Sillett, T. Scott
Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist & Center Head
Avian ecology, population biology, animal behavior, conservation biology, life history of migratory birds, ecological impacts of climate change.
Geographic Focus
Background And Education
Education And Training
- B.A., University of Arizona
- M.S., Louisiana State University
- Ph.D., Dartmouth College
Awards And Honors
- Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Award, conferred by Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Awards, 2019
- Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Award, conferred by Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Awards, 2018
Public Biography
Scott Sillett is a research wildlife biologist and head of the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center. He investigates the ecology and behavior of both migratory and resident bird species. His research emphasizes experimental and multi-decade studies of wild bird populations. Sillett joined the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center in 2002
Sillett's projects include:
- Behavioral and demographic responses of migratory birds to environmental variation
- Integrating knowledge of local adaptation, ecosystem engineering and anthropogenic effects into conservation efforts for island birds
- Ecology of bird populations throughout the annual cycle
Research And Grants
Co-principal Investigator On
Investigator On
- Scaling the Bird Friendly Impact awarded by Knobloch Family Foundation 2020 -
- Assessing anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in a wild population of American kestrels (Falco sparverius) in the western US awarded by Liphatech, Inc 2019 -
- Task Order 13: Ecology and Conservation of Land Birds on the California Channel Islands awarded by The Nature Conservancy 2019 -
- Task Order 14: Ecology and Conservation of Land Birds on the California Channel Islands awarded by The Nature Conservancy 2019 -
- A population viability analysis for Island Scrub-Jay awarded by The Nature Conservancy
- Breeding Ecology and Habitat Associations of Island Scrub-Jays (Task Agreement 3) awarded by The Nature Conservancy
- Coffee Shade Tree Catalogue: Indonesian Edition awarded by Conservation International
- Collaborative Research LTREB: Behavioral and Demographic Response of Migratory Birds to Climate Change awarded by National Science Foundation
- Conservation Partnerships for Painted Buntings awarded by Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund
- Development of a Monitoring Framework for the Island Scrub-Jay awarded by U.S. Geological Survey
- Does winter habitat quality affect the phenology of seasonal events for a migratory songbird wintering in the Caribbean? awarded by Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Awards
- Ecology and Conservation of Landbirds on the California Channel Islands awarded by The Nature Conservancy
- Ecology, Habitat Associations, and West Nile Virus Prevalence in Island Scrub-Jays awarded by The Nature Conservancy
- Framework for a vulnerability assessment of forest birds in the National Capital Region awarded by National Park Service
- LTREB Renewal: Collaborative Research: RUI: Behavioral and Demographic Responses of Migratory Birds to Climate Change awarded by National Science Foundation
- Task Order 15: Ecology and Conservation of Land Birds on the California Channel Islands awarded by The Nature Conservancy
Selected Publications
- Gamboa, Maybellene P., Ghalambor, Cameron K., Sillett, T. S., Funk, W. C., Furbush, Ross A., Husak, Jerry F., and Danner, Raymond M. 2024. "Melospiza melodia (Song Sparrow) bill size is primarily shaped by thermoregulation on the California Channel Islands." Ornithology, 141, (4). 2024
- Gatti, Nicolas, Gomez, Miguel I., Bennett, Ruth E., Sillett, T. Scott, Bowe, Justine, and Li, Jie. 2024. "Are agrochemical-free and biodiversity-friendly attributes substitutes or complements? Evidence from a coffee choice experiment." Agribusiness, 2024
- Mouton, James C., Ton, Riccardo, Sillett, T. Scott, Martin, Thomas E., and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2024. "Behavioural co-option of plant secondary compounds by a cavity-nesting bird is an adaptation against competition and predation." Functional Ecology, 2024
- Kaiser, Sara A., Forg, Lindsey E., Stillman, Andrew N., Deitsch, John F., Sillett, T. S., and Clucas, Gemma V. 2024. "Black‐throated blue warblers (Setophaga caerulescens) exhibit diet flexibility and track seasonal changes in insect availability." Ecology and Evolution, 14, (9). 2024
