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Indirect effects of ecosystem engineering combine with consumer behavior to determine the spatial distribution of herbivory



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  • 1.Ecosystem engineers alter environments by creating, modifying, or destroying habitats. The indirect impacts of ecosystem engineering on trophic interactions should depend on the combination of the spatial distribution of engineered structures and the foraging behavior of consumers that use these structures as refuges. 2.In this study, we assessed the indirect effects of ecosystem engineering by a wood-boring beetle in a neotropical mangrove forest system. We identified herbivory patterns in a dwarf mangrove forest on the archipelago of Twin Cays, Belize. 3.Past wood-boring activity impacted more than one-third of trees through the creation of tree holes that are now used, presumably as predation or thermal refuge, by the herbivorous mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii. The presence of these refuges had a significant impact on plant-animal interactions; herbivory was more than five-fold higher on trees influenced by tree holes relative to those that were completely isolated from these refuges. Additionally, herbivory decreased exponentially with increasing distance from tree holes. 4.We use individual-based simulation modeling to demonstrate that the creation of these herbivory patterns depends on a combination of the use of engineered tree holes for refuge by tree crabs, and the use of two behavior patterns in this species - site fidelity to a "home tree", and more frequent foraging near their home tree. 5.We demonstrate that understanding the spatial distribution of herbivory in this system depends on combining both the use of ecosystem engineering structures with individual behavioral patterns of herbivores. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Publication Date

  • 2017
