Gilmour, Cynthia
Fellowship Advisor Smithsonian Environmental Research Center staffTrace metal biogeochemistry, particularly mercury: mechanisms and control of microbial mercury methylation from the cellular to ecosystem level; microbial ecology of estuarine, lacustrine and wetland systems; sulfate-reducing bacteria and sulfur biogeochemistry
- Senior Scientist, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center 2004 -
- Associate Director, The Academy of Natural Sciences, Estuarine Research Center 2003 - 2004
Research Areas
Background And Education
Education And Training
- Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park , Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Sciences 1985
- B.A., Cornell University , Biochemistry 1980
Research And Grants
Investigator On
- Actively Shaken In Situ Passive Sampler Platform for Methylmercury and Organics awarded by US DOD Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program 2019 -
- Methylation Potential of Mercury Sulfides for Different Groups of the Methylating Microbial Community awarded by Duke University 2019 -
- Passive Samplers and Carbon Amendments for Monitoring and Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Wetland Sediments awarded by University of Maryland, Baltimore County 2019 -
- Response of Maryland Coastal Plain Watersheds to Mercury Emissions Regulations: Long-term Mercury Monitoring in Small Watersheds at the Smithsonian En awarded by Maryland Department of Natural Resources 2019 -
- 2016 - 2018 Chloride Project Monitoring awarded by State of Maryland
- A Long-term Ecosystem-Level Mercury Deposition, Fate and Transport Study of a Coupled Estuarine/Terrestrial Ecosystem at SERC awarded by University of Maryland, College Park
- A Long-term Ecosystem-Level Mercury Deposition, Fate and Transport Study of a Coupled Estuarine/Terrestrial Ecosystem at SERC awarded by University of Maryland, College Park
- A Study to Determine the Effect of Carbon-Based Amendments on Bioaccumulation of THg and MeHg in Leptocheirus plumulosus awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Actively Shaken In Situ Passive Sampler Platform for Methylmercury and Organics awarded by US DOD Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
- Actively Shaken In Situ Passive Sampler Platform for Methylmercury and Organics awarded by US DOD Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
- Approaches to Estimate the Efficacy of AC Amendments in Reducing Organismal Exposure to Hg and MeHg in Berry's Creek Marshes awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Assessing the Biouptake of THg and MeHg from BCSA North Ditch Sediment awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Assessment of Hg Complexation in FGD Water Treatment Systems, and its Relationship to Treatability awarded by Electric Power Research Institute
- Assessment of Hg and Se Removal Mechanisms in Anaerobic FGD Water Treatment Systems awarded by Electric Power Research Institute
- Berry's Creek Post-treatment Monitoring 2013 awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Biogeochemical Transformations at Critical Interfaces awarded by UT-Battelle
- Development of In-Situ Mercury Remediation Approaches Based on Methylmercury BIOA awarded by University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- EPA Support for METAALICUS 2010 awarded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- EPRI Gavin FGD Leachate Pond Study awarded by Electric Power Research Institute
- Effects of Climate Change on Mercury Cycling and Bioaccumulation in the Great Lakes Region awarded by Reed Harris Environmental Ltd
- Evaluating the Efficacy of a Low-impact Delivery System for the In-situ Treatment of Sediments Contaminated with Methylmercury and Other Hydrophobic Chemicals awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Field Pilot Study of in-situ sorbent Remediation (Activated Carbon) of Mehylmercury in Berry's Creek Marsh awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Field Pilot Study of in-situ sorbent Remediation (Activated Carbon) of Mehylmercury in Berry's Creek Marsh awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Field pilot study of activated carbon to reduce in situ bioavailability of Methylmercury and PCBs in marsh sediments of the Berry's Creek Study area ( awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Independent Scientific Review of Mercury Control Studies awarded by Delta Stewardship Council