- Cooper, Nathan W., Yanco, Scott W., Rushing, Clark S., Sillett, T. S., and Marra, Peter P. 2024. "Non-breeding conditions induce carry-over effects on survival of migratory birds." Current Biology, 2024
- Clancey, Erin, MacPherson, Ailene, Cheek, Rebecca G., Mouton, James C., Sillett, T. S., Ghalambor, Cameron K., Funk, W. C., and Hohenlohe, Paul A. 2024. "Unraveling Adaptive Evolutionary Divergence at Microgeographic Scales." The American Naturalist, 203, (2) E35–E49. 2024
- Lewis, William B., Cooper, Robert J., Chandler, Richard B., Chitwood, Ryan W., Cline, Mason H., Hallworth, Michael T., Hatt, Joanna L., Hepinstall‐Cymerman, Jeff, Kaiser, Sara A., Rodenhouse, Nicholas L., Sillett, T. S., Stodola, Kirk W., Webster, Michael S., and Holmes, Richard T. 2023. "Climate‐mediated population dynamics of a migratory songbird differ between the trailing edge and range core." Ecological Monographs, 93, (1). 2023
- Lewis, William B., Cooper, Robert J., Hallworth, Michael T., Brunner, Alicia R., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2023. "Light-level geolocation reveals moderate levels of migratory connectivity for declining and stable populations of Black-throated Blue Warblers (Setophaga caerulescens)." Avian Conservation and Ecology, 18, (2). 2023
- Kaiser, Sara A., Grabenstein, Kathryn C., Sillett, T. Scott, and Webster, Michael S. 2023. "No evidence of sex ratio manipulation by black-throated blue warblers in response to food availability." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77, (11). 2023
- Dossman, Bryant C., Studds, Colin E., LaDeau, Shannon L., Sillett, T. S., and Marra, Peter P. 2023. "The role of tropical rainfall in driving range dynamics for a long-distance migratory bird." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120, (52). 2023
- Sharp, Andrew J., Contina, Andrea, Ruiz-Gutiérrez, Viviana, Sillett, T. Scott, Bridge, Eli S., Besozzi, Elizabeth M., Muller, John A., Kelly, Jeffrey, Given, Aaron M., and Rushing, Clark S. 2023. "The strength of migratory connectivity in Painted Buntings is spatial scale dependent and shaped by molting behavior." Journal of Field Ornithology, 94, (1). 2023
- Buechley, Evan R., Murgatroyd, Megan, Ruffo, Alazar Daka, Bishop, Rebecca C., Christensen, Tara, Marra, Peter P., Sillett, T. S., and Şekercioğlu, Çağan Hakkı. 2022. "Declines in scavenging by endangered vultures in the Horn of Africa." The Journal of Wildlife Management, 86, (3). 2022
- Gatti, Nicolas, Gomez, Miguel, I., Bennett, Ruth E., Sillett, T. Scott, and Bowe, Justine. 2022. "Eco-labels matter: Coffee consumers value agrochemical-free attributes over biodiversity conservation." Food Quality and Preference, 98. 2022
- Cheek, Rebecca G., Forester, Brenna R., Salerno, Patricia E., Trumbo, Daryl R., Langin, Kathryn M., Chen, Nancy, Sillett, T. S., Morrison, Scott A., Ghalambor, Cameron K., and Chris Funk, W. 2022. "Habitat‐linked genetic variation supports microgeographic adaptive divergence in an island‐endemic bird species." Molecular ecology, 31, (10) 2830–2846. 2022
- Bennett, Ruth E., Sillett, T. Scott, Rice, Robert A., and Marra, Peter P. 2022. "Impact of cocoa agricultural intensification on bird diversity and community composition." Conservation Biology, 36, (1). 2022
- Doser, Jeffrey W., Leuenberger, Wendy, Sillett, T. Scott, Hallworth, Michael T., and Zipkin, Elise F. 2022. "Integrated community occupancy models: A framework to assess occurrence and biodiversity dynamics using multiple data sources." Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2022
- Hays, Sarah C., Cheek, Rebecca G., Mouton, James C., Sillett, T. Scott, and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2022. "Lack of avian predators is associated with behavioural plasticity in nest construction and height in an island songbird." Animal Behaviour, 194 35–42. 2022
- Valente, Jonathon J., Bennett, Ruth E., Gómez, Camila, Bayly, Nicholas J., Rice, Robert A., Marra, Peter P., Ryder, T. Brandt, and Sillett, T. Scott. 2022. "Land-sparing and land-sharing provide complementary benefits for conserving avian biodiversity in coffee-growing landscapes." Biological Conservation, 270. 2022
- Sharp, Andrew, Rushing, Clark, Contina, Andrea, Ruiz-Gutierrez, Viviana, Sillett, T. S., Bridge, Eli, Besozzi, Elizabeth, Muller, John, Kelly, Jeff, and Given, Aaron. 2022. "Spatial and temporal scale-dependence of the strength of migratory connectivity in a North American passerine." ResearchSquare Preprint, 2022
- Gamboa, Maybellene P., Ghalambor, Cameron K., Sillett, Terence Scott, Morrison, Scott A., and Funk, William Chris. 2021. "Adaptive divergence in bill morphology and other thermoregulatory traits is facilitated by restricted gene flow in song sparrows on the California Channel Islands." Molecular ecology, 2021
