
    • Ross, Ann H. and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2010. "A Morphometric Approach to Taino Biological Distance in the Caribbean." In Island Shores, Distant Pasts: Archaeological and Biological Approaches to the Pre-Columbian Settlement of the Caribbean. Fitzpatrick, Scott M. and Ross, Ann H., editors. 108–126. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. 2010
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2010. "Issues in Forensic Anthropology." In A Companion to Biological Anthropology. Larsen, Clark Spencer, editor. 412–426. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2010. "Recent Advances in Forensic Anthropology." In Acta Medicinae Legalis et Socialis. Nuno Vieira, Duarte, Busuttil, Anthony, Cusack, Denis, and Beth, Philip, editors. 29–32. Coimbra: Coimbra University Press. 2010
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2010. "Recent Advances in the Estimation of Age at Death from the Assessment of Immature Bone." In Age Estimation of the Human Skeleton. Latham, Krista E. and Finnegan, Michael, editors. 177–189. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher. 2010
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2010. "The Evolving Relationship of Forensic Anthropology to Physical Anthropology." In Diversidad Humana y Antropologia Aplicada. Gutierrez-Redomero, Esperanza, Sanchez Andres, Angeles, and Galera Olmo, Virginia, editors. 43–52. Alcala de Henares, Spain: Universidad de Alcala. 2010
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2009. "Accokeek Creek and Nanjemoy Creek Ossuaries: Lower Potomac River Area, Maryland, Native American Burial Sites." In Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia, Volume 1, Northeast and Southeast. McManamon, Francis P., Cordell, Linda S., Lightfoot, Kent G., and Milner, George R., editors. 105–107. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 2009
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2009. "Approaches to Facial Reproduction and Photographic Superimposition." In Hard Evidence: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology, Second Edition. Steadman, Dawnie W., editor. 248–257. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. 2009
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Blau, Soren. 2009. "Conclusion: Global Perspectives on Issues in Forensic Anthropology." In Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 509–513. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, Inc. 2009
    • Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2009. "Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology: Introduction to a Broader View." In Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 21–25. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, Inc. 2009
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2009. "Historical Development of Forensic Anthropology: Perspective from the United States." In Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 76–86. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, Inc. 2009
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2009. "Human Remains." In Art and Archaeology of Challuabamba, Ecuador. Grieder, Terence, Farmer, James D., Hill, David V., Stahl, Peter W., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 159–164. Austin: University of Texas Press. 2009
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H., Jumbelic, Mary, Wilson, Mark, and Levinsohn, E. Mark. 2009. "Multidisciplinary Approach to Human Indentification in Homicide Investigation: A Case Study From New York." In Hard Evidence: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology, Second Edition. Steadman, Dawnie W., editor. 29–33. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. 2009
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Smialek, John E. 2009. "The Interface of Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Pathology in Trauma Interpretation." In Hard Evidence: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology, Second Edition. Steadman, Dawnie W., editor. 221–224. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. 2009
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Rife, J. L. 2008. "Approaches to Commingling Issues in Archeological Samples: A Case Study from Roman Era Tombs in Greece." In Recovery, Analysis, and Identification of Commingled Human Remains. Adams, B. J. and Byrd, J. E., editors. 97–122. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press. 2008
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2008. "Forensic Anthropology: Methodology and Diversity of Applications." In Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, 2nd Edition. Katzenberg, M. Anne and Saunders, Shelley R., editors. 41–69. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2008
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2008. "Methodology in Commingling Analysis: An Historical Overview." In Recovery, Analysis, and Identification of Commingled Humans Remains. Adams, B. J. and Byrd, J. E., editors. 1–6. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press. 2008
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2008. "Paleodemography." In Encyclopedia of Archaeology, Vol. 3. Pearsall, Deborah M., editor. 1767–1771. Boston: Academic Press. 2008
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2008. "Prologue: New Perspectives on Northwestern Plains Skeletal Biology and Bioarchaeology." In Skeletal Biology and Bioarchaeology of the Northwestern Plains. Gill, George W. and Weathermon, Rick L., editors. xv–xvi. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. 2008
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2007. "Cranial Photographic Superimposition." In Forensic Sciences, Volume 2. Wecht, Cyril H., editor. 27C 1–27C 41. New York: Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 2007
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2007. "Facial Reproduction." In Forensic Sciences, Volume 3. Wecht, Cyril H., editor. 28E 1–28E 70. New York: Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 2007
    • Knight, Bernard and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2007. "The Examination of Skeletal Remains." In Forensic Sciences, Volume 2. Wecht, Cyril H., editor. 27A 1–27A 22. New York: Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 2007
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2007. "The Impact of Plague in Colonial Period Ecuador: The Skeletal Evidence." In Plague: Epidemics and Societies. Signoli, M., Chevé, D., Adalian, P., Boëtsch, G., and Dutour, O., editors. 131–136. Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press. 2007
  • Conference Paper