- Linking Data from Laboratory and Field Investigations of Mercury Transformation, Bioaccumulation, and Remediation awarded by University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Long-term Ecosystem-Level Mercury Monitoring Site in a Coupled Estuarine/Terrestrial Ecosystem at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center awarded by University of Maryland, College Park
- Long-term Ecosystem-Level Mercury Monitoring Site in a Coupled Estuarine/Terrestrial Ecosystem at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center awarded by University of Maryland, College Park
- Long-term Ecosystem-level Mercury Monitoring Site in a Coupled Estuarine/Terrestrial Ecosystem at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center 2011 awarded by State of Maryland
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) awarded by Arizona State University
- MDE Back River Chloride Project 2016-2017 awarded by State of Maryland
- MDE Jones Falls 2014 Sampling
- METAALICUS Part II: The Fate of Mercury in Watersheds and the Reponse of Lake 658 to Decreased Mercury Load awarded by University of Maryland, College Park
- Mercury/Methylmercury Isotherm Studies awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Microbial Mercury Methylation Processes awarded by UT-Battelle
- Penobscot River Mercury Study - Studies on Mercury Methylation awarded by ENVIRON International Corporation
- Penobscot River Remediation Study Review and Advising Services 2017 awarded by AMEC Foster Wheeler
- Phase 2 South River Sediment Amendment Studies: Impacts of Activated Carbon Amendment on Methylmercury Production awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Preliminary sampling 2012 in Berry's Creek awarded by Exponent, Inc
- Smithsonians Global Change Research Facilities for Large-scale Ecological Forecasting awarded by National Science Foundation
- Studies of Microbial HG Methylation under the Mercury Science Focus Area at the ORNL. awarded by UT-Battelle
- Studies of Microbial Hg Methylation under the Mercury Focus Area at UT-Battelle awarded by UT-Battelle
- Work Plan Development for Berry's Creek New Jersey Sediment Remediation Pilot Study awarded by Exponent, Inc
Selected Publications
- Capo, Eric, Peterson, Benjamin D., Kim, Minjae, Jones, Daniel S., Acinas, Silvia G., Amyot, Marc, Bertilsson, Stefan, Björn, Erik, Buck, Moritz, Cosio, Claudia, Elias, Dwayne A., Gilmour, Cynthia, Goñi-Urriza, Marisol, Gu, Baohua, Lin, Heyu, Liu, Yu-Rong, McMahon, Katherine, Moreau, John W., Pinhassi, Jarone, Podar, Mircea, Puente-Sánchez, Fernando, Sánchez, Pablo, Storck, Veronika, Tada, Yuya, Vigneron, Adrien et al. 2023. "A consensus protocol for the recovery of mercury methylation genes from metagenomes." Molecular Ecology Resources, 23, (1) 190–204. 2023
- Gionfriddo, Caitlin M., Soren, Ally Bullock, Wymore, Ann M., Hartnett, D. Sean, Podar, Mircea, Parks, Jerry M., Elias, Dwayne A., and Gilmour, Cynthia C. 2023. "Transcriptional Control of hgcAB by an ArsR-Like Regulator in Pseudodesulfovibrio mercurii ND132." Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 89, (4). 2023
- Washburn, Spencer J., Damond, Jada, Sanders, James P., Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Ghosh, Upal. 2022. "Uptake Mechanisms of a Novel, Activated Carbon-Based Equilibrium Passive Sampler for Estimating Porewater Methylmercury." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2022
- Gilmour, Cynthia C., Soren, Ally Bullock, Gionfriddo, Caitlin M., Podar, Mircea, Wall, Judy D., Brown, Steven D., Michener, Joshua K., Urriza, Maria Soledad Goni, and Elias, Dwayne A. 2021. "Pseudodesulfovibrio mercurii sp. nov., a mercury- methylating bacterium isolated from sediment." International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 71, (3). 2021