- Desrosiers, Michelle A., Langin, Kathryn M., Funk, W. C., Sillett, T. S., Morrison, Scott A., Ghalambor, Cameron K., and Angeloni, Lisa M. 2021. "Body size is associated with yearling breeding and extra-pair mating in the Island Scrub-Jay." Ornithology, 2021
- Buechley, Evan R., Oppel, Steffen, Efrat, Ron, Phipps, W. Louis, Carbonell Alanis, Isidoro, Alvarez, Ernesto, Andreotti, Alessandro, Arkumarev, Volen, Berger-Tal, Oded, Bermejo Bermejo, Ana, Bounas, Anastasios, Ceccolini, Guido, Cenerini, Anna, Dobrev, Vladimir, Duriez, Olivier, Garcia, Javier, Garcia-Ripolles, Clara, Galan, Manuel, Gil, Alberto, Giraud, Lea, Hatzofe, Ohad, Iglesias-Lebrija, Juan Jose, Karyakin, Igor, Kobierzycki, Erik, Kret, Elzbieta et al. 2021. "Differential survival throughout the full annual cycle of a migratory bird presents a life-history trade-off." Journal of Animal Ecology, 2021
- Rushing, Clark S., Ryder, Thomas Brandt, Valente, Jonathon J., Sillett, T. Scott, and Marra, Peter P. 2021. "Empirical tests of habitat selection theory reveal that conspecific density and patch quality, but not habitat amount, drive long-distance immigration in a wild bird." Ecology Letters, 2021
- Rowley, Michael G., Stanley, Richard C., Antalffy, Janine M., Christhilf, Jennifer L., Stonko, Daniel C., Johnson, Scott B., Cant-Woodside, Shelley, Sillett, T. Scott, Fagan, Matthew E., Studds, Colin E., and Omland, Kevin E. 2021. "Hierarchical distance sampling reveals increased population size and broader habitat use in the endangered Bahama Oriole." Avian Conservation and Ecology, 16, (1). 2021
- Rushing, Clark S., Van Tatenhove, Aimee M., Sharp, Andrew, Ruiz-Gutierrez, Viviana, Freeman, Mary C., Sykes, Paul W., Jr., Given, Aaron M., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2021. "Integrating tracking and resight data enables unbiased inferences about migratory connectivity and winter range survival from archival tags." Ornithological Applications, 123, (2). 2021
- Buechley, Evan R., Girardello, Marco, Santangeli, Andrea, Ruffo, Alazar Daka, Ayalew, Girma, Abebe, Yilma D., Barber, David R., Buij, Ralph, Bildstein, Keith, Mahamued, Bruktawit Abdu, Neate-Clegg, Montague, Ogada, Darcy, Marra, Peter P., Sillett, T. Scott, Thiollay, Jean-Marc, Wikelski, Martin, Yaworsky, Peter, and Şekercioğlu, Çağan H. 2021. "Priority areas for vulture conservation in the Horn of Africa largely fall outside the protected area network." Bird Conservation International, 1–18. 2021
- Sillett, T. Scott, Hochachka, Wesley M., and Taylor, Sabrina S. 2021. "The inaugural issue of Ornithology." Ornithology, 138, (1). 2021
- Germain, Ryan R., Hallworth, Michael T., Kaiser, Sara A., Sillett, T. Scott, and Webster, Michael S. 2021. "Variance in within-pair reproductive success influences the opportunity for selection annually and over the lifetimes of males in a multibrooded songbird." Evolution, 75, (4) 915–930. 2021
- Satterfield, Dara A., Sillett, T. Scott, Chapman, Jason W., Altizer, Sonia, and Marra, Peter P. 2020. "Seasonal insect migrations: massive, influential, and overlooked." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18, (6) 335–344. 2020
- Sofaer, Helen R., Nagle, Lauren, Sillett, T. Scott, Yoon, Jongmin, and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2020. "The importance of nighttime length to latitudinal variation in avian incubation attentiveness." Journal of Avian Biology, 51, (3). 2020
- Hostettere, Nathan J., Gardner, Beth, Sillett, T. Scott, Pollock, Kenneth H., and Simons, Theodore R. 2019. "An integrated model decomposing the components of detection probability and abundance in unmarked populations." Ecosphere, 10, (3) Article e02586. 2019
- Van Tatenhove, Aimee, Filiberti, Emily, Sillett, T. Scott, Rodenhouse, Nicholas, and Hallworth, Michael T. 2019. "Climate-Related Distribution Shifts of Migratory Songbirds and Sciurids in the White Mountain National Forest." Forests, 10, (2) Article 84. 2019
- Johnson, Amy E. M., Sillett, T. Scott, Luther, David, Herrmann, Valentine, Akre, Thomas A., and McShea, William J. 2019. "Effects of grassland management on overwintering bird communities." Journal of Wildlife Management, 83, (7) 1515–1526. 2019
- Morrison, Scott, Sillett, T. Scott, Funk, W. Chris, Ghalambor, Cameron, and Rick, Torben C. 2018. "California Island Rediscovery: building an archive to improve conservation today and equip the historical ecologist of tomorrow." Western North American Naturalist, 78, (4). 2018