    • Ellingham, Sarah, Zapico, Sara, Garriga, Joe Adserias, Ubelaker, Douglas, Getz, Sara, Al Qathani, Sakher, Crowder, Christian, and Dominguez, Victoria. 2022. "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Age Estimation." from A Responsive Academy: Meeting and Surpassing the Challenges of a Modern Forensic Science World. 24. Colorado Springs, Colorado: American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 28 2022
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2022. "The Changing Role of Forensic Anthropology in Investigations of Mass Fatality Incidents." from A Responsive Academy: Meeting and Surpassing the Challenges of a Modern Forensic Science World. 110. Colorado Springs, Colorado: American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 28 2022
  • Information Content Entity

    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2019. "Forensic Sciences Research." Special Issue on Forensic Anthropology. 4, (1), 2019
  • Review

    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2021. [Book review] "Statistics and probability in forensic anthropology." Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2021
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2019. [Book review] "Review of "Reading the bones: activity, biology, and culture" by Elizabeth Weiss." The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 25, (2), 397–398. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2019. [Book review] "Review of Massacres: Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology Approaches by Cheryl P. Anderson and Debra L. Martin." Journal of Anthropological Research, 75, (4), 614–615. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2017. [Book review] "Disturbing Bodies: Perspectives on Forensic Anthropology." Human Remains and Violence, 3, (1), 116–117. 2017
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2017. [Book review] "Review of: Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights." Journal of Forensic Sciences, 62, (1), 275. 2017
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2015. [Book review] "Transformation by Fire: The Archaeology of Cremation in Cultural Context, ed. by Ian Kuijt, Colin P. Quinn, Gabriel Cooney." Journal of Anthropological Research, 71, (2), 289–290. 2015
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2013. [Book review] "The Bioarchaeology of Individuals, edited by Ann L.W. Stodder and Ann M. Palkovich." Journal of Anthropological Research, 69, 121–122. 2013
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2010. [Book review] "Entomology and Death: A Procedural Guide, 2nd Edition." Journal of forensic sciences, 55, (2), 554–554. 2010
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2010. [Book review] "Paleopathology." Journal of Anthropological Research, 66, (3), 426–427. 2010
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2010. [Book review] "Reanalysis and Reinterpretation in Southwestern Bioarchaeology." Journal of Anthropological Research, 66, 160–160. 2010
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2008. [Book review] "Tatham Mound and the Bioarchaeology of European Contact: Disease and Depopulation in Central Gulf Coast Florida." Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 18, (1), 129–131. 2008
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. 2007. [Book review] "The bioarchaeology of children: perspectives from biological and forensic anthropology." Journal of forensic sciences, 52, (5), 1230. 2007
  • Webpage

Collection Or Series Editor For

Editor Of

  • Book

    • Ellingham, Sarah, Adserias-Garriga, Joe, Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 2023. Burnt Human Remains: Recovery, Analysis, and Interpretation. West Sussex: Wiley. Geradts, Zeno and Ubelaker, Douglas H. Forensic Science in Focus. 2023
    • Parra, Roberto C., Zapico, Sara C., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 2020. Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action: Interacting with the Dead and the Living. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Incorporated. Ubelaker, Douglas H. Forensic Science in Focus. 2020
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H. and Colantonio, Sonia E., editors. 2019. Biological Anthropology of Latin America: Historical Development and Recent Advances. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, 51. 2019
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H., editor. 2019. The Global Practice of Forensic Science (Chinese Translation). Beijing: China Science Publishing and Media, Ltd.. 2019
    • Fibiger, Linda and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 2016. Forensic Archaeology. London: Routledge. 2016
    • Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 2016. Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. London: Routledge. 2016
    • Ubelaker, Douglas H., editor. 2013. Forensic Science: Current Issues, Future Directions. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. 2013
    • Grieder, Terence, Farmer, James D., Hill, David V., Stahl, Peter W., and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 2009. Art and Archaeology of Challuabamba, Ecuador. Austin: University of Texas Press. 2009
    • Blau, Soren and Ubelaker, Douglas H., editors. 2009. Handbook of Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, Inc. 2009