- Podar, Peter T., Peyton, Kellie, Soren, Ally, Wilpiszeski, Regina L., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Elias, Dwayne A., and Podar, Mircea. 2021. "Complete Genome Sequence of Desulfobulbus oligotrophicus Prop6, an Anaerobic Deltabacterota Strain That Lacks Mercury Methylation Capability." Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10, (5). 2021
- Blanchfield, Paul J., Rudd, John W. M., Hrenchuk, Lee E., Amyot, Marc, Babiarz, Christopher L., Beaty, Ken G., Bodaly, R. A. Drew, Branfireun, Brian A., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Graydon, Jennifer A., Hall, Britt D., Harris, Reed C., Heyes, Andrew, Hintelmann, Holger, Hurley, James P., Kelly, Carol A., Krabbenhoft, David P., Lindberg, Steve E., Mason, Robert P., Paterson, Michael J., Podemski, Cheryl L., Sandilands, Ken A., Southworth, George R., St Louis, Vincent L., Tate, Lori S. et al. 2021. "Experimental evidence for recovery of mercury-contaminated fish populations." Nature, 2021
- Gionfriddo, Caitlin M., Wymore, Ann M., Jones, Daniel S., Wilpiszeski, Regina L., Lynes, Mackenzie M., Christensen, Geoff A., Soren, Ally, Gilmour, Cynthia C., Podar, Mircea, and Elias, Dwayne A. 2020. "An Improved hgcAB Primer Set and Direct High-Throughput Sequencing Expand Hg-Methylator Diversity in Nature." Frontiers in Microbiology, 11. 2020
- Sanders, James P., McBurney, Alyssa, Gilmour, Cynthia C., Schwartz, Grace E., Washburn, Spencer, Kane Driscoll, Susan B., Brown, Steven S., and Ghosh, Upal. 2020. "Development of a Novel Equilibrium Passive Sampling Device for Methylmercury in Sediment and Soil Porewaters." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 39, (2) 323–334. 2020
- Eckley, Chris S., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Janssen, Sarah, Luxton, Todd P., Randall, Paul M., Whalin, Lindsay, and Austin, Carrie. 2020. "The assessment and remediation of mercury contaminated sites: A review of current approaches." Science of the Total Environment, 707 Article 136031. 2020
- Christensen, Geoff A., Gionfriddo, Caitlin M., King, Andrew J., Moberly, James G., Miller, Carrie L., Somenahally, Anil C., Callister, Stephen J., Brewer, Heather, Podar, Mircea, Brown, Steven D., Palumbo, Anthony, V., Brandt, Craig C., Wymore, Ann M., Brooks, Scott C., Hwang, Chiachi, Fields, Matthew W., Wall, Judy D., Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Elias, Dwayne A. 2019. "Determining the Reliability of Measuring Mercury Cycling Gene Abundance with Correlations with Mercury and Methylmercury Concentrations." Environmental science & technology, 53, (15) 8649–8663. 2019
- Schwartz, Grace E., Sanders, James P., McBurney, Alyssa M., Brown, Steven S., Ghosh, Upal, and Gilmour, Cynthia C. 2019. "Impact of dissolved organic matter on mercury and methylmercury sorption to activated carbon in soils: implications for remediation." Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 21 485–496. 2019
- Christensen, Geoff A., Somenahally, Anil C., Moberly, James G., Miller, Carrie M., King, Andrew J., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Brown, Steven D., Podar, Mircea, Brandt, Craig C., Brooks, Scott C., Palumbo, Anthony V., Wall, Judy D., and Elias, Dwayne A. 2018. "Carbon Amendments Alter Microbial Community Structure and Net Mercury Methylation Potential in Sediments." Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84, (3) UNSP e01049-17–UNSP e01049-17. 2018
- Hsu-Kim, Heileen, Eckley, Chris S., Achá, Dario, Feng, Xinbin, Gilmour, Cynthia C., Jonsson, Sofi, and Mitchell, Carl P. J. 2018. "Challenges and opportunities for managing aquatic mercury pollution in altered landscapes." Ambio, 47, (2) 141–169. 2018
- Gilmour, Cynthia, Bell, James Tyler, Soren, Ally Bullock, Riedel, Georgia, Riedel, Gerhardt, Kopec, A. D., and Bodaly, R. A. 2018. "Distribution and biogeochemical controls on net methylmercury production in Penobscot River marshes and sediment." Science of The Total Environment, 640-641 555–569. 2018