- Vernasco, Ben J., Sillett, T. Scott, Marra, Peter P., and Ryder, T. Brandt. 2018. "Environmental predictors of nestling condition, postfledging movement, and postfledging survival in a migratory songbird, the Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)." The Auk, 135, (1) 15–24. 2018
- Boser, Christina, Sillett, T. Scott, Collins, Paul W., Faulkner, Kathryn R., Funk, W. Chris, Ghalambor, Cameron K., Laughrin, Lyndal, Pauly, Gregory B., Robertson, Jeanne M., Shea, Robyn, and Vickers, Winston. 2018. "Equipping tomorrow's historical ecologist: priorities for documenting conditions of the terrestrial fauna of Santa Cruz Island, California." Western North American Naturalist, 78, (4) 879–887. 2018
- Pesendorfer, Mario B., Baker, Christopher M., Stringer, Martin, McDonald-Madden, Eve, Bode, Michael, McEachern, A. Kathryn, Morrison, Scott A., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2018. "Oak habitat recovery on California's largest islands: Scenarios for the role of corvid seed dispersal." Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, (3) 1185–1194. 2018
- Sofaer, Helen R., Sillett, T. Scott, Yoon, Jongmin, Power, Michael L., Morrison, Scott A., and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2018. "Offspring growth and mobility in response to variation in parental care: a comparison between populations." Journal of Avian Biology, 49, (5) jav-01646. 2018
- Cohen, Emily B., Hostetler, Jeffrey A., Hallworth, Michael T., Rushing, Clark S., Sillett, T. Scott, and Marra, Peter P. 2018. "Quantifying the strength of migratory connectivity." Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9, (3) 513–524. 2018
- Satterfield, Dara A., Marra, Peter P., Sillett, T. Scott, and Altizer, Sonia. 2018. "Responses of migratory species and their pathogens to supplemental feeding." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 373, (1745). 2018
- Smith, Maria G., Kaiser, Sara A., Sillett, T. Scott, and Webster, Michael S. 2018. "Variation in nest characteristics and brooding patterns of female Black-throated Blue Warblers is associated with thermal cues." The Auk, 135, (3) 733–747. 2018
- Kaiser, Sara A., Taylor, Scott A., Chen, Nancy, Sillett, T. Scott, Bondra, Eliana R., and Webster, Michael S. 2017. "A comparative assessment of SNP and microsatellite markers for assigning parentage in a socially monogamous bird." Molecular Ecology Resources, 17, (2) 183–193. 2017
- Langin, Kathryn M., Sillett, T. Scott, Morrison, Scott A., and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2017. "Bill morphology and neutral genetic structure both predict variation in acoustic signals within a bird population." Behavioral Ecology, 28, (3) 866–873. 2017
- Cramer, E. R. A., Kaiser, S. A., Webster, M. S., Sillett, T. Scott, and Ryder, Thomas B. 2017. "Characterizing selection in black-throated blue warblers using a sexual network approach." Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30, (12) 2177–2188. 2017
- Kaiser, Sara A., Risk, Benjamin B., Sillett, T. Scott, and Webster, Michael S. 2017. "Ecological and Social Factors Constrain Spatial and Temporal Opportunities for Mating in a Migratory Songbird." American Naturalist, 189, (3) 283–296. 2017
- Morrison, Scott A., Sillett, T. Scott, Funk, W. Chris, Ghalambor, Cameron K., and Rick, Torben C. 2017. "Equipping the 22nd-Century Historical Ecologist." Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 32, (8) 578–588. 2017
- Langin, K. M., Sillett, T. Scott, Funk, W. C., Morrison, S. A., and Ghalambor, C. K. 2017. "Partial support for the central-marginal hypothesis within a population: reduced genetic diversity but not increased differentiation at the range edge of an island endemic bird." Heredity, 119 8–15. 2017
- Rockwell, Sarah M., Wunderle, Joseph M., Sillett, T. Scott, Bocetti, Carol I., Ewert, David N., Currie, Dave, White, Jennifer D., and Marra, Peter P. 2017. "Seasonal survival estimation for a long-distance migratory bird and the influence of winter precipitation." Oecologia, 183, (3) 715–726. 2017
- Rushing, Clark S., Hostetler, Jeffrey A., Sillett, T. Scott, Marra, Peter P., Rotenberg, James A., and Ryder, Thomas B. 2017. "Spatial and temporal drivers of avian population dynamics across the annual cycle." Ecology, 98, (11) 2837–2850. 2017
- Pesendorfer, Mario B., Sillett, T. Scott, and Morrison, Scott A. 2017. "Spatially biased dispersal of acorns by a scatter-hoarding corvid may accelerate passive restoration of oak habitat on California's largest island." Current Zoology, 63, (4) 363–367. 2017
- Yoon, Jongmin, Sofaer, Helen R., Sillett, T. Scott, Morrison, Scott A., and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2017. "The relationship between female brooding and male nestling provisioning: does climate underlie geographic variation in sex roles?" Journal of Avian Biology, 48, (2) 220–228. 2017
