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Discovery, Total Synthesis and Key Structural Elements for the Immunosuppressive Activity of Cocosolide, a Symmetrical Glycosylated Macrolide Dimer from Marine Cyanobacteria



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  • A new dimeric macrolide xylopyranoside, cocosolide (1), was isolated from the marine cyanobacterium preliminarily identified as Symploca sp. from Guam. The structure was determined by a combination of NMR spectroscopy, HRMS, X-ray diffraction studies and Mosher's analysis of the base hydrolysis product. Its carbon skeleton closely resembles that of clavosolides A-D isolated from the sponge Myriastra clavosa, for which no bioactivity is known. We performed the first total synthesis of cocosolide (1) along with its ?,?]-anomer (26) and macrocyclic core (28), thus leading to the confirmation of the structure of natural 1. The convergent synthesis featured Wadsworth-Emmons cyclopropanation, Sakurai annulation, Yamaguchi macrocyclization/dimerization reaction, ?-selective glycosidation and ?-selective glycosidation. Compounds 1 and 26 potently inhibited IL-2 production in both T-cell receptor dependent and independent manners. Full activity requires the presence of the sugar moiety as well as the intact dimeric structure. Cocosolide also suppressed the proliferation of anti-CD3-stimulated T-cells in a dose-dependent manner.

Publication Date

  • 2016