- Sanders, James P., Andrade, Natasha A., Menzie, Charles A., Amos, C. B., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Henry, Elizabeth A., Brown, Steven S., and Ghosh, Upal. 2018. "Persistent Reductions in the Bioavailability of PCBs at a Tidally Inundated Phragmites australis Marsh Amended with Activated Carbon." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37, (9) 2496–2505. 2018
- Gilmour, Cynthia C., Bullock, Allyson L., McBurney, Alyssa, Podar, Mircea, and Elias, Dwayne A. 2018. "Robust Mercury Methylation across Diverse Methanogenic Archaea." mBio, 9, (2). 2018
- Gilmour, Cynthia C., Bell, Tyler, Soren, Ally, Riedel, Georgia, Riedel, Gerhardt, Kopec, Dianne, Bodaly, Drew, and Ghosh, Upal. 2017. "Activated carbon thin-layer placement as an in situ mercury remediation tool in a Penobscot River salt marsh." Science of the Total Environment, 621 839–848. 2017
- Graham, Andrew M., Cameron-Burr, Keaton, Hajic, Hayley A., Lee, Connie, Msekela, Deborah, and Gilmour, Cynthia C. 2017. "Sulfurization of Dissolved Organic Matter Increases Hg-Sulfide-Dissolved Organic Matter Bioavailability to a Hg-Methylating Bacterium." Environmental science & technology, 51, (16) 9080–9088. 2017
- Christensen, Geoff A., Wymore, Ann M., King, Andrew J., Podar, Mircea, Hurt, Richard A., Santillan, Eugenio U., Soren, Ally, Brandt, Craig C., Brown, Steven D., Palumbo, Anthony V., Wall, Judy D., Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Elias, Dwayne A. 2016. "Development and Validation of Broad-Range Qualitative and Clade-Specific Quantitative Molecular Probes for Assessing Mercury Methylation in the Environment." Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82, (19) 6068–6078. 2016
- Podar, Mircea, Gilmour, Cynthia C., Brandt, Craig C., Soren, Allyson, Brown, Steven D., Crable, Bryan R., Palumbo, Anthony V., Somenahally, Anil C., and Elias, Dwayne A. 2015. "Global prevalence and distribution of genes and microorganisms involved in mercury methylation." Science Advances, 1, (9). 2015
- Lamborg, Carl, Bowman, Katlin, Hammerschmidt, Chad, Gilmour, Cynthia C., Munson, Kathleen, Selin, Noelle, and Tseng, Chun-Mao. 2014. "MERCURY in the Anthropocene Ocean." Oceanography, 27, (1) 76–87. 2014
- Orem, William, Carl Fitz, H., Krabbenhoft, David, Tate, Michael, Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Shafer, Mark. 2014. "Modeling Sulfate Transport and Distribution and Methylmercury Production Associated with Aquifer Storage and Recovery Implementation in the Everglades Protection Area." Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology, 3/4 33–46. 2014
- Gilmour, Cynthia C., Riedel, Georgia S., Riedel, Gerhardt, Kwon, Seokjoon, Landis, Richard, Brown, Steven S., Menzie, Charles A., and Ghosh, Upal. 2013. "Activated Carbon Mitigates Mercury and Methylmercury Bioavailability in Contaminated Sediments." Environmental science & technology, 47, (22) 13001–13010. 2013
- Brown, S. D., Hurt, R. A., Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Elias, D. A. 2013. "Draft Genome Sequences for Three Mercury-Methylating, Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria." Genome Announcements, 1, (4) e00618–13. 2013
- Graham, Andrew M., Aiken, George R., and Gilmour, Cynthia C. 2013. "Effect of Dissolved Organic Matter Source and Character on Microbial Hg Methylation in Hg-S-DOM Solutions." Environmental science & technology, 47, (11) 5746–5754. 2013
- Gomez-Eyles, Jose, Yupanqui, Carmen, Beckingham, Barbara, Riedel, Georgia, Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Ghosh, Upal. 2013. "Evaluation of biochars and activated carbons for in situ remediation of sediments impacted with organics, mercury, and methylmercury." Environmental science & technology, 47, (23) 13721–13729. 2013
- Gilmour, Cynthia C., Podar, Mircea, Bullock, Allyson L., Graham, Andrew M., Brown, Steven D., Somenahally, Anil C., Johs, Alex, Hurt, Richard A., Bailey, Kathryn L., and Elias, Dwayne A. 2013. "Mercury Methylation by Novel Microorganisms from New Environments." Environmental science & technology, 47, (20) 11810–11820. 2013
- Graham, Andrew M., Bullock, Allyson L., Maizel, Andrew C., Elias, Dwayne A., and Gilmour, Cynthia C. 2012. "A Detailed Assessment of the Kinetics of Hg-Cell Association, Hg Methylation, and MeHg Degradation in Several Desulfovibrio Species." Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78 7337–7346. 2012