- Funk, W. Chris, Lovich, Robert E., Hohenlohe, Paul A., Hofman, Courtney A., Morrison, Scott A., Sillett, T. Scott, Ghalambor, Cameron K., Maldonado, Jesús E., Rick, Torben C., Day, Mitch D., Polato, Nicholas R., Fitzpatrick, Sarah W., Coonan, Timothy J., Crooks, Kevin R., Dillon, Adam, Garcelon, David K., King, Julie L., Boser, Christina L., Gould, Nicholas, and Andelt, William F. 2016. "Adaptive divergence despite strong genetic drift: genomic analysis of the evolutionary mechanisms causing genetic differentiation in the island fox (Urocyon littoralis)." Molecular ecology, 25, (10) 2176–2194. 2016
- Lany, Nina K., Ayres, M. P., Stange, Erik E., Sillett, T. Scott, Rodenhouse, Nicholas L., and Holmes, Richard T. 2016. "Breeding timed to maximize reproductive success for a migratory songbird: the importance of phenological asynchrony." Oikos, 125, (5) 656–666. 2016
- Ryder, Thomas B. and Sillett, T. Scott. 2016. "Climate, demography and lek stability in an Amazonian bird." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283, (1823). 2016
- Pesendorfer, Mario B., Sillett, T. Scott, Morrison, Scott A., and Kamil, Alan C. 2016. "Context-dependent seed dispersal by a scatter-hoarding corvid." Journal of Animal Ecology, 85, (3) 798–805. 2016
- Pesendorfer, Mario B., Sillett, T. Scott, Koenig, Walter D., and Morrison, Scott A. 2016. "Scatter-hoarding corvids as seed dispersers for oaks and pines: A review of a widely distributed mutualism and its utility to habitat restoration." The Condor, 215–237. 2016
- Townsend, Andrea K., Cooch, Evan G., Sillett, T. Scott, Rodenhouse, Nicholas L., Holmes, Richard T., and Webster, Michael S. 2016. "The interacting effects of food, spring temperature, and global climate cycles on population dynamics of a migratory songbird." Global Change Biology, 22, (2) 544–555. 2016
- Hofman, Courtney A., Rick, Torben C., Maldonado, Jesús E., Collins, Paul W., Erlandson, Jon M., Fleischer, Robert C., Smith, Chelsea, Sillett, T. Scott, Ralls, Katherine, Teeter, Wendy, Vellanoweth, René L., and Newsome, Seth D. 2016. "Tracking the origins and diet of an endemic island canid (Urocyon littoralis) across 7300 years of human cultural and environmental change." Quaternary Science Reviews, 146 147–160. 2016
- Sollmann, Rahel, Gardner, Beth, Chandler, Richard B., Royle, J. A., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2015. "An open-population hierarchical distance sampling model." Ecology, 96, (2) 325–331. 2015
- Peele, Ashley M., Marra, Peter P., Sillett, T. Scott, and Sherry, Thomas W. 2015. "Combining survey methods to estimate abundance and transience of migratory birds among tropical nonbreeding habitats." The Auk, 132, (4) 926–937. 2015
- Kaiser, Sara A., Sillett, T. Scott, Risk, Benjamin B., and Webster, Michael S. 2015. "Experimental food supplementation reveals habitat-dependent male reproductive investment in a migratory bird." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282, (1803). 2015
- Hostetler, Jeffrey A., Sillett, T. Scott, and Marra, Peter P. 2015. "Full-annual-cycle population models for migratory birds." The Auk, 132, (2) 433–449. 2015
- Langin, Kathryn M., Sillett, T. Scott, Funk, W. C., Morrison, Scott A., Desrosiers, Michelle A., and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2015. "Islands within an island: Repeated adaptive divergence in a single population." Evolution, 69, (3) 653–665. 2015
- Hallworth, Michael T., Sillett, T. Scott, Van ilgenburg, Steven L., Hobson, Keith A., and Marra, Peter P. 2015. "Migratory connectivity of a Neotropical migratory songbird revealed by archival light-level geolocators." Ecological Applications, 25, (2) 336–347. 2015
- Hofman, Courtney A., Rick, Torben C., Hawkins, Melissa T. R., Funk, W. C., Ralls, Katherine, Boser, Christina L., Collins, Paul W., Coonan, Tim, King, Julie L., Morrison, Scott A., Newsome, Seth D., Sillett, T. Scott, Fleischer, Robert C., and Maldonado, Jesús E. 2015. "Mitochondrial Genomes Suggest Rapid Evolution of Dwarf California Channel Islands Foxes (Urocyon littoralis)." PloS One, 10, (2) 1–15. 2015
- Marra, Peter P., Studds, Colin E., Wilson, Scott, Sillett, T. Scott, Sherry, Thomas W., and Holmes, Richard T. 2015. "Non-breeding season habitat quality mediates the strength of density-dependence for a migratory bird." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282, (1811). 2015
- Marra, Peter P., Studds, Colin E., Wilson, Scott, Sillett, T. Scott, Sherry, Thomas W., and Holmes, Richard T. 2015. "Non-breeding season habitat quality mediates the strength of density-dependence for a migratory bird." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282, (1811). 2015
- Rick, Torben C., Sillett, T. Scott, Ghalambor, Cameron K., Hofman, Courtney A., Ralls, Katherine, Anderson, R. S., Boser, Christina L., Braje, Todd J., Cayan, Daniel R., Chesser, R. Terry, Collins, Paul W., Erlandson, Jon M., Faulkner, Kate R., Fleischer, Robert C., Funk, W. C., Galipeau, Russell, Huston, Ann, King, Julie, Laughrin, Lyndal, Maldonado, Jesús E., McEachern, Kathryn, Muhs, Daniel R., Newsome, Seth D., Reeder-Myers, Leslie, Still, Christopher et al. 2014. "Ecological Change on California's Channel Islands from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene." Bioscience, 64, (8) 680–692. 2014
- Robertson, Jeanne M., Langin, Kathryn M., Sillett, T. Scott, Morrison, Scott A., Ghalambor, Cameron K., and Funk, W. Chris. 2014. "Identifying Evolutionarily Significant Units and Prioritizing Populations for Management on Islands." Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist, 7, (1) 397–411. 2014
- Zipkin, Elise F., Sillett, T. Scott, Grant, Evan H. Campbell, Chandler, Richard B., and Royle, J. Andrew. 2014. "Inferences about population dynamics from count data using multistate models: a comparison to capture–recapture approaches." Ecology and Evolution, 4, (4) 417–426. 2014
- Sofaer, Helen R., Sillett, T. Scott, Langin, Kathryn M., Morrison, Scott A., and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2014. "Partitioning the sources of demographic variation reveals density-dependent nest predation in an island bird population." Ecology and Evolution, 4, (13) 2738–2748. 2014
- Kaiser, Sara A., Sillett, T. Scott, and Webster, Michael S. 2014. "Phenotypic plasticity in hormonal and behavioural responses to changes in resource conditions in a migratory songbird." Animal Behaviour, 96 19–29. 2014
- Morrison, Scott A., Parker, Kevin A., Collins, Paul W., Funk, W. Chris, and Sillett, T. Scott. 2014. "Reintroduction of Historically Extirpated Taxa on the California Channel Islands." Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist, 7, (1) 531–542. 2014
- Pesendorfer, Mario B., Langin, Kathryn M., Cohen, Brian, Principe, Zachary, Morrison, Scott A., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2014. "Stand Structure and Acorn Production of the Island Scrub Oak ( Quercus pacifica )." Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist, 7, (1) 246–259. 2014
- Ims, Jessica J., Sofaer, Helen R., Sillett, T. Scott, and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2014. "Temperature Does Not Affect the Timing of First Nest Departure in Orange-Crowned Warblers." Western North American Naturalist, 74, (1) 66–70. 2014
- Danner, Raymond M., Greenberg, Russell, and Sillett, T. Scott. 2014. "The Implications of Increased Body Size in the Song Sparrows of the California Islands." Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist, 7 348–356. 2014
- Sofaer, Helen R., Chapman, Phillip L., Sillett, T. Scott, and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2013. "Advantages of nonlinear mixed models for fitting avian growth curves." Journal of Avian Biology, 44, (5) 469–478. 2013
- Cline, Mason H., Strong, Allan M., Sillett, T. Scott, Rodenhouse, Nicholas L., and Holmes, Richard T. 2013. "Correlates and Consequences of Breeding Dispersal in a Migratory Songbird." The Auk, 130, (4) 742–752. 2013
- Sofaer, Helen R., Sillett, T. Scott, Peluc, Susana I., Morrison, Scott A., and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2013. "Differential effects of food availability and nest predation risk on avian reproductive strategies." Behavioral Ecology, 24, (3) 698–707. 2013
- Hallworth, Michael T., Studds, Colin E., Sillett, T. Scott, and Marra, Peter P. 2013. "Do archival light-level geolocators and stable hydrogen isotopes provide comparable estimates of breeding-ground origin?" The Auk, 130, (2) 273–282. 2013
- Yoon, Jongmin, Sillett, T. Scott, Morrison, Scott A., and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2013. "Male's return rate, rather than territory fidelity and breeding dispersal, explains geographic variation in song sharing in two populations of an oscine passerine (Oreothlypis celata)." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67, (10) 1691–1697. 2013
- Robertson, Bruce A., Landis, Douglas A., Sillett, T. Scott, Loomis, Elizabeth R., and Rice, Robert A. 2013. "Perennial Agroenergy Feedstocks as En Route Habitat for Spring Migratory Birds." BioEnergy Research, 6, (1) 311–320. 2013