- Graham, Andrew Mitchell, Aiken, George R., and Gilmour, Cynthia C. 2012. "Dissolved organic matter enhances microbial mercury methylation under sulfidic conditions." Environmental Science & Technology, 46, (5) 2715–2723. 2012
- Driscoll, Charles T., Chen, Celia Y., Hammerschmidt, Chad R., Mason, Robert P., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Sunderland, Elsie M., Greenfield, Ben K., Buckman, Kate L., and Lamborg, Carl H. 2012. "Nutrient supply and mercury dynamics in marine ecosystems: A conceptual model." Environmental research, 119, (November) 118–131. 2012
- Mitchell, Carl P. J., Jordan, Thomas E., Heyes, Andrew, and Gilmour, Cynthia C. 2012. "Tidal exchange of total mercury and methylmercury between a salt marsh and a Chesapeake Bay sub-estuary." Biogeochemistry, 111, (1-3) 583–600. 2012
- Aiken, George R., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Krabbenhoft, David P., and Orem, William. 2011. "Dissolved Organic Matter in the Florida Everglades: Implications for Ecosystem Restoration." Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 41, (6) 217–248. 2011
- Sutton-Grier, Ariana E., Keller, Jason K., Koch, Rachel, Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Megonigal, J. Patrick. 2011. "Electron donors and acceptors influence anaerobic soil organic matter mineralization in tidal marshes." Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43, (7) 1576–1583. 2011
- Brown, Steven D., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Kucken, Amy M., Wall, Judy D., Elias, Dwayne A., Podar, Mircea, Chertkov, Olga, Held, Brittany, Bruce, David C., Detter, John C., Tapia, Roxanne, Han, Cliff S., Goodwin, Lynne A., Cheng, Jan-Fang, Pitluck, Samuel, Woyke, Tanja, Mikhailova, Natalia, Ivanova, Natalia N., Han, James, Lucas, Susan, Lapidus, Alla L., Land, Miriam L., Hauser, Loren J., and Palumbo, Anthony V. 2011. "Genome Sequence of Mercury-Methylating Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132." Journal of Bacteriology, 193, (8) 2078–2079. 2011
- Brown, Steven D., Wall, Judy D., Kucken, Amy M., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Podar, Mircea, Brandt, Craig C., Teshima, Hazuki, Detter, John C., Han, Cliff S., Land, Miriam L., Lucas, Susan, Han, James, Pennacchio, Len, Nolan, Matt, Pitluck, Sam, Woyke, Tanja, Goodwin, Lynne, Palumbo, Anthony V., and Elias, Dwayne A. 2011. "Genome Sequence of Mercury-Methylating and Pleomorphic Desulfovibrio africanus strain Walvis Bay." Journal of Bacteriology, 193, (15) 4037–4038. 2011
- Gilmour, Cynthia C., Elias, Dwayne A., Kucken, Amy M., Brown, Steven D., Palumbo, Anthony V., Schadt, Christopher W., and Wall, Judy D. 2011. "Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132 as a Model for Understanding Bacterial Mercury Methylation." Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77, (12) 3938–3951. 2011
- Orem, William, Gilmour, Cynthia C., Axelrad, Donald, Krabbenhoft, David, Scheidt, Daniel, Kalla, Peter, McCormick, Paul, Gabriel, Mark, and Aiken, George R. 2011. "Sulfur in the South Florida Ecosystem: Distribution, Sources, Biogeochemistry, Impacts, and Management for Restoration." Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 41 249–288. 2011
- Hollweg, T. A., Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Mason, R. P. 2010. "Mercury and methylmercury cycling in sediments of the mid-Atlantic continental shelf and slope." Limnology and Oceanography, 55, (6) 2703–2722. 2010
- Dolor, Marvourneen K., Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Helz, George R. 2009. "Distinct Microbial Behavior of Re Compared to Tc: Evidence Against Microbial Re Fixation in Aquatic Sediments." Geomicrobiology Journal, 26, (7) 470–483. 2009
- Hollweg, T. A., Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Mason, R. P. 2009. "Methylmercury production in sediments of Chesapeake Bay and the mid-Atlantic continental margin." Marine Chemistry, 114, (3-4) 86–101. 2009
- Mitchell, C. P. J. and Gilmour, Cynthia C. 2008. "Methylmercury production in a Chesapeake Bay salt marsh." Journal of Geophysical Research. G. Biogeosciences, 113 G00C04. 2008