- Caldwell, Luke, Bakker, Victoria J., Sillett, T. Scott, Desrosiers, Michelle A., Morrison, Scott A., and Angeloni, Lisa M. 2013. "Reproductive Ecology of the Island Scrub-Jay (Ecología Reproductiva de Aphelocoma insularis)." The Condor, 115, (3) 603–613. 2013
- Wilson, Scott, Marra, Peter P., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2013. "The Effects of Experimental Irrigation on Plant Productivity, Insect Abundance and the Non-Breeding Season Performance of a Migratory Songbird." PLoS ONE, 8, (1) e55114. 2013
- Townsend, Andrea K., Sillett, T. Scott, Lany, Nina K., Kaiser, Sara A., Rodenhouse, Nicholas L., Webster, Michael S., and Holmes, Richard T. 2013. "Warm Springs, Early Lay Dates, and Double Brooding in a North American Migratory Songbird, the Black-Throated Blue Warbler." PLoS ONE, 8, (4) e59467. 2013
- Robertson, Bruce A., Rice, Robert A., Sillett, T. Scott, Ribic, Christine A., Babcock, Bruce A., Landis, Douglas A., Herkert, James R., Fletcher, Robert J., Fontaine, Joseph J., Doran, Patrick J., and Schemske, Douglas W. 2012. "Are Agrofuels a Conservation Threat or Opportunity for Grassland Birds in the United States?" The Condor, 114, (4) 679–688. 2012
- Yoon, Jongmin, Sillett, T. Scott, Morrison, Scott A., and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2012. "Breeding density, not life history, predicts interpopulation differences in territorial aggression in a passerine bird." Animal Behaviour, 84, (3) 515–521. 2012
- Rick, Torben C., Hofman, Courtney A., Braje, Todd J., Maldonado, Jesús E., Sillett, T. Scott, Danchisko, Kevin, and Erlandson, Jon M. 2012. "Flightless ducks, giant mice and pygmy mammoths: Late Quaternary extinctions on California's Channel Islands." World Archaeology, 44, (1) 3–20. 2012
- Sillett, T. Scott, Chandler, Richard B., Royle, J. Andrew, Kéry, Marc, and Morrison, Scott A. 2012. "Hierarchical distance-sampling models to estimate population size and habitat-specific abundance of an island endemic." Ecological Applications, 22, (7) 1997–2006. 2012
- Sofaer, H. R., Langin, K. M., Wilson, J., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2011. "Demography of songbird populations in a rapidly changing world: the importance of long-term studies." American Biology Teacher, 73, (5) 285–287. 2011
- Morrison, Scott A., Sillett, T. Scott, Ghalambor, Cameron K., Fitzpatrick, John W., Graber, David M., Bakker, Victoria J., Bowman, Reed, Collins, Charles T., Collins, Paul W., Delaney, Kathleen Semple, Doak, Daniel F., Koenig, Walter D., Laughrin, Lyndal, Lieberman, Alan A., Marzluff, John M., Reynolds, Mark D., Scott, J. Michael, Stallcup, Jerre Ann, Vickers, Winston, and Boyce, Walter M. 2011. "Proactive Conservation Management of an Island-endemic Bird Species in the Face of Global Change." Bioscience, 61, (12) 1013–1021. 2011
- Boyce, Walter M., Vickers, Winston, Morrison, Scott A., Sillett, T. Scott, Caldwell, Luke, Wheeler, Sarah S., Barker, Christopher M., Cummings, Robert, and Reisen, William K. 2011. "Surveillance for West Nile Virus and Vaccination of Free-Ranging Island Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma insularis) on Santa Cruz Island, California." Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 11, (8) 1063–1068. 2011
- Colbeck, Gabriel J., Sillett, T. Scott, and Webster, Michael S. 2010. "Asymmetric discrimination of geographical variation in song in a migratory passerine." Animal Behaviour, 80, (2) 311–318. 2010
- Faaborg, John, Holmes, Richard T., Anders, Angela D., Bildstein, Keith L., Dugger, Katie M., Gauthreaux, Sidney A., Jr., Heglund, Patricia, Hobson, Keith A., Jahn, Alex E., Johnson, Douglas H., Latta, Steve C., Levey, Douglas J., Marra, Peter P., Merkord, Christopher L., Nol, Erica, Rothstein, Stephen I., Sherry, Thomas W., Sillett, T. Scott, Thompson, Frank R., III, and Warnock, Nils. 2010. "Conserving migratory land birds in the New World: Do we know enough?" Ecological Applications, 20, (2) 398–418. 2010
- Schwenk, W. Scott, Strong, Allan M., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2010. "Effects of bird predation on arthropod abundance and tree growth across an elevational gradient." Journal of Avian Biology, 41, (4) 367–377. 2010
- Faaborg, John, Holmes, Richard T., Anders, Angela D., Bildstein, Keith L., Dugger, Katie M., Gauthreaux, Sidney A., Jr., Heglund, Patricia, Hobson, Keith A., Jahn, Alex E., Johnson, Douglas H., Latta, Steve C., Levey, Douglas J., Marra, Peter P., Merkord, Christopher L., Nol, Erica, Rothstein, Stephen I., Sherry, Thomas W., Sillett, T. Scott, Thompson, Frank R., III, and Warnock, Nils. 2010. "Recent advances in understanding migration systems of New World land birds." Ecological Monographs, 80, (1) 3–48. 2010