- Orihel, Diane M., Paterson, Michael J., Blainchfield, Paul J., Bodaly, R. A. Drew, Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Hintelmann, Holger. 2008. "Temporal changes in the distribution, methylation, and bioaccumulation of newly deposited mercury in an aquatic ecosystem." Environmental Pollution, 154, (1) 77–88. 2008
- Miller, Carrie L., Mason, Robert P., Gilmour, Cynthia C., and Heyes, Andrew. 2007. "Influence of dissolved organic matter on the complexation of mercury under sulfidic conditions." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26, (4) 624–633. 2007
- Munthe, J., Bodaly, R. A. Drew, Branfireun, Brian A., Driscoll, C. T., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Harris, R., Horvat, M., Lucotte, M., and Malm, O. 2007. "Recovery of mercury-contaminated fisheries." Ambio, 36 33–44. 2007
- Harris, Reed C., Rudd, John W. M., Almyot, Marc, Babiarz, Christopher L., Beaty, Ken G., Blanchfield, Paul J., Bodaly, R. A., Branfireun, Brian A., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Graydon, Jennifer A., Heyes, Andrew, Hintelmann, Holger, Hurley, James P., Kelly, Carol A., Krabbenhoft, David P., Lindberg, Steven E., Mason, Robert P., Paterson, Michael J., Podemski, Cheryl L., Robinson, Art, Sandilands, Ken A., Southworth, George R., St. Louis, Vincent L., and Tate, Michael T. 2007. "Whole-ecosystem study shows rapid fish-mercury response to change in mercury deposition." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 16586–16591. 2007
- Gilmour, Cynthia C. and Riedel, Gerhardt F. 2009. "Biogeochemistry of Trace Metals and Metalloids in Inland Aquatic Ecosystems." In Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. 7–15. Oxford: Elsevier. 2 2009
- Krabbenhoft, D., Engstrom, D., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Harris, R., Hurley, J., and Mason, R. 2007. "Monitoring and evaluating trends in sediment and water." In Ecosystem responses to mercury contamination: Indicators of change. Harris, R., editor. 47–86. Boca Raton, FL.: CRC Press. 2007
- Gionfriddo, Caitlin M., Soren, Ally, Wymore, Ann M., Hartnett, D. Sean, Podar, Mircea, Parks, Jerry M., Elias, Dwayne A., and Gilmour, Cynthia. 2023. [Dataset] RNA sequencing dataset from Pseudodesulfovibrio mercurii ND132 batch cultures. Distributed by Edgewater, Maryland: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. 2023
- Gionfriddo, Caitlin M., Soren, Ally, Wymore, Ann M., Hartnett, D. Sean, Podar, Mircea, Parks, Jerry M., Elias, Dwayne A., and Gilmour, Cynthia. 2023. [Dataset] RNA sequencing dataset from Pseudodesulfovibrio mercurii ND132 washed-cell cultures. Distributed by Edgewater, Maryland: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. 2023
- Hrenchuk, Lee, Blanchfield, Paul J., Rudd, John W. M., Amyot, Marc, Babiarz, Christopher L., Beaty, Ken G., Bodaly, Drew R. A., Branfireun, Brian A., Gilmour, Cynthia C., Graydon, Jennifer A., Hall, Britt D., Harris, Reed C., Heyes, Andrew, Hintelmann, Holger, Hurley, James P., Kelly, Carol A., Krabbenhoft, David P., Lindberg, Steve E., Mason, Robert P., Paterson, Michael J., Podemski, Cheryl L., Sandilands, Ken A., Southworth, George R., St. Louis, Vincent L., Tate, Lori S. et al. 2021. [Dataset] Experimental evidence for the recovery of mercury-contaminated fish populations. Distributed by Dryad. 2021
- Gionfriddo, Caitlin M., Capo, Eric, Peterson, Benjamin, Heyu Lin, Jones, Daniel, Bravo, Andrea G., Bertilsson, Stefan, Moreau, John, McMahon, Katherine, Elias, Dwayne, and Gilmour, Cynthia C. 2021. [Dataset] Hg-MATE-Db.v1.01142021. Distributed by The Smithsonian Institution. 2021
- Podar, Mircea, Gilmour, Cynthia C., Brandt, Craig C., Soren, Allyson, Brown, Steven D., Crable, Bryan R., Palumbo, Anthony V., and Somenahally, Anil C. 2015. [Dataset] Supplementary Materials for: Global prevalence and distribution of genes and microorganisms involved in mercury methylation. Distributed by Edgewater, Maryland: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. 2015
Member Of
- Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Academic Department