- Horton, Brent M., Yoon, Jongmin, Ghalambor, Cameron K., Moore, Ignacio T., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2010. "Seasonal and population variation in male testosterone levels in breeding orange-crowned warblers (Vermivora celata)." General and Comparative Endocrinology, 168, (3) 333–339. 2010
- Peluc, Susana I., Sillett, T. Scott, Rotenberry, John T., and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2008. "Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in an island songbird exposed to a novel predation risk." Behavioral Ecology, 19, (4) 830–835. 2008
- Cruz-Angon, Andrea, Sillett, T. Scott, and Greenberg, Russell S. 2008. "An Experimental Study of Habitat Selection by Birds in a Coffee Plantation." Ecology, 89, (4) 921–927. 2008
- Salgado-Ortiz, Javier, Marra, Peter P., Sillett, T. Scott, and Robertson, Raleigh J. 2008. "Breeding Ecology of the Mangrove Warbler (Dendroica petechia Bryanti) and Comparative Life History of the Yellow Warbler Subspecies Complex." The Auk, 125, (2) 402–410. 2008
- Betts, Matthew G., Rodenhouse, Nicholas L., Sillett, T. Scott, Doran, Patrick J., and Holmes, Richard T. 2008. "Dynamic occupancy models reveal within-breeding season movement up a habitat quality gradient by a migratory songbird." Ecography, 31, (5) 592–600. 2008
- Rodenhouse, Nicholas L., Matthews, S. N., McFarland, K. P., Lambert, J. D., Iverson, L. R., Prasad, A., Sillett, T. Scott, and Holmes, Richard T. 2008. "Potential effects of climate change on birds of the Northeast." Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 13, (5-6) 517–540. 2008
- Karubian, Jordan, Sillett, T. Scott, and Webster, Michael S. 2008. "The effects of delayed plumage maturation on aggression and survival in male red-backed fairy-wrens." Behavioral Ecology, (3) 508–516. 2008
- Dobbs, Robert C., Sillett, T. Scott, Rodenhouse, Nicholas L., and Holmes, Richard T. 2007. "Population density affects foraging behavior of male Black-throated Blue Warblers during the breeding season." Journal of Field Ornithology, 78, (2) 133–139. 2007
- Montag, Hannah, Nager, Ruedi, Ghalambor, Cameron K., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2009. "Nest Site Selection of the Endemic "Dusky" Orange-crowned Warbler (Vermivora celata sordida) on Santa Catalina Island." In Proceedings of the 7th California Islands Symposium.. Gardelon, D. K., editor. 283–291. Institute for Wildlife Studies. 2009
- Langin, K. M., Sillett, T. Scott, Yoon, J., Sofaer, H. R., Morrison, S. A., and Ghalambor, C. K. 2009. "Reproductive consequences of an extreme drought for orange-crowned warblers on Santa Catalina and Santa Cruz Islands." In Proceedings of the Seventh California Islands Symposium. Garcelon, D. K., editor. 293–300. Institute for Wildlife Studies. 2009
- Cooper, Nathan W., Yanco, Scott W., Rushing, Clark S., Sillett, T. Scott, and Marra, Peter P. 2024. [Dataset] Data for Current Biology report 'Non-breeding conditions induce carry-over effects on survival of migratory birds'. Distributed by Smithsonian National Zoological Park. 2024
- Rushing, Clark S., Van Tatenhove, Aimee M., Sharp, Andrew, Ruiz-Gutierrez, Viviana, Freeman, Mary C., Sykes, Paul W., Jr., Given, Aaron M., and Sillett, T. Scott. 2021. [Dataset] Data from: Integrating tracking and resight data enables unbiased inferences about migratory connectivity and winter range survival from archival tags. Distributed by Dryad. 2021
- Rushing, Clark, Ryder, Brandt, Valente, Jonathon J., Sillett, T. Scott, and Marra, Peter P. 2021. [Dataset] Empirical tests of habitat selection theory reveal that conspecific density and patch quality, but not habitat amount, drive long-distance immigration in a wild bird. Distributed by Dryad. 2021
- Cheek, Rebecca G., Hays, Sarah C., Mouton, James C., Sillett, T. Scott, and Ghalambor, Cameron K. 2021. [Dataset] Lack of avian predators is associated with behavioural plasticity in nest construction and height in an island songbird. Distributed by Dryad. 2021
- Rushing, Clark S., Hostetler, Jeffrey A., Sillett, T. Scott, Marra, Peter P., and Ryder, Thomas B. 2017. [Dataset] Demographic data used in spatial and temporal drivers of avian population dynamic across the annual cycle. (CSV). [csv] Distributed by Washington, DC: Smithsonian Research Online. 2017
- Jones, Todd M., Cooper, Nathan W., Haradon, Haley A., Brunner, Alicia R., Dossman, Bryant C., Ward, Michael P., Sillett, T. Scott, and Kaiser, Sara A. 2024. "Considerations for radio-transmitter specifications on songbirds: color and antenna length matter too." Dedham; 231 Bussey St., Beckwith and Brown, Dedham, Massachusetts, UNITED STATES 2024
